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Credo Mutwa"I demand it of the nations of the world: stop looting Africa. Stop defiling my motherland. Listen to Africa, please. Listen to the race already under sentence of death by American, British and whatever scientists."
IMF-Ethics.jpg"We're here to help you"
Why America needs war in EuropeA Russian production with English sub-titles
OK, so it's propaganda, but better and more accurate than its absurd western counterparts
Transcription: Olya Translation & Editing: Katya. production: Marina, Katya & Augmented by Ether
BombForDemocracy.jpgAnother round of Humanitarian Bombing for Iraq and Syria.
Those responsible know that the results will be identical to all the others - Chaos and human suffering out of all proportion to the alleged head-chopping casus belli.
₪₪US Bombing campaigns since 1945₰₰
Ukrainian National Guard atrocitiesAtrocities and war crimes committed by both the Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian National Guard in Eastern Ukraine against its civilian population. The western media are silent on this issue and will not show any of this footage. This is a civil war that Anglo-US-NATO do not want you to see.
Oleg Lyashko gets thumpedBest laugh of the week Dept Oleg Lyashko₰, Ukraine Radical Party MP, self-appointed enforcer of The Revolution and all-round wannabe tough guy, goads Independent MP ₪ Oleksandr Shevchenko₰: "Look at this pot-bellied fatty,". Oops! big mistake
Two PMs - One speechClose to word-prefect
Selling the 2003 Iraq war to sceptical parliaments
Two prime ministers - Canada's Stephen Harper and Australia's John Howard - One speech.
Luhansk 18 July 2014Horrific results of artillery bombardment by the Ukrainian army. This occurred on the day after the ₪₪Malaysia Airlines Flight 17₰₰ crash - thus it was a good day to hide yet another atrocity - the western media duly ignored it. In February 2014 the ₪ US warned then president Viktor Yanukovitch₰ in the starkest terms not to use force against "peaceful civilian protestors"; but there is not a critical word as the new Kiev Junta military engages in repeated artillery bombardment of its own civilians. Double-standards does not begin to describe the gross hypocrisy involved
Anthony Lawson on GazaISRAEL, stolen land of the self-proclaimed Chosenites: A bizarre Orwellian amalgam of whining, sanctimonious victim-hood and vicious genocidal, psychopathy that hardly a politician in the West dare criticise.
Now why IS that do you suppose?
A Kiev politicianIryna Farion, Svoboda Party Member of the Ukraine Parliament, visits a kindergarten in Lviv. Trashes 5 year old children for having Russian names. This woman is Deputy Chairman for the Parliament Committee of Science and Education
IDF soldiersIsraeli ₪₪IDF₰₰ soldiers (from "the most moral army in the world" we are told) having a hilarious time destroying property and killing people - video from Gaza, July 2014
I am become DeathJ. Robert Oppenheimer
Recollections of the first atomic explosion at Alamogordo, New Mexico on 16 July 1945. Clearly, it corroded his soul.
Fake empathyJustin Trudeau, Leader of the Canadian Liberal Party 14 April 2014, on shared Canadian-Israeli values: (from @ 2:00) "....democracy, openness, tolerance, compassion, respect for the rule of law and, perhaps above all, the quest for peace" . Nauseating faux-sincerity, sanctimonious-phoniness and smiling, reptilian facial accompaniments. A worthy ₪₪ZOG₰₰ aspirant, in desperate need of some actor-school training.
What has become of the Slavic peopleLament for a bitter civil war. A scathing condemnation of those who would abandon their historic roots for the blandishments of strangers whose self-serving motives are blindingly obvious
Cameron MashWarning:Strong language
In keeping with an environment where truth is generally closer to the polar opposite of what we are earnestly told by the political elites, this Cameron mash-up is likewise far closer to what the man is really about.
Gilad Atzmon thanks Nick CooperYou must not talk about Jewish power
And it is the Jewish Left - among the loudest promoters and defenders of most 'progressive causes', including that of the Palestinians - who are the principle enforcers of this taboo.
Galloway on ISIS₪₪George Galloway₰₰'s Statement to the UK Parliament on ₪₪ISIS₰₰ airstrikes
Prima-Dona he may be, but compared to the clueless sycophancy and pompous absurdity of most of his fellow MP's on Foreign affairs, the man is pure genius
Isis-usa.jpg'Two-faced' is an inadequate term for the soul-less Machiavellian calculation of US military activity in the Middle East - and everywhere else for that matter
US exceptionalism at the UN22 August 2014: Voice of America UN Bureau Chief suggests that supplying baby food to rebel held areas is "helping the rebels because rebels have babies too". Anatoly Churkin nails it with the contempt it deserves.
Shock therapy for Ukrainian Artillerymen28 August 2014, Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine. A captured Ukrainian army mortar team are confronted with the results of their handiwork. "Commander gave us the coordinates and told us there were terrorists there"
Solving 911 ends the war9/11, links to Israel, the Mossad, and crimes within the crime are covered by Christopher Bollyn in an uncensored discussion with Sean Stone.
Simpsons-UK2015-ElectionResult.jpgA 'Simpsons' map of the 2015 UK general election result
Russian Deputy Defense Minister on MH17A calm composed Anatoly Antonov poses serious questions for the US about the crash of ₪₪Flight MH17₰₰ and makes telling observations about the shelling of Lugansk, Donetsk and Russian territory - All of which are ignored by the Western media
Berlin-israel-wall.jpgA graphical illustration and comparison of the extent and sizes of the Berlin wall of the Cold War and the Israeli so-called "Security fence".
An Afghan Freedom FighterA native Afghan fighting with the Donbass Militia tells all you need to know about the conflict in Ukraine
Dependence on russia.jpgA new round of sanctions, rumoured to be targeting Russia's major energy supply companies, is to be unveiled. It's called "Cutting off your nose to spite your face"
HongKongProtestor.pngA screen grab from video footage of the late September 2014 protests in Hong Kong
The BBC caption sums it up - ₪ Here is the detail₰
Rupert Sheldrake/TEDx Whitechapel 2015A wide ranging presentation on the dogmatic nature of 21st century scientific orthodoxy that generated outrage among its guardians
ClimateChurch.jpgAl Gore leads the climate change faithful
No Man's LandAn Eric Bogle song - a lyrical meditation if you will - that evokes the realities of war more honestly than the official ceremonies with their obfuscating leitmotif of restrained pomp and militarism and sung appropriately here in both English and German by Eric Bogle and Wachol
₪₪Remembrance day meditation₰₰
The worst international crises since the Cuban missiles crisisAn extraordinary speech about the risk of war with Russia by professor Stephen Cohen, one of the most respected authorities on Russia among American and Western scholars.
China and the NWOAn impressive corpus of suppressed information about the role of the commercial and banking dynasties in enabling revolutions - they are always treated as investments, no matter the outcome and plans of the NWO architects proceed apace.
U.S. Prison Guard Remembers Eisenhower's Death CampsAn interview with ₪₪Martin Brech₰₰, a former guard at one of the Rhine Meadow camps in 1945
South Africa/Nuclear weapons/1989 Sell OffAn introduction to the South African nuclear weapons affair.
Dirty deals and gross incompetence by insiders in the ₪₪Margaret Thatcher₰₰ administration, the sordid details of which were known to ₪₪David Kelly₰₰ who provided technical expertise during the trip with ₪₪Sir Kenneth Warren₰₰ and ₪₪David Cameron₰₰.
RussiaWantsWar.pngAsk yourself - honestly - Which party looks like the aggressive one here?
IDF-Gaza-Teeshirt.jpgAugust 2014 in a Tel Aviv bar. IDF hero recounts his part in the massacre of over 2,000 people and the near total destruction of the Gaza infrastructure by ₪ "The most moral army in the world"₰
Rebel-terrorist.jpgBoth financed supplied and used by Uncle Sam to purposes largely hidden from its population herd
US military aid 2014.jpgBreakdown of worldwide US military aid
Turkish TrailerBroadcast on Turkish TV thru February 2014 - ie BEFORE the shock-horror beheading videos of James Foley and other westerners appeared in the ₪₪Corporate media
Hiroshima terrorists.jpgBut the superior 'wisdom' of adults blinds them to the obvious
The Terrorist in ChiefDavid Rovics' ode to US President Barack Obama. Deconstructing the Orwellian Newspeak of the 'War on Terror'
Bomb or behead.jpgDeath by Bombing and beheading compared
Deir-yassin.jpgDeir Yassin commemoration graphic for the
Dollar-war-dees.jpgDollar hegemony in a picture
Babushka to ObamaDon't go to war, Obama, - warns an ordinary Russian babushka. Instead come to visit me, we'll eat blinis and pray together!
Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave TradeDr Tony Martin decribes the tactics employed against him by organised Jewish groups in attempts to both discredit and silence him on the subject of Jewish involvement in the slave trade
A woman from LuganskEnglish journalist Graham Philips interviews a woman caught up in the bloody civil war in Eastern Ukraine in early September 2014
The absurdity of Dollar hegemonyEnglish-speakers pay close attention to the sub-titles. They are a bit fast in places, plus syntax and spelling is not perfect, but this video is a succinct explanation of why Anglo-US-NATO behaves the way it does and why a global economic reset is imminent - probably precipitated by a contrived world war
Paid-for Zionist propagandaEver wondered why there are so many defenders of Israel and Zionism out there? This is part of the answer - By way of deception thou shall fool the masses
Shut up Conspiracy TheoristEverything you wanted to know about shutting up a pesky conspiracy theorist in 5 minutes.
The genocidal hatred of the Israeli mobFilmed in Tel Aviv on 26 July 2014. ₪ OCHA reports from the same date₰ detail 1000+ Palestinians killed, 200+ of them children. 6200+ injured, 2000+ of them children and 215,000+ displaced people. The mob chants: "No school tomorrow; no children left in Gaza! Oleh!". Ahmad Tibi and Haneen Zoabi, the people whose murder they are inciting, are Arab-Israeli members of the Knesset
UK-Nazi-5Pound.jpgGerman forgery of British £5 note with suitable u-t-d caption - ₪ source₰
USElectorate.jpgGive the voters what they want - especially "More Celeb News" - how could we possibly survive without celebrities???
Ukraine territory historical.jpegHistorical territory of The Ukraine illustrating the intertwined relationships with both pre and post-revolutionary Russia and the USSR
ME-Terror-Guide.jpgHow to simultaneously confuse and terrify the Western ₪₪sheeple₰₰, the better to herd them into support for the ₪₪Humanitarian intervention₰₰ campaign du-jour.
Bear and wolf uniteIf you don't already understand the fundamental allegiance alluded to in this video as being at the root of the worlds perpetual wars, that is because it is forbidden knowledge, the dissemination of which will earn you a prison sentence or worse in most of the "civilised" world. Open your eyes; do your own research and beware the "₪₪Official Narrative₰₰"
NATO moves closer to RussiaIn a speech to the annual conference of the US Army Association on ₪ 15 October 2014₰, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel identified Russia as "The main enemy" and said "US armed forces must deal with a revisionist Russia – with its modern and capable army – on NATO’s doorstep." This is Rear Admiral John - rabbit in the headlights - Kirby dealing with press questions about the claims.
Marina from LugaskInterviewed by Graham Philips on 17 August 2104, Marina is considered a terrorist by the Kiev Junta. She clearly understands exactly what is going on. A poignant illustration of the reaction of simple, good people to the pure evil being visited on them by the Western-backed Junta in Ukraine
CFR/InfluenceListening to Ms Clinton is never easy - but the implication that the ₪₪CFR₰₰ actually controls the ₪₪US State Department₰₰ provided by her opening remarks in this video makes the effort worthwhile in this case.
ScotlandYes.jpgLooks like Scotland's Imperial Masters have been rumbled
Blair children.jpgMore evidence of a world gone mad
The man responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children is honoured by one of the UK's principal children's charities
Dnipropetrovsk 2014-10-31More of what the western-sponsored coup in Ukraine has produced in its public discourse. Female member of opposition party is thrown in trash by Right Sector in Dnepropretrovsk.
Credit: ₪ niqnaq₰
Russian Crimea, One Year LaterNATO calls Crimea "invaded" and "occupied." NATO has taught the world well what invasion and occupation really looks like, and Crimea isn't it.
CameronTerrorQuiz.jpgNo Comment
EU and the bears oil.jpgNo comment
Tony-blair-war-criminal.jpgNo comment
Obama-Putin3.jpgNo comment
WaterBucketChallenge.jpgNo comment
Russell Brand - The TrewsNot everyone's presentational cup of tea, but Brand is an intelligent observer of Establishment double standards and hypocrisies. This video is a spot-on deconstruction of the nasty arrogant absurdity of Fox News's Sean Hannity and his framing of the genocide unfolding the Gaza of July 2014
OSCE on wreckage damageOSCE observer spokesman Michael Bociurkiw interviewed by CBS News on 23 July 2014. Referring to the wreckage he says:
"... 2 or 3 pieces of fuselage that have been really pock-marked with what almost looks like machine-gun fire - very very strong machine-gun fire"
He also mentions not having seen any evidence of missile parts in the wreckage.
Vladivostok airport sign.jpgOfficial sign posted in Vladivostock airport - International zone August 29 2014
RT Crosstalk 10 September 2014Peter Lavelle discusses the current situation in Ukraine and the state of Ruusia-West relations with guests ₪₪Nicolai Petro₰₰, ₪₪Gilbert Doctorow₰₰ and ₪₪Ray McGovern₰₰
RT Crosstalk 23 July 2014Peter Lavelle with guests Vladimir Suchan, Eric Kraus and Eric Draiser. The US says it has "A mountain of evidence that Russia facilitated the ₪₪Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
TuskWailingWall.jpgPoland's Donald Tusk (complete with strange headgear - presumably to hide the bald spot), extreme Russophobe and ₪ newly appointed EU Council president₰, doing what aspiring western politician know they must do if they are to reach the top.
MH17:The untold storyPublished by RT on 22 October 2014, some 3 months after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was violently brought down from the skies over Ukraine. There were still no definitive answers as to what caused the tragedy. Civil conflict in the area prevented international experts from conducting a full and thorough investigation. But .... the evidence against the Ukrainian military is both damning and ruthlessly suppressed in the West
Poroshenko1.jpgPyotr Poroshenko, 5th President of the Ukraine.
Who is Vladimir PutinRenowned Russian economist Mikhail Khazin shares his view of Putin and of Putin's current position vis-à-vis the hostile and Russophobic West. A rare insider view of what is really happening behind the Kremlin walls.
Russian agression.jpgRussia -v- Anglo-US-NATO. The global context
CrossTalk: The Bear & The DragonRussia and China are moving closer together as Moscow becomes more and more disenchanted with the West. Can these two countries successfully challenge western hegemony?
The info war for UkraineSatirical spoof of the fabricated "news" surrounding the Ukraine "ïnvasion" by Russia from one of the most watched German TV channels. It seems that Germany is starting to see through the fog of endless western media BS
PutinPee.jpgSays it all really
Sergei Glazyev on NATO intent to attack RussiaSpoken in Russia with English sub-titles, Glazyev's presentation is both credible and persuasive. It is consistent with the past 70 years of implacable US-NATO aggression towards its former WWII ally the USSR and latterly Russia itself. Russia is required to see things the US-NATO way; failing that it will be - and is being - subjected to relentlessly escalating pressure which carries grave risks for the entire world. The most revealing (rhetorical) questions at this juncture are: 1. Who always profits from war? and 2. Who is driving this insane Western policy?
The green fields of FranceSung 50/50 in English and German by Eric Bogle and the German folk group Wachol. Counterpoint to the jingoistic commemorations of the "war to end wars" in this centenary year of its outbreak.
June 2019 upgradeTest
Test with internal hyperlink
Humanitarian tragedy in UkraineThe Kiev junta wages criminal punitive operations against the people of Eastern Ukraine. The junta says these people are “terrorists” and “subhumans”. The western media is silent. Countless atrocities are committed
Ukrainian sacrificeThe Ukrainian Junta of Petro Poroshenko is systematically hiding massive losses of young Ukrainian army conscripts through the summer of 2014
Moral armyThe depravity of Zionist Israel and the silent complicity of the World's ₪₪ZOG₰₰'s
RussianSanctionsReply.jpgThe effect of Russia's reply to sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia in the wake of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 disaster. ₪ EU Producers glum - Russians approve₰
White-red-poppy-field.jpgThe military are not the only casualties of war; the healing power of truth requires that remembrance include the vast numbers of its civilian victims too.
Image credit: ₪ Another Angry Voice₰
Hollande Bonaparte.jpgThe pathetically absurd President of France - ₪₪Francoise Hollande₰₰
Ukraine DemocracyThe reality of post-coup Ukraine that the Western media go to absurd lengths to sanitize - when they take a break from demonising Putin's Russia for it all.
The Defence IlovayskThe rebels are called "Terrorists". They are accused of propaganda and all manner of crimes against their own civilian populations. To watch this is to understand the gross libel of those accusations and the criminality of the Kiev Junta
BackToTheFuture.pngThe rhetoric of 'progress' belied by the reality
Israel-911.pngThings that make you go Hmmmm.
Quite something from an Israeli Establishment ₪ media outlet₰.
BBC Russia MH17 reportThis BBC report provides eye witnesses evidence sourced by their own reporter, Olga Ivshina, which does not correspond to the Anglo-US-NATO narrative of Russian blame. Many witnesses verified there were ₪ 2 Ukraine SU25 close to the downed MH17₰. Their presence was also confirmed by real-time radar traces provided by the Russian Air Ministry. This is a BBC edited version of the original. The differences are analyzed ₪ here₰
The spirit of the Novorossia MilitiaThis demonstrates why a lightly armed and hastily cobbled together resistance militia consistently manages to trounce an aircraft and artillery equipped army 10 times it size. It is the existence and determination of 10's of thousands of men like this that guarantee those who initiated the orgy of destruction and killing in Novorossia will not prevail
Novorossiya messages to EuropeansThis is not a glitzy polished professional presentation. Rather, it is a GENUINE rueful and heartfelt message from ordinary working men who are doing what any real man would do in the same circumstances - defending their homes and families from vicious attack by outsiders
Number sevenThis speech followed the IMF’s annual review of the US economy. Treat it light-heartedly if you will, but do people in her position EVER make a public pronouncement without vetting every word VERY carefully? - and 2014 is indeed turning out to be quite a year. This from Michael Hoffman₰
Re-inventing NATO?Very informative discussion about the geo-political situation in light of the ₪₪NATO₰₰ summit in Wales on 4-5 September 2014
Nato-terrorists.jpgWith its ₪₪Operation Gladio₰₰, Yugoslavia, and Libyan operations/campaigns as guides, here is a more fitting by-line and emblem for ₪₪NATO₰₰
Heathcote Williams on WWIWritten by Heathcote Williams upon learning, in 2012, that the UK government was to spend £50 million on commemorating the centenary of the first world war.
Source: ₪ No Glory in War₰
US-Exceptionalism.jpg source₰
George Galloway Video₪₪George Galloway₰₰ is a British MP and long-time fierce advocate for the Palestinian cause. He was ₪ viciously assaulted in a London Street₰ by a fanatical young Israel-Firster. The silence of the ₪₪corporate media₰₰ was deafening.
Kolomoysky on MH17₪₪Ihor Kolomoyskyi₰₰: "We shot down ₪₪MH17₰₰ accidentally. Wanted to shoot down one plane, but hit another one."
This is the Jewish Oligarch appointed by the Junta to rule over Dnipropetrovsk Oblast and who finances the 'volunteer' Donbas Battalion,<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> allegedly responsible for ₪₪war crimes₰₰ in Eastern Ukraine.
Teft-Party.jpg₪₪John F Tefft₰₰, newly (August 2014) appointed US Ambassador to Russia and clearly one of 'Da Boyz', demonstrating his adherence to 'Western values' - Russian translation: New pimp in town; same old whores" Hmmmm, who said the Russian's don't get it?
Showing 20 pages using this property.
'''Iryna Farion''', Svoboda Party Member of the Ukraine Parliament, visits a kindergarten in Lviv. Trashes 5 year old children for having Russian names. This woman is Deputy Chairman for the Parliament Committee of Science and Education  +
English journalist Graham Philips interviews a woman caught up in the bloody civil war in Eastern Ukraine in early September 2014  +
A native Afghan fighting with the Donbass Militia tells all you need to know about the conflict in Ukraine  +
'''ISRAEL, stolen land of the self-proclaimed Chosenites:''' A bizarre Orwellian amalgam of whining, sanctimonious victim-hood and vicious genocidal, psychopathy that hardly a politician in the West dare criticise.<br/>'''Now why ''IS'' that do you suppose?'''  +
This BBC report provides eye witnesses evidence sourced by their own reporter, Olga Ivshina, which does not correspond to the Anglo-US-NATO narrative of Russian blame. Many witnesses verified there were ₪ 2 Ukraine SU25 close to the downed MH17₰. Their presence was also confirmed by real-time radar traces provided by the Russian Air Ministry. This is a BBC edited version of the original. The differences are analyzed ₪ here₰  +
Don't go to war, Obama, - warns an ordinary Russian babushka. Instead come to visit me, we'll eat blinis and pray together!  +
The rhetoric of 'progress' belied by the reality  +
If you don't already understand the fundamental allegiance alluded to in this video as being at the root of the worlds perpetual wars, that is because it is forbidden knowledge, the dissemination of which will earn you a prison sentence or worse in most of the ''"civilised"'' world. Open your eyes; do your own research and beware the ''"₪₪Official Narrative₰₰"''  +
A graphical illustration and comparison of the extent and sizes of the Berlin wall of the Cold War and the Israeli so-called "Security fence".  +
More evidence of a world gone mad<br/> The man responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children is honoured by one of the UK's principal children's charities  +
Death by Bombing and beheading compared  +
'''Another round of Humanitarian Bombing for Iraq and Syria.'''<br/>Those responsible know that the results will be identical to all the others - Chaos and human suffering out of all proportion to the alleged head-chopping casus belli.<br/><small>₪₪US Bombing campaigns since 1945₰₰</small>  +
Listening to Ms Clinton is never easy - but the implication that the ₪₪CFR₰₰ actually controls the ₪₪US State Department₰₰ provided by her opening remarks in this video makes the effort worthwhile in this case.  +
'''Warning:Strong language'''<br/>In keeping with an environment where truth is generally closer to the polar opposite of what we are earnestly told by the political elites, this Cameron mash-up is likewise far closer to what the man is really about.  +
No Comment  +
An impressive corpus of suppressed information about the role of the commercial and banking dynasties in enabling revolutions - they are always treated as investments, no matter the outcome and plans of the NWO architects proceed apace.  +
Al Gore leads the climate change faithful  +
"I demand it of the nations of the world: stop looting Africa. Stop defiling my motherland. Listen to Africa, please. Listen to the race already under sentence of death by American, British and whatever scientists."  +
Russia and China are moving closer together as Moscow becomes more and more disenchanted with the West. Can these two countries successfully challenge western hegemony?  +
Deir Yassin commemoration graphic for the  +