User:Tom Holzel

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Principal, (2003 to 2008) This technology product/corporate positioning consultancy formed by me with five trusted colleagues in Boston, Washington, London and Tokyo—all members of the Institute of Individual Business (IIB). I have repositioned or created a dozen new websites from scratch to reflect newly optimized corporate missions.

High-Tech Start-Ups

• CEO, Printable Field Emitters, Ltd., (Jan 02- March 03) Oxfordshire, UK. A venture-funded British R&D firm developing unique screen-printable cathodes for Wall TVs. The primary challenge was to focus company activities on achievable milestones, and convince the handful of major TV manufacturers that the PFE process was not only the cheapest possible solution, but that all other solutions were too costly to result in high-volume sales. Published price-elasticity study (Information Display Nov 2002. See showing $2000 selling price must be reached to result in 10m unit sales; this coupled with comparative manufacturing cost analysis demonstrated a success strategy that convinced 4 Asian TV manufacturers to evaluate the PFE process. Personally pitched the company’s story and process to Directors, General Managers, Board–member level of Sanyo, Sony, Sharp, Mitsubishi, Futaba throughout Japan. • Raised £4.5m ($7m) in venture funding; £2.5m in December 2002. Once the company was successfully repositioned and the technology was firmly anchored with Asian prospects, returned CEO-ship to founders. • VP Marketing & Sales, MicroOptical Corp (1999-2001) Westwood, MA, to market innovative eyeglass-mounted miniature display monitors. Accomplishments include: Organizing test-marketing by industry: wearable computer, cell phone, test & measurement, fast-food and medical markets. Conducted strategic sales to major OEMs in the U.S., Europe, and Japan including Casio, Essilor, Ericsson, Compaq, IBM, Nokia, Olympus, Tektronix, Sanyo, Sony. Essilor, the world’s largest ophthalmic lens manufacturer, took a $10m stake in the Company. Company’s EyeGlass Displays won Popular Science’s “Best Of What’s New” Grand Prize, and the Silver Award in Information Display magazine’s “Display of the Year” proceedings. Received three featured articles in NY Times “Circuits” page; a major article in EE Times, and numerous articles placed in trade press journals.

Fortune 100 Corporations

• Raytheon Co., Quincy, MA. (1988-1995) Marketing Manager of Display Devices group selling CRT-based products to military and defense contractors in U.S. and Europe by means of in-house 20-man sales force, reps and direct sales. Based on prototypes alone, made $20m sale of innovative low-voltage power supply to Motorola’s “Iridium” satellite program. • AT&T/ New York Telephone. NYC. Joined “JET” sales management program out of college leading to four-year stint as Sales Manager of scheduled and demand telephony sales teams. At six-month program term, my sales volume exceeded that of all other participants combined.


VP of Marketing and Sales for four start-up IPOs: • Arcturus, Inc., (Founder and CEO) Concord MA • Montage Productions, Inc., (Dir Marketing & Sales, Rutherford, NJ) • PixTech, VP Marketing & Sales, Santa Clara, CA • Universal Learning Corp. (VP Marketing & Sales, NYC)


AB Economics, Dartmouth College. ΧΦ fraternity. Free University, Berlin, Germany Society for Information Display (SID) Rolex Award for Enterprise Honorable Mention 1984 Fellow, Explorers Club (FN 05) Chairman, Mt. Everest North Face Research Expedition, 1986. 10 days at 21,000-ft.

Military: USAR: Sr. Instructor 78th Div (Tng); First Sergeant, 101St Station Hospital

Married, two children.