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|members=Jean Marie Dubois,Luke Kai-Hsin Chin,Poul Antonsen,Jean-Louis Guillemard,Gerhard Herdegen,Vernon B. Bogdanor,Robert Skidelsky,Ram Niwas Mirdha,Nollaig O Gadhra,Nathan Shaham,Tommaso D'Amico,Mohamed Berjaoui,Michael van Hulten,Samuel Oladele Ige,Kamal Az Far,Urelio B. Calderon,Cornel Capusan,Ranjit Atapattu,Leif H. I. Carlsson,Bernt Eklundh,Tang Thi Thanh Trai
These are the participants from 1969 for the yearly International Seminar led by [[Henry Kissinger]] at Harvard University.<ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784669</ref>. With 21 names and normally 40-50 people participating, this list is most likely incomplete<ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullviewnoocr?parentoid=11775254</ref>
==Select examples==
The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>  Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>
JEAN MARIE DUBOIS (1969). Address: rue Bemel 65, 1150
Brussels; tel: 02/770-44-25. Occupation and Office Address:
Attaché of the Executive Committee of Empain-Schneider In-
dustrial Group, since January 1974—in charge of three corpo-
rations: Verlica-Momignies S.A., Bouteilleries Belges Reunies
S.A., Momiplast S.A.; VERLIPACK, 188A Avenue de Tervueren,
B-1150 Brussels; tel: 02/770-48-44. Previous Position: In
charge of technological research and development in the Prime
Minister's Office until the end of 1973; started the first national
program on water pollution; Belgian co-ordinator and secre-
tary of the delegation to the UN Stockholm Conference on the
Environment, 1972. Publications: Une Stratégie de Progrès-
Planifier l'enterprise, Brussels, Marabout, 1974 (book);
"Thoughts on Corporate Planning," Manager, Milan, June
1973; editor of a special issue of "Reflects et Perspectives de la
vie économique," on the socio-economic aspects of protection
of the environment, Brussels, December 1973; and others
*[[LUKE KAI-HSIN CHIN (1969). Address: 326 Lincoln Place,
#3E, Brooklyn, New York 11238 USA (until March 1977); tel:
212/789-2963. Occupation and Office Address: Doing re-
search at New York University since the fall of 1974; Institute of
International Relations, 64 Wan Shou Road, Mucha, Taipei
(permanent address); tel: 9314921. Previous Positions: Re-
search Fellow and head of publication, Institute of International
Relations; participated in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sino-American
conferences on Mainland China in San Francisco, Taipei, and
Washington, D.C., 1972, 1973, and 1974. Publications: Pro-
ceedings of the Third Sino-American Conference on Mainland
Chi na (forthcoming).
*[[POUL ANTONSEN (1969). Address: Trongaardsparken 109,
DK-2800 Lyngby; te/: 01/87-77-19. Occupation and Office
Address: Managing Director of the Danish Brewers' Associa-
tion; Frederiksberggade 11, 1459 Copenhagen K; tel: 01/12-
62-41. Previous positions: Managing Director of the Associa-
tion of Danish Provincial Banks, 1970-72; Member of Parlia-
ment, May-June 1974.
*[[JEAN-LOUIS GUILLEMARD (1969). Address: 5, rue Casimir
Pinel, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine; Occupation and Office Ad-
dress: Assistant Chief Editor of La Vie Française, publisher of a
yachting magazine, Voiles et Voiliers, c/o La Vie Française,
2, rue du Pont neuf, 75001 Paris. Previous Position: Assistant
Managing Editor of Société d'Edition Financière,
Economique et Politique.
*[[GERHARD HERDEGEN (1969). Address: Auf dem Köllenhof
27, D-5307 Wachtberg-Liessem; te/: Bonn 02221/34-55-68.
Occupation and Office Address: Director of the Bonn office of
the "Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach;" Institut für Demos-
kopie Allensbach, Büro Bonn, Am Stadtwald 17A, D-53
Bonn-Bad Godesberg; tel: 02221/35-43-85. Previous Posi-
tions: Director of the Archives and center for documentation of
the "Stiftung Bundeskanzler-Adenauer-Haus" Rhöndorf,
1969-1973; member, Federal Ministry of the Interior. Publica-
tions: various articles in newspapers and magazines.
*[[VERNON B. BOGDANOR (1969). Address: 17 Sunderland
Avenue, Oxford; tel: Oxford 57931. Occupation and Office
Address: Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford; te/: Oxford
48641. Previous Positions: Elected county councillor, 1973;
Vice Chairman, Oxfordshire Education Committee; various
positions in Conservative Party organization; lecturer at busi-
ness schools: Oxford Centre for Managment Studies, Adminis-
trative Staff College, Henley, IBM World Trade Centre, Amster-
dam. Publications: The Age of Affluence, 1951-64 (with
Robert Skidelsky), 1970; Disraeli's 'Lothair,' editor, in Oxford
English Novels Series, 1975; articles in journals and The
*[[ROBERT SKIDELSKY (1969). Address: Flat 1, 166 Cromwell
Road, London SW 5; tel: 373-0948. Occupation and Office
Address: Associate Professor of History, School of Advanced
International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington,
D.C. 20036, since 1970; Research Fellow of the Lehrman
Institute, New York. Previous Position: Visiting Professor, Co-
lumbia University, New York, 1973. Publications: English
Progressive Schools, Penguin, 1969; Oswald Mosley-A
Biography, Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1975; The Age of
Affluence, with V. Bogdanor, ed., Macmillan, 1970; con-
tributor to journals and newspapers; beginning a major biog-
raphy of John Maynard Keynes. Will be living permanently in
England from 1975.
*[[RAM NIWAS MIRDHA (1969). Address: 17, Safdarjung Road,
New Delhi; tel: 617881 and 72572. Occupation and Office
Address: Minister of Defense Production, Government of In-
dia; Ministry of Defense, South Block, New Delhi; tel: 373814
and 374560. Previous Position: Minister in the Ministry of  
Home Affairs and in the Department of Personnel and Adminis-
trative Reforms, Government of India.
*[[NOLLAIG O GADHRA (1969). Address: Na Forbacha, Gal-
way; tel: 091-3650. Occupation and Office Address: Lecturer
in Communications and Liberal Studies, Regional Technologi-
cal College, Dublin Road, Galway; tel: 091-7604. Also,
Member of Financial Committee, Gaelic League; member of
trustees of Gael-Linn Foundation; member of Galway County
Council Committee on Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking districts); at-
tended Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, 1971. Publica-
tions: Gandhi, Dublin, Morainn, 1969; Cois Fharraige le Mo
Linnse, Dublin, CI6dhanna, 1974 (editor); frequent con-
tributor to journals and Irish radio/TV; articles contributed
regularly to Christian Science Monitor, Boston; Eire/Ireland,
St. Paul, Minnesota; Goteborgs Posten, Goteborg; Irish Post,
London; Irish Times and Irish Press, Dublin.
*[[NATHAN SHAHAM (1969). Address: Kibbutz Bet Alfa, D. N.
Gilbof 19140; tel: (065) 81960. Occupation and Office Ad-
dress: Vice Chairman, Israel Broadcasting Authority,
Jerusalem; tel: (02) 536461. Publications: This Land We Love,
New York, Sabra (English); Allez Retour, Tel Aviv, Am Oved
(Hebrew); Who Sent the Bird, Tel Aviv, Sifriat Poalim (Heb-
rew); theater and television plays.  
*[[TOMMASO (MASOLINO) D'AMICO (1969). Address: 258
via di Ripetta, 00186 Rome; tel: 02/686379. Occupation and
Office Address: Teaching Fellow and "Professore Incaricato"
of English Language and Literature, University of Rome; literary
critic on II Giornale-Nuovo (Milan daily) and a few
magazines; writer, essayist; translator/adapter of books, plays
and films; Istituto di Inglese, Facoltà di Magistero, 2 Via Magen-
ta, Rome; tel: 02-490937 and 491402. Publications: M. Ar-
nold, Saggi Letterari (editor), Bari Adriatica, 1971; R. Burns,
Poesie (editor and translator), Turin, Einaudi, 1972; Oscar
Wilde, Rome, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 1973; Scena
e Parola in Shakespeare, Turin, Einaudi, 1974; translated,
among others, Muriel Spark's The Driver's Seat, M. Gardner's
Annotated Alice and Graham Greene's Rochester; written
introduction for, among others, Kazin's On Native Grounds;
co-author (for the Italian dialogues) of, among others, Joseph
Losey's The Assassination of Trotsky and Liliana Cavani's
The Night Porter and of Zeffirelli's Brother Sun, Sister
Moon; Coming out soon: O. Wilde, Poesie (selections, editor
and translator); work in progress: Co-writer of Anthony Bur-
gess's Shakespeare, 10 installments for ATV; an edition of O.
Wilde's Letters for Einaudi.
*[[MOHAMED. BERJAOUI (1969). Address: Badazo Street,
Beirut; tel: 383442. Summer Address: Baabdat; Summer tel:
975599. Occupation: Professor of International Relations at
the University of Lebanon, Institute of Journalism and Public
Relations; candidate to the parliamentary elections in 1976.
WILLIAM H. JABBOUR (1964). Address: 866 Sioufi Street,
P.O. Box 2339, Beirut; tel: 327-389. Occupation and Office
Address: Head of expropriation department at the "Executive
Council for Major Projects, City of Beirut;" Kantari Street,
Beirut; tel: 250-610. Previous Position: Acting Director Gen-
eral of Executive Council for Major Projects, 1974.
*[[MICHAEL van HULTEN (1969). Address: Buitenplaats 49,
Lelystad; tel: 03200/21279. Occupation and Office Address:
Secretary of State for Transport and Waterstaat, since May,
1973; Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Plesmanweg 1,
The Hague; tel: 070/464063 or 747350. Previous Positions:
Director of Plan Europe 2000 (Fondation Européenne de la
Culture, Amsterdam); Member of the First Chamber (Senate),
1971-72; Member of the Second Chamber, 1972-73.
*[[SAMUEL OLADELE IGE (1969). Address: 11 Rotimi Williams
Avenue, P.O. Box 1437, Ibadan; tel: 21621 and 24600. Occu-
pation and Office Address: Lawyer and Solicitor; Member,
Western State Youth Council; 2 Araromi Street, Oke Padre,
P.O. Box 1437, Ibadan. Publications: Problems of Land
Tenure in Western Nigeria; Race Relations in the United
*[[KAMAL AZ FAR (1969). Address: 31-F Kahkashan, Karachi; tel:
532515. Occupation and Office Address: Minister for Finance,
Planning and Development, Government of Sind; Vice-
President, Pakistan People's Party, Sind; 4th Floor, Jubilee In-
surance House, 1.1, Chundrigar Road, Karachi; tel: 239623.
Publication: China Beyond Tomorrow, Karachi, Ravi-
Delmon, 1974.
*[[URELIO B. CALDERON (1969). Address: 40 Lapulapu Street,
Magallanes Village, Makati, Rizal; tel: 89-57-27. Occupation
and Office Address: Chairman of the History-Political Science
Department, De La Salle College, Taft Avenue, Manila; tel:
50-46-11. Previous Position: Associate Editor, Philippines
Herald (defunct since declaration of martial law, September
1972). Publications: Theories and Politics of Developmental
Change, De La Salle College Series in the Humanities, 1973;
"History and National Development," Ascent, Philippine
Viewpoint Series No. 2, Francisco Tatad, ed., Manila, Depart-
ment of Public Information, 1974.
*[[CORNEL CAPUSAN (1969). Address: Str. Vulcan, no. 1, Cluj;
tel: 951/12304. Occupation and Office Address: Head of the
Department of Studies for Foreign Students, University of Cluj;
Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai," Facultatea de Filolgie, Str.
Hovia 31, Cluj; tel: 951/30110. Previous Positions: Lecturer in
Romanian and Comparative Literature, University of Indiana,
1969-70; Lecturer in Romanian and Comparative Literature,
University of California at Berkeley, 1971-72; Associate Pro-
fessor of Comparative Literature, University of Cluj, 1972-74.
Publications: Several essays, articles, reviews about American
authors (Hemingway, Steinbeck, Albee) or America in Tribu-
na; "Prepositions in Romanian," pamphlet published by the
Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington.
*[[RANJIT ATAPATTU (1969). Address: 23 Mihindu Mawatha,
Tangalla; tel: 0416-209. Occupation: Medical doctor in Tan-
galla; contested a seat as a candidate of the United National
Party in the General Elections of 1970 but was defeated.
*[[LEIF H. I. CARLSSON (1969). Address: Löpargatan 10, 75420
Uppsala; tel: 018/149726. Occupation and Office Address:
Head of the Cultural Department, Svenska Dagbladet, since
1969; Major, Royal Swedish Air Force (Res.), 1974; Svenska
Dagbladet, laambsvägen 7, Stockholm; tel: 08/225000.
GUSTAF DELIN (1968). Address: Uppsalavägen 25, 190 30
Sigtuna; tei: 0760/51415 or 51514. Occupation: Management
consultant, Futures Development and Strategic Planning, FOAB
(own company) since 1972. Previous Position: Member of the
Konsult Kollegiet AB, 1969-71. Publication: Think Ahead, on
future studies and strategic planning (in Swedish and Norwe-
gian), 1971.
*[[BERNT EKLUNDH (1969). Address: Box 137, 42017
Olofstorp; tel: 0302/20635. Occupation and Office Address:
Cultural Editor of the Göteborgs-Posten; contributor to
magazines, radio and television; member of the Swedish State
Cultural Council since 1974; Göteborgs-Posten, 40502
Gothenburg; tel: 031/176300. Previous Position: Member of
the Gothenburg Municipal Cultural Council, 1969-73. Publi-
cations: The Restless Blotting Paper (essays), 1970; The Illu-
sion (novel), 1974.
*[[TANG THI THANH TRAI (1969). Address: 208 Hian Vuong,
Saigon III. Occupation and Office Address: Senior Partner of
Law Firm Tang Thi Thanh Trai and Ta Van Tai; Professor of
Law, University of Hué; 9 Cong Truong Lam Son (2nd Floor),
P.O. Box 2684, Saigon; tel: PTT 99561. Publications: Co-
author: Doing Business in Vietnam and Patents,
Trademarks and Copyrights in Vietnam.
In 1969, Kissinger started working as National Security Advisor. For the previous year, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1968]]. For an overview of the program itself, see [[Harvard/International Seminar]].
*[[Jean Marie Dubois]] - Belgium. Attaché of the Executive Committee of Empain-Schneider Industrial Group, since January 1974—in charge of three corporations: Verlica-Momignies S.A., Bouteilleries Belges Reunies S.A., Momiplast S.A.; VERLIPACK, 188A Avenue de Tervueren, B-1150 Brussels; tel: 02/770-48-44. Previous Position: In charge of technological research and development in the Prime Minister's Officeuntil the end of 1973; started the first national program on water pollution; Belgian co-ordinator and secretary of the delegation to the UN Stockholm Conference on the Environment, 1972.
*[[Luke Kai-Hsin Chin]] - Republic of China (Taiwan). Doing research at New York University since the fall of 1974; Institute of International Relations, Taipei. Previous Positions: Research Fellow and head of publication, Institute of International Relations; participated in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sino-American conferences on Mainland China in San Francisco, Taipei, and Washington, D.C., 1972, 1973, and 1974.
*[[Poul Antonsen]] -Denmark. Managing Director of the Danish Brewers' Association. Previous positions: Managing Director of the Association of Danish Provincial Banks, 1970-72; Member of Parliament, May-June 1974.
*[[Jean-Louis Guillemard]]- France. Assistant Chief Editor of La Vie Française, publisher of a yachting magazine, Voiles et Voiliers. Previous Position: Assistant Managing Editor of Société d'Edition Financière, Economique et Politique.
*[[Gerhard Herdegen]] - [[Germany]]. Director of the Bonn office of the "Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach;" Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach. Previous Positions: Director of the Archives and center for documentation of the "Stiftung Bundeskanzler-Adenauer-Haus" Rhöndorf, 1969-1973; member, Federal Ministry of the Interior. Publications: various articles in newspapers and magazines.
*[[Vernon B. Bogdanor]] - UK. Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford. Previous Positions: Elected county councillor, 1973; Vice Chairman, Oxfordshire Education Committee; various positions in Conservative Party organization; lecturer at business schools: Oxford Centre for Managment Studies, Administrative Staff College, Henley, IBM World Trade Centre, Amsterdam. Publications: The Age of Affluence, 1951-64 (with Robert Skidelsky), 1970; Disraeli's 'Lothair,' editor, in Oxford English Novels Series, 1975; articles in journals and The Times.
*[[Robert Skidelsky]] - US. Associate Professor of History, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. 20036, since 1970; Research Fellow of the Lehrman Institute, New York. Previous Position: Visiting Professor, Columbia University, New York, 1973. Publications: English Progressive Schools, Penguin, 1969; Oswald Mosley-A Biography, Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1975; The Age of Affluence, with V. Bogdanor, ed., Macmillan, 1970; contributor to journals and newspapers; beginning a major biography of John Maynard Keynes. Will be living permanently in England from 1975.
*[[Ram Niwas Mirdha]] - India. Minister of Defense Production, Government of India. Previous Position: Minister in the Ministry of Home Affairs and in the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Government of India.
*[[Nollaig O Gadhra]]. Ireland. Lecturer in Communications and Liberal Studies, Regional Technological College, Dublin Road, Galway. Member of Financial Committee, Gaelic League; member of trustees of Gael-Linn Foundation; member of Galway County Council Committee on Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking districts); attended Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, 1971. Publications: Gandhi, Dublin, Morainn, 1969; Cois Fharraige le Mo Linnse, Dublin, Clódhanna, 1974 (editor); frequent contributor to journals and Irish radio/TV; articles contributed regularly to Christian Science Monitor, Boston; Eire/Ireland, St. Paul, Minnesota; Goteborgs Posten, Goteborg; Irish Post, London; Irish Times and Irish Press, Dublin.
*[[Nathan Shaham]] - Israel. Vice Chairman, Israel Broadcasting Authority, Jerusalem. Publications: This Land We Love, New York, Sabra (English); Allez Retour, Tel Aviv, Am Oved (Hebrew); Who Sent the Bird, Tel Aviv, Sifriat Poalim (Hebrew); theater and television plays.
*[[Tommaso (Masolino) D'Amico]] - Italy. Teaching Fellow and "Professore Incaricato" of English Language and Literature, University of Rome; literary critic on II Giornale-Nuovo (Milan daily) and a few magazines; writer, essayist; translator/adapter of books, plays and films.
*[[Mohamed Berjaoui]] -Lebanon. Professor of International Relations at the University of Lebanon, Institute of Journalism and Public Relations; candidate to the parliamentary elections in 1976.
*[[Michael van Hulten]] - Netherlands.Secretary of State for Transport and Waterstaat, since May, 1973. Previous Positions: Director of Plan Europe 2000 (Fondation Européenne de la Culture, Amsterdam); Member of the First Chamber (Senate), 1971-72; Member of the Second Chamber, 1972-73.
*[[Samuel Oladele Ige]] - Nigeria. Lawyer and Solicitor; Member, Western State Youth Council; 2 Araromi Street. Publications: Problems of Land Tenure in Western Nigeria; Race Relations in the United States.
*[[Kamal Az Far]] Minister for Finance, Planning and Development, Government of Sind; Vice-President, Pakistan People's Party. Publication: China Beyond Tomorrow, Karachi, Ravi-Delmon, 1974.
*[[Urelio B. Calderon]] -Philippines. Chairman of the History-Political Science Department, De La Salle College, Taft Avenue, Manila. Previous Position: Associate Editor, Philippines Herald (defunct since declaration of martial law, September 1972). Publications: Theories and Politics of Developmental Change, De La Salle College Series in the Humanities, 1973; "History and National Development," Ascent, Philippine
*[[Cornel Capusan]] -Romania. Head of the Department of Studies for Foreign Students, University of Cluj. Previous Positions: Lecturer in Romanian and Comparative Literature, University of Indiana, -70; Lecturer in Romanian and Comparative Literature, University of California at Berkeley, 1971-72; Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Cluj, 1972-74. Publications: Several essays, articles, reviews about American authors (Hemingway, Steinbeck, Albee) or America in Tribuna; "Prepositions in Romanian," pamphlet published by the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington.
*[[Ranjit Atapattu]] - India.  Medical doctor in Tangalla; contested a seat as a candidate of the United National Party in the General Elections of 1970 but was defeated.
*[[Leif H. I. Carlsson]] - Sweden. Head of the Cultural Department, Svenska Dagbladet, since 1969; Major, Royal Swedish Air Force (Res.), 1974;
*[[Bernt Eklundh]] - Sweden. Cultural Editor of the Göteborgs-Posten; contributor to magazines, radio and television; member of the Swedish State Cultural Council since 1974; Göteborgs-Posten. Previous Position: Member of the Gothenburg Municipal Cultural Council, 1969-73. Publications: The Restless Blotting Paper (essays), 1970; The Illusion (novel), 1974.
*[[Tang Thi Thanh Trai]] [[South Vietnam]] - Occupation and Office Address: Senior Partner of Law Firm Tang Thi Thanh Trai and Ta Van Tai; Professor of Law, University of Hué.

Latest revision as of 10:54, 6 September 2022

<-Group.png Harvard/International Seminar/1969Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Membership•  Jean Marie Dubois
•  Luke Kai-Hsin Chin
•  Poul Antonsen
•  Jean-Louis Guillemard
•  Gerhard Herdegen
•  Vernon B. Bogdanor
• Official portrait of Lord Skidelsky crop 2, 2019.jpg Robert Skidelsky
•  Ram Niwas Mirdha
•  Nollaig O Gadhra
•  Nathan Shaham
•  Tommaso D'Amico
•  Mohamed Berjaoui
•  Michael van Hulten
•  Samuel Oladele Ige
•  Kamal Az Far
•  Urelio B. Calderon
•  Cornel Capusan
•  Ranjit Atapattu
•  Leif H. I. Carlsson
•  Bernt Eklundh
•  Tang Thi Thanh Trai

These are the participants from 1969 for the yearly International Seminar led by Henry Kissinger at Harvard University.[1]. With 21 names and normally 40-50 people participating, this list is most likely incomplete[2]

The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".[3] Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.[4]

In 1969, Kissinger started working as National Security Advisor. For the previous year, see Harvard/International Seminar/1968. For an overview of the program itself, see Harvard/International Seminar.


  • Jean Marie Dubois - Belgium. Attaché of the Executive Committee of Empain-Schneider Industrial Group, since January 1974—in charge of three corporations: Verlica-Momignies S.A., Bouteilleries Belges Reunies S.A., Momiplast S.A.; VERLIPACK, 188A Avenue de Tervueren, B-1150 Brussels; tel: 02/770-48-44. Previous Position: In charge of technological research and development in the Prime Minister's Officeuntil the end of 1973; started the first national program on water pollution; Belgian co-ordinator and secretary of the delegation to the UN Stockholm Conference on the Environment, 1972.
  • Luke Kai-Hsin Chin - Republic of China (Taiwan). Doing research at New York University since the fall of 1974; Institute of International Relations, Taipei. Previous Positions: Research Fellow and head of publication, Institute of International Relations; participated in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sino-American conferences on Mainland China in San Francisco, Taipei, and Washington, D.C., 1972, 1973, and 1974.
  • Poul Antonsen -Denmark. Managing Director of the Danish Brewers' Association. Previous positions: Managing Director of the Association of Danish Provincial Banks, 1970-72; Member of Parliament, May-June 1974.
  • Jean-Louis Guillemard- France. Assistant Chief Editor of La Vie Française, publisher of a yachting magazine, Voiles et Voiliers. Previous Position: Assistant Managing Editor of Société d'Edition Financière, Economique et Politique.
  • Gerhard Herdegen - Germany. Director of the Bonn office of the "Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach;" Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach. Previous Positions: Director of the Archives and center for documentation of the "Stiftung Bundeskanzler-Adenauer-Haus" Rhöndorf, 1969-1973; member, Federal Ministry of the Interior. Publications: various articles in newspapers and magazines.
  • Vernon B. Bogdanor - UK. Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford. Previous Positions: Elected county councillor, 1973; Vice Chairman, Oxfordshire Education Committee; various positions in Conservative Party organization; lecturer at business schools: Oxford Centre for Managment Studies, Administrative Staff College, Henley, IBM World Trade Centre, Amsterdam. Publications: The Age of Affluence, 1951-64 (with Robert Skidelsky), 1970; Disraeli's 'Lothair,' editor, in Oxford English Novels Series, 1975; articles in journals and The Times.
  • Robert Skidelsky - US. Associate Professor of History, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. 20036, since 1970; Research Fellow of the Lehrman Institute, New York. Previous Position: Visiting Professor, Columbia University, New York, 1973. Publications: English Progressive Schools, Penguin, 1969; Oswald Mosley-A Biography, Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1975; The Age of Affluence, with V. Bogdanor, ed., Macmillan, 1970; contributor to journals and newspapers; beginning a major biography of John Maynard Keynes. Will be living permanently in England from 1975.
  • Ram Niwas Mirdha - India. Minister of Defense Production, Government of India. Previous Position: Minister in the Ministry of Home Affairs and in the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Government of India.
  • Nollaig O Gadhra. Ireland. Lecturer in Communications and Liberal Studies, Regional Technological College, Dublin Road, Galway. Member of Financial Committee, Gaelic League; member of trustees of Gael-Linn Foundation; member of Galway County Council Committee on Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking districts); attended Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, 1971. Publications: Gandhi, Dublin, Morainn, 1969; Cois Fharraige le Mo Linnse, Dublin, Clódhanna, 1974 (editor); frequent contributor to journals and Irish radio/TV; articles contributed regularly to Christian Science Monitor, Boston; Eire/Ireland, St. Paul, Minnesota; Goteborgs Posten, Goteborg; Irish Post, London; Irish Times and Irish Press, Dublin.
  • Nathan Shaham - Israel. Vice Chairman, Israel Broadcasting Authority, Jerusalem. Publications: This Land We Love, New York, Sabra (English); Allez Retour, Tel Aviv, Am Oved (Hebrew); Who Sent the Bird, Tel Aviv, Sifriat Poalim (Hebrew); theater and television plays.
  • Tommaso (Masolino) D'Amico - Italy. Teaching Fellow and "Professore Incaricato" of English Language and Literature, University of Rome; literary critic on II Giornale-Nuovo (Milan daily) and a few magazines; writer, essayist; translator/adapter of books, plays and films.
  • Mohamed Berjaoui -Lebanon. Professor of International Relations at the University of Lebanon, Institute of Journalism and Public Relations; candidate to the parliamentary elections in 1976.
  • Michael van Hulten - Netherlands.Secretary of State for Transport and Waterstaat, since May, 1973. Previous Positions: Director of Plan Europe 2000 (Fondation Européenne de la Culture, Amsterdam); Member of the First Chamber (Senate), 1971-72; Member of the Second Chamber, 1972-73.
  • Samuel Oladele Ige - Nigeria. Lawyer and Solicitor; Member, Western State Youth Council; 2 Araromi Street. Publications: Problems of Land Tenure in Western Nigeria; Race Relations in the United States.
  • Kamal Az Far Minister for Finance, Planning and Development, Government of Sind; Vice-President, Pakistan People's Party. Publication: China Beyond Tomorrow, Karachi, Ravi-Delmon, 1974.
  • Urelio B. Calderon -Philippines. Chairman of the History-Political Science Department, De La Salle College, Taft Avenue, Manila. Previous Position: Associate Editor, Philippines Herald (defunct since declaration of martial law, September 1972). Publications: Theories and Politics of Developmental Change, De La Salle College Series in the Humanities, 1973; "History and National Development," Ascent, Philippine
  • Cornel Capusan -Romania. Head of the Department of Studies for Foreign Students, University of Cluj. Previous Positions: Lecturer in Romanian and Comparative Literature, University of Indiana, -70; Lecturer in Romanian and Comparative Literature, University of California at Berkeley, 1971-72; Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Cluj, 1972-74. Publications: Several essays, articles, reviews about American authors (Hemingway, Steinbeck, Albee) or America in Tribuna; "Prepositions in Romanian," pamphlet published by the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington.
  • Ranjit Atapattu - India. Medical doctor in Tangalla; contested a seat as a candidate of the United National Party in the General Elections of 1970 but was defeated.
  • Leif H. I. Carlsson - Sweden. Head of the Cultural Department, Svenska Dagbladet, since 1969; Major, Royal Swedish Air Force (Res.), 1974;
  • Bernt Eklundh - Sweden. Cultural Editor of the Göteborgs-Posten; contributor to magazines, radio and television; member of the Swedish State Cultural Council since 1974; Göteborgs-Posten. Previous Position: Member of the Gothenburg Municipal Cultural Council, 1969-73. Publications: The Restless Blotting Paper (essays), 1970; The Illusion (novel), 1974.
  • Tang Thi Thanh Trai South Vietnam - Occupation and Office Address: Senior Partner of Law Firm Tang Thi Thanh Trai and Ta Van Tai; Professor of Law, University of Hué.


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