
From Wikispooks
Revision as of 07:57, 5 October 2014 by Urban (talk | contribs) (clear - testing templates (Concept))
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This "sandbox" page is to allow you to carry out experiments. Please feel free to try your skills at formatting here. If you want to learn more about how to edit a wiki, please read this introduction or the tutorial at Wikipedia. For in-depth experimentation, design and testing of templates etc, please use the separate sandbox wiki

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Testing Area

|description = <500 word plaintext summary (Property:Description) |glossary = WikitextPlaintext summary for the glossary (major terms only). (Property:GlossaryDescription) |name = Use if it differs from the PAGENAME |logo = Concept logo (Property:Has logo) |logo_alt = Alt text for the concept logo |logo_caption = |logo_width = (defaults to "250px") |image = Image for use in the infobox (Property:Has image) |image_alt = Alt text for image |image_caption = Image caption |image_width = (defaults to "250px") |type = (Property:Has conceptType) |start = When the concept was founded (Property:Start) |end = (Where applicable), when the concept ended (Property:End) (i.e. when a job title becomes obsolete) |wikipedia = URL of the concept's Wikipedia page, if any (Property:Has wikipediaPage) |website = A URL of particular relevance to the concept, (Property:Has website) |founders= Comma separated list of founders (Property:Has founder) |key_properties= Slash separated list of important properties of this page (Property:Has keyProperties) |key_property_headers= Slash separated list of property descriptions (same length as the above) (Property:Has keyPropertyHeaders) }}