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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
08:35, 15 June 2010 M-a-Mabhouh.jpg (file) 8 KB Mahmoud al Mabhouh - a senior figure in Hamas Category:Premature Death Category:Gaza 1
16:40, 13 June 2010 Adrianlamo.jpg (file) 13 KB   1
16:24, 13 June 2010 Bmanning.jpg (file) 21 KB SPC Bradley Manning, US Army Category:Whistleblowers 1
15:08, 13 June 2010 WikiLeaks - Manning.doc (file) 78 KB Posting from Wired entitled 'I can't believe what I'm Confessing' 10 June 2010 Category:Whistleblowers 1
08:26, 12 June 2010 Avi Dichter.jpg (file) 20 KB Avi Dichter Category:Spooks Category:Israel 1
08:22, 12 June 2010 Yuval Diskin.jpg (file) 13 KB Yuval Diskin - Head of Israeli Shin Bet from 2005 Category:Spooks Category:Israel 1
08:03, 12 June 2010 Meir Dagan.jpg (file) 18 KB Israeli Mossad Chief Category:Spooks Category:Israel Category:Zionism 1
16:43, 11 June 2010 The Big Breach.pdf (file) 1.25 MB Book by Richard Tomlinson - ex MI6 officer also in MS word format: [[]] Whistleblowers MI6 1
16:49, 10 June 2010 Structural-Civil Engineers report.pdf (file) 341 KB 29 Structural/Civil Engineers cite evidence of controlled demolition in all 3 WTC high rise building collapses on 11 September 2001 9/11 Controlled demolition 1
16:12, 10 June 2010 Jevans.jpg (file) 3 KB Johnathan Evans - DG of MI5 {DEFAULTSORT:Evans Johnathan} Category:MI5 Category:Spooks 1
14:59, 10 June 2010 Mvanunu.jpg (file) 105 KB Mordechai Vanunu - April 2004 Category:Whistleblowers Category:Israel 1
14:32, 10 June 2010 Markfelt.jpg (file) 14 KB Watergate 'Deep Throat' Category:Whistleblowers 1
12:26, 10 June 2010 CIASeal.jpg (file) 5 KB Seal of the US Central Intelligence Agency Category:CIA 1
11:49, 10 June 2010 Corporate Mercenaries.pdf (file) 1.65 MB 2006 War on Want report 'Corporate Mercenaries - The threat of private military and security companies Category:PMC 1
18:13, 9 June 2010 Bbcwtc7.jpg (file) 26 KB Jane Standley - BBC live broadcast from NYC with WT7 clearly visible in the background Category:9/11Category:Building 7 1
17:36, 9 June 2010 KatherineGun.jpg (file) 19 KB Category:Content 1
08:00, 8 June 2010 Michael Ledeen1.jpg (file) 30 KB Category:Content 1
07:48, 8 June 2010 SAS Badge.jpg (file) 23 KB Special Air Services Regiments Badge Content 1
06:32, 8 June 2010 Aipac logo.PNG (file) 42 KB LOGO of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Category:Content 1
06:08, 8 June 2010 Alan Dershowitz.jpg (file) 27 KB Category:People Category:Israel Lobby 1
09:21, 7 June 2010 FBI-pedophile-symbols.pdf (file) 114 KB File originally posted on Wikileaks November 2007. Wikileaks summary follows: <blockquote> This visually explosive FBI document reveals the secret symbols organized pedophiles use to recognize each other and is likely to be of broad interest to readers, e 1
18:16, 5 June 2010 Phosphorus.jpg (file) 30 KB White phosphorous shells explode over Gaza City - January 2009, Operation Cast Lead Category:Zionism Category:Terrorist attack 1
16:31, 5 June 2010 Gazawhitephosphorous.jpg (file) 22 KB Press TV phot of white phosphorous munitions exploding over gaza in the 2008-9 Israeli 'Operation Cast Lead' 1
18:54, 4 June 2010 The Controllers.doc (file) 422 KB An essay by Martin Cannon exploring the thesis that claims of alien abduction may be manifestations of involvement, witting or unwitting in the MK-ULTRA and related mind control experiments. Category:Mind Control 1
08:00, 4 June 2010 JCMIG-Cheonan-report.pdf (file) 73 KB Official report on the sinking of the ROKN corvette 'Cheonan' on 26th March 2010. 1
07:44, 4 June 2010 Cheonan.jpg (file) 31 KB Pohang Class corvettes of the same type as the Cheonan 1
07:43, 4 June 2010 Baengnyeong.png (file) 111 KB Map showing location of Baengnyeong Island, South Korea 1
18:45, 30 May 2010 Wtc7.jpg (file) 33 KB Side view of World Trade Centre Building No 7 - 'The Saloman Brothers Building' Category:Content 1
17:10, 29 May 2010 Bilderberg-2010 venue.jpg (file) 33 KB Hotel Dolce Sitges, Barcelona Spain Category:Content 1
09:21, 29 May 2010 Feed.png (file) 3 KB Rss / Atom feed icon 1
14:50, 25 May 2010 Mexican Congress.gif (file) 38 KB Main Chamber of the Mexican Congress building 1
08:22, 25 May 2010 MI5 HQ Millbank Entrance.jpg (file) 110 KB Arch entrance to MI5 Thames House headquarters building on London's Millbank 1
08:14, 25 May 2010 MI5 thames house.jpg (file) 113 KB MI5 headquarter building, Millbank London on the north bank of the River Thames 1
07:35, 25 May 2010 GCHQ-benhall-2006.jpg (file) 137 KB Arial view of GCHQ 'Doughnut' building complex at Cheltenham, UK Category:SIS 1
16:15, 22 May 2010 Harold Pinter Nobel Prize address 2005.pdf (file) 50 KB Lecture by the late Harold Pinter on the occasion of his award of the 2005 Prize for literature. It is notable especially for its scathing indictment of the post-WWII foreign policy of the USA and its incessant interference involving both covert and overt 1
17:55, 21 May 2010 Inquest-coroners order.pdf (file) 57 KB Details of the procedure for Inquests into the deaths of the victims of the 7/7 London attacks, scheduled to open October 2010. *No Jury *No legal representation for victims families *pre-attack roles of police and MI5 to be inquired into. 1
13:38, 18 May 2010 Democratic State v Deep State.doc (file) 78 KB Solid insights into the workings of the Deep State by Norwegian Academic Ola Tunander Category:Deep Politics Theory 1
11:12, 18 May 2010 !small.png (file) 2 KB Warning triangle - orange 1
09:38, 18 May 2010 ISC Report Mat 2007.pdf (file) 1.37 MB ISC report 'Could 7/7 have been prevented' - published May 2009 1
09:20, 18 May 2010 ISC 7 July Report.pdf (file) 661 KB Intelligence & Security Committee report on the Jly 7th 2005 London Bombings 1
09:16, 18 May 2010 Homeofficeofficialreport.pdf (file) 219 KB Home Office official account of the events of 7th July 2005 in London. Published May 2006 1
18:48, 17 May 2010 July 7th Alternative Hypotheses.doc (file) 1.2 MB From the July 7th Truth Campaign Web site. An MS Word document that explores 9 different hypotheses of what happened in London on 7th July 2005. 1
10:50, 17 May 2010 Machiavellian-state-terror.pdf (file) 189 KB Analysis of the events of 7/7 as possible 'Machiavellian State Terror' - by Professor David MacGregor. 1
11:12, 11 May 2010 57px-Notepad icon.png (file) 5 KB   1
15:49, 5 May 2010 Theorising Truth.pdf (file) 1.15 MB   1
11:29, 5 May 2010 Info-s.png (file) 1 KB Used on main page 1
11:29, 5 May 2010 User-s.png (file) 1 KB Used on main page 1
11:28, 5 May 2010 Help-s.png (file) 2 KB Used on main page 1
11:25, 5 May 2010 Contacts-s.png (file) 1 KB Used on main page 1
10:00, 5 May 2010 Wikispooksbg.png (file) 22 KB Main page header graphic 1
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