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|members=Bennett Makalo Khaktla ,Gilberte Marthe Juliette Dehoux,Emilio Fontana,Ariyaaena Jaysekara Gunawardana,Duraiswamy Rajendra,Kuo-hsin Chen,Thora Ingeborg Balslev,Eather Moir DeWaal,Mervyn Jones,Bruce Millan,Kai Leo Kaarlo Laitinen,Colette Jeanne Cordeba,Michel Jean Crozo,Roger Errera,Hans Richard Erich Gresmann,Uwe Johnson,Ernst Gunter Vetter,Joseph Amah Ayitiah,Tehmtan Rustom Andhyarujina,R. Padmini,Aryel Simon,Soermarman,Gian Giacomo Cagna,Antonio Marchini-Camia,Silvana Romei,Kenji Kanesaka,Tetsuo Kondo,Yoko Nuita,Wouter Tims,Arne Andreas Bonde,Aslan Siddiqi,Miguel Anselmo Bernad,Ludwik Dembinski,Pedro Alonso Ridruejo,Saroit Badaoui Badaoui,Gordon Corcoran Baldwin,Donn W. Block,Thomas J. Hargadon
These are the participants from 1961 for the yearly International Seminar led by [[Henry Kissinger]] at Harvard University.<ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784668</ref>. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>  Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>
==Select examples==
For next year's cadre, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1962]]. For the previous year, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1960]]. For an overview of the program itself, see [[Harvard/International Seminar]].
KHAKETLA, Bennett Makalo; P.C. Box 65, Maseru, Basutoland
Member of the Executive Council of the Basutoland Legislature, in
charge of education and health
BELGIUM DEHOUX, Gilberte Marthe Juliette; rue Marianne 22, Brussels, Belgium
Counsellor at the National Council on Scientific Policy; member of the
Congolese Commission of the Belgian League of the Defense of the Rights
of Man
BRAZIL FONTANA, Emilio; Rua Jardim Francisco Marcos, 23 (Bela Vista), Sao
Paulo, Brazil
Stage director at the Pequeno Teatro Popular and in television; former
professor of the history of the theatre and acting at the "Art Club"
in Santos City, Brazil
CEYLON GUNAWARDANA, Ariyaaena Jaysekara; Vidyodaya University of Ceylon,
Colombo, Ceylon
Lecturer in English at Vidyodaya University of Ceylon
RAJENDRA, Duraiswamy; F.1, Ground Plocr, Government Flats, Bambala-
pitiya, Ceylon
Commissioner of Local Governmmt (Headquarters), Local Government
Department, Colombo
CHINA CHEN, Kuo-hsin; Hsin-sheng S. Rd., 1 Sec., Lane 103, No. 21, Taipei,
Taiwan, China
Professor of Political Science at the National Taiwan University
DENMARK BALSL2V, Thora Ingeborg Ri.l.:edal; Jagtvej 51, V, Copenhagen N, Denmark
Member of the staff of Statens Durnus, an institute for adult educa-
tion in Copenhagen
ENGLAND DeWAAL, Eather Moir (Mrs. Victor S.); 23A Chaucer Road, Cambridge,
Assistant Lecturer in Modern History, Newnham College, Cambridge;
editor of the CAMBRIDGE REVIEW
JONES, Mervyn; 9 Hardy Road, London S.E.3, England
Writer, freelance journanIt and drama critic
MILLAN, Bruce; 4u Hardy Road, London S.E.3, England
Member of the House of Cornons
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*[[Bennett Makalo Khaketla]] - Member of the Executive Council of the Basutoland Legislature, in charge of education and health
*[[Gilberte Marthe Juliette Dehoux]] - Belgium. Counsellor at the National Council on Scientific Policy; member of the Congolese Commission of the Belgian League of the Defense of the Rights of Man
*[[Emilio Fontana]] - Stage director at the Pequeno Teatro Popular and in television; former professor of the history of the theatre and acting at the "Art Club" in Santos City, Brazil
*[[Ariyaaena Jaysekara Gunawardana]] - Lecturer in English at Vidyodaya University of Ceylon
*[[Duraiswamy Rajendra]] - Commissioner of Local Governmmt (Headquarters), Local Government Department, Colombo
• s
*[[Kuo-hsin Chen]] - Professor of Political Science at the National Taiwan University
;J r
*[[Thora Ingeborg Balslev]] - Member of the staff of Statens Durnus, an institute for adult education in Copenhagen
*[[Eather Moir DeWaal]]  - Assistant Lecturer in Modern History, Newnham College, Cambridge; editor of the CAMBRIDGE REVIEW
• 1 6)  
*[[Mervyn Jones]] - UK. Writer, freelance journalist and drama critic
*[[Bruce Millan]] UK Member of the House of Commons
pt J
*[[Kai Leo Kaarlo Laitinen]] - Editor of PARNASSO, a literary magazine published by the Finnish Cultural Foundation  
*[[Colette Jeanne Cordebas]] -Switzerland. Professor at Grenoble University of Law and Economics  
*[[Michel Jean Crozon]] - Physicist at the Laboratoire de Physique Atomique et Moleculaire du College de France  
*[[Roger Errera]] - Auditeur au Conseil d'Etat ("rapporteur" at the jurisdictional formation of the Conseil d'Etat); member of the French anti-trust committee; professor at the Faculte de Droit, Paris  
*[[Hans Richard Erich Gresmann]] - Political editor of [[Die Zeit]], a weekly  
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*[[Uwe Johnson]] - Germany. Writer; author of CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT JAKOB, 1959.
*[[Ernst Gunter Vetter]] - Economic editor of the [[Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung]]
*[[Joseph Amah Ayitiah]] - Ghana. Senior Executive Officer in the Ministry of Works and Housing  
410iNLAND LAITINEN, Kai Leo Kaarlo; Ulvilantie 19 c 64, Helsinki, Finland
*[[Tehmtan Rustom  Andhyarujina]] - India. Attorney in the office of the Advocate-General of the State of Mahrashtra; represerts the State in civil cases against the State involving civil and political rights of citizens  
Editor of PARNASSO, a literary magazine published by the Finnish Cul-
*[[R. Padmini]]- Principal of the Women's College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India  
tural Foundation  
*[[Aryel Simon]] - Israel. District Supervisor for the Ministry of Education and Culture  
FRANCE CORDEBAS, Colette Jeanne; Rue A. et L. Lumiere 25, Grenoble, France
*[[Soermarman]] - Indonesia. Secretary General, Ministry of Home Affairs, on leave since 1959; Fellow of the Harvard University Center for International Affairs, 1960-1961  
Professor at Grenoble University of Law and Economics  
*[[Gian Giacomo Cagna]] - Switzerland. Author; lecturer of philosophy  
CROZON, Michel Jean; Avenue d'Italie, 160, Paris XIII, France
*[[Antonio Marchini-Camia]] - Italy. Head of the Legislative Service of the Health and Safety Division of the European Community for Atomic Energy  
Physicist at the Laboratoire de Physique Atomique et Moleculaire du  
*[[Silvana Romei]] Italy. Drama critic for the ROMA and IL TEMPO  
College de France  
*[[Kenji Kanesaka]] -Japan. Negotiates with foreigners in regard to film export, coproduction and promotion for the International Department of Shockiku Co., Ltd.; film critic  
ERRERA, Roger; Conseil d'Etat, Place du Palais Royal, Paris, France
*[[Tetsuo Kondo]] -Japan. Assistant Chief of the Assets Tax Section of the Tax Administration Agency  
Auditeur au Conseil d'Etat ("rapporteur" at the jurisdictional formation  
*[[Yoko Nuita]] - Assistant to the Clief of the Woments and Youth's Section of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation  
of the Conseil d'Etat); member of the French anti-trust committee;  
*[[Wouter Tims]] - Head of the Division on International Trade, International Organizations, Market Analysis and Trade Cycle Research of the Central Planning Bureau  
professor at the Faculte de Droit, Paris  
*[[Arne Andreas Bonde]] - City- and New-Editor of the VERDENS GANG; correspondent in Norway for TIME-LIFE, FORTUNE and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED  
GERMANY GRESMANN, Hans Richard Erich; Eisenlohrsweg 6, Hamburg 20, Germany
*[[Aslan Siddiqi]] - Principal Information Officer of'the Press Information Department, Government of Pakistan  
Political editor of DIE ZEIT, a weekly  
*[[Miguel Anselmo Bernad]] - Philippines.Professor of Literature and Special Assistant to the President, Ateneo de Manila  
• JOHNSON, Uwe; Niedstrasse, 14, Berlin Friedenau, Germany  
*[[Ludwik Dembinski]] -  Poland. Columnist for TYOGDNIK POWSZECHNY; attorney at law; lecturer in Contemporary History at the Catholic University of Lubin  
Writer; author of CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT JAKOB, 1959 ,
*[[Pedro Alonso Ridruejo]] - Spain. Director of the University College, Guadalupe; Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Political Science  
VETTER, Ernst Gunter; Hohemarkstr. 261 Falkenstein/Ts., Germany
*[[Saroit Badaoui Badaoui]] - Cairo, Egypt, U.A.R. Assistant Professor of ConstitutionaLiaw and Political_Science at the University of Cairo  
*[[Gordon Corcoran Baldwin]] - Law student at the Harvard Law School, Harvard University  
GHANA AYITIAH, Joseph Amah; Ministry of Works and Housing, P.O. Box M.431
*[[Donn W. Block]] -Former Assistant Program Officer of the International Cooperation Administration; presently graduate student in economics at Harvard University  
Accra, Ghana
*[[Thomas J. Hargadon]] - Law student at the Harvard Law School, Harvard University  
Senior Executive Officer in the Ministry of Works and Housing  
INDIA ANDHYARUJINA, Tehmtan Rustm; 53 C Road, Churchgate, Bombay 11 India  
Attorney in the office of the Advocate-General of the State of  
Mahrashtra; represerts the State in civil cases against the State  
involving civil and political rights of citizens  
PADMINI, R.; Worrtmls College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India
Principal of tAe Women's College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India  
ISRAEL SIMON, AryeA; Palmachstr. 121, Beer-Sheba, Israel  
District Supervisor for the Ministry of Education and Culture  
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INDONESIA SOEMARMAN: 7 DJ. Mendut, Kjakarta, Indonesia
Secretary General, Ministry of Home Affairs, on leave  
since 1959; Fellow of the Harvard University Center for In-
ternational Affairs, 1960-1961  
ITALY CAGNA, Gian Giacomo; Villa Elisabeth, Montana-Vermala (VS),
Author; lecturer of philosophy  
MARCHINI-CAMIA, Antonio; av. Dossin de St. Georges 51, Belgium
Head of the Legislative Service of the Health and Safety Divi-
sion of the European Community for Atomic Energy  
ROMEI, Silvana; 6 via Carducci, Naples, Italy  
Drama critic for the ROMA and IL TEMPO  
JAPAN KANESAKA, Kenji; 71 Naka-cho, Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, japan
Negotiates with foreigners in regard to film export, co-
production and promotion for the International Department of  
Shockiku Co., Ltd.; film critic  
KONDO, Tetsuo; 9-5 Komatsugaoka-danchi Shimokurada Totsuka-
ku, Yokohama, Japan  
Assistant Chief of the Assets Tax Section of the Tax Ad-
ministration Agency  
NUITA, Yoko (Mrs.); 6-1524 Kamimeguro, Meguroku: Tokyo Apts.,
Tokyo, Japan
Assistant to the Clief of the Woments and Youth's Section of  
the Japan Broadcasting Corporation  
NETHERLANDS TIMS, Wouter; Melis Stokelaan 1638, The Hague, Netherlands
Head of the Division on International Trade, International  
Organizations, Market Analysis and Trade Cycle Research of  
the Central Planning Bureau  
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III NORWAY BONDE, Arne Andreas; Cappelensvei 1, Nordstrandshogda, Oslo, Norway
City- and New-Editor of the VERDENS GANG; correspondent in Norway for  
PAKISTAN SIDDIQI, Asian; 92-A, Sindhi Housing,Socféty, Karachi 3, Pakistan
Principal Information Officer of'the Press Information Department,  
Government of Pakistan  
PHILIPPINES BERNAD, Miguel Anselmo; Ateneo de Manila, P.O. Box 154, Manila, the
Professor of Literature and Special Assistant to the President,  
Ateneo de Manila  
POLAND DEMBINSKI, Ludwik; Okrezna 28a., Warsaw 36, Poland
Columnist for TYOGDNIK POWSZECHNY; attorney at law; lecturer in Con-
temporary History at the Catholic University of Lubin  
SPAIN RIDRUEJO, Pedro Alonso; Colegio Mayor Guadalupe, Ciudad Universi-
taria, Madrir, Spain  
411 Director of the University College, Guadalupe; Professor at the  
Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Political Science  
UNITED BADAOUI, Saroit Badaoui; 6 Hamadan Street, Gizeh, Cairo, Egypt, U.A.R.  
Assistant Professor of ConstitutionaLiaw and Political_Science at  
the University of Cairo  
UNITED STATES BALDWIN,_Gordon Corcoran; 2681 Rocklyn Road, Shaker Heights 22, Ohio
Law student at the Harvard Law School, Harvard University  
BLOCK, Donn W.; 1366 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois
Former Assistant Program Officer of the International Cooperation  
Administration; presently graduate student in economics at Harvard  
HARGADON, Thomas J., 12 Russell Street, Waltham, Massachusetts
Law student at the Harvard Law School, Harvard University  

Latest revision as of 13:01, 5 September 2022

<-Group.png Harvard/International Seminar/1961Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png->
Membership• Bennett Makalo Khaktla
• Gilberte Marthe Juliette Dehoux
• Emilio Fontana
• Ariyaaena Jaysekara Gunawardana
• Duraiswamy Rajendra
• Kuo-hsin Chen
• Thora Ingeborg Balslev
• Eather Moir DeWaal
• Mervyn Jones
• Bruce Millan
• Kai Leo Kaarlo Laitinen
• Colette Jeanne Cordeba
• Michel Jean Crozo
• Roger Errera
• Hans Richard Erich Gresmann
• Uwe Johnson
• Ernst Gunter Vetter
• Joseph Amah Ayitiah
• Tehmtan Rustom Andhyarujina
• R. Padmini
• Aryel Simon
• Soermarman
• Gian Giacomo Cagna
• Antonio Marchini-Camia
• Silvana Romei
• Kenji Kanesaka
• Tetsuo Kondo
• Yoko Nuita
• Wouter Tims
• Arne Andreas Bonde
• Aslan Siddiqi
• Miguel Anselmo Bernad
• Ludwik Dembinski
• Pedro Alonso Ridruejo
• Saroit Badaoui Badaoui
• Gordon Corcoran Baldwin
• Donn W. Block
• Thomas J. Hargadon

These are the participants from 1961 for the yearly International Seminar led by Henry Kissinger at Harvard University.[1]. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".[2] Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.[3]

For next year's cadre, see Harvard/International Seminar/1962. For the previous year, see Harvard/International Seminar/1960. For an overview of the program itself, see Harvard/International Seminar.


  • Bennett Makalo Khaketla - Member of the Executive Council of the Basutoland Legislature, in charge of education and health
  • Gilberte Marthe Juliette Dehoux - Belgium. Counsellor at the National Council on Scientific Policy; member of the Congolese Commission of the Belgian League of the Defense of the Rights of Man
  • Emilio Fontana - Stage director at the Pequeno Teatro Popular and in television; former professor of the history of the theatre and acting at the "Art Club" in Santos City, Brazil
  • Ariyaaena Jaysekara Gunawardana - Lecturer in English at Vidyodaya University of Ceylon
  • Duraiswamy Rajendra - Commissioner of Local Governmmt (Headquarters), Local Government Department, Colombo
  • Kuo-hsin Chen - Professor of Political Science at the National Taiwan University
  • Thora Ingeborg Balslev - Member of the staff of Statens Durnus, an institute for adult education in Copenhagen
  • Eather Moir DeWaal - Assistant Lecturer in Modern History, Newnham College, Cambridge; editor of the CAMBRIDGE REVIEW
  • Mervyn Jones - UK. Writer, freelance journalist and drama critic
  • Bruce Millan UK Member of the House of Commons
  • Kai Leo Kaarlo Laitinen - Editor of PARNASSO, a literary magazine published by the Finnish Cultural Foundation
  • Colette Jeanne Cordebas -Switzerland. Professor at Grenoble University of Law and Economics
  • Michel Jean Crozon - Physicist at the Laboratoire de Physique Atomique et Moleculaire du College de France
  • Roger Errera - Auditeur au Conseil d'Etat ("rapporteur" at the jurisdictional formation of the Conseil d'Etat); member of the French anti-trust committee; professor at the Faculte de Droit, Paris
  • Hans Richard Erich Gresmann - Political editor of Die Zeit, a weekly
  • Uwe Johnson - Germany. Writer; author of CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT JAKOB, 1959.
  • Ernst Gunter Vetter - Economic editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  • Joseph Amah Ayitiah - Ghana. Senior Executive Officer in the Ministry of Works and Housing
  • Tehmtan Rustom Andhyarujina - India. Attorney in the office of the Advocate-General of the State of Mahrashtra; represerts the State in civil cases against the State involving civil and political rights of citizens
  • R. Padmini- Principal of the Women's College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India
  • Aryel Simon - Israel. District Supervisor for the Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Soermarman - Indonesia. Secretary General, Ministry of Home Affairs, on leave since 1959; Fellow of the Harvard University Center for International Affairs, 1960-1961
  • Gian Giacomo Cagna - Switzerland. Author; lecturer of philosophy
  • Antonio Marchini-Camia - Italy. Head of the Legislative Service of the Health and Safety Division of the European Community for Atomic Energy
  • Silvana Romei Italy. Drama critic for the ROMA and IL TEMPO
  • Kenji Kanesaka -Japan. Negotiates with foreigners in regard to film export, coproduction and promotion for the International Department of Shockiku Co., Ltd.; film critic
  • Tetsuo Kondo -Japan. Assistant Chief of the Assets Tax Section of the Tax Administration Agency
  • Yoko Nuita - Assistant to the Clief of the Woments and Youth's Section of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation
  • Wouter Tims - Head of the Division on International Trade, International Organizations, Market Analysis and Trade Cycle Research of the Central Planning Bureau
  • Arne Andreas Bonde - City- and New-Editor of the VERDENS GANG; correspondent in Norway for TIME-LIFE, FORTUNE and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED
  • Aslan Siddiqi - Principal Information Officer of'the Press Information Department, Government of Pakistan
  • Miguel Anselmo Bernad - Philippines.Professor of Literature and Special Assistant to the President, Ateneo de Manila
  • Ludwik Dembinski - Poland. Columnist for TYOGDNIK POWSZECHNY; attorney at law; lecturer in Contemporary History at the Catholic University of Lubin
  • Pedro Alonso Ridruejo - Spain. Director of the University College, Guadalupe; Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Political Science
  • Saroit Badaoui Badaoui - Cairo, Egypt, U.A.R. Assistant Professor of ConstitutionaLiaw and Political_Science at the University of Cairo
  • Gordon Corcoran Baldwin - Law student at the Harvard Law School, Harvard University
  • Donn W. Block -Former Assistant Program Officer of the International Cooperation Administration; presently graduate student in economics at Harvard University
  • Thomas J. Hargadon - Law student at the Harvard Law School, Harvard University

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