Wikispooks talk:PGP Public Key

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Revision as of 08:06, 31 May 2010 by Tourist (talk | contribs)
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It is good to see, that unlike you are actually using PGP public key encryption software

WS-Anon-ul [Address for WikiSpooks anonymous uploaders] <>
ID: 0xE1CCF96F
Type: RSA
Size: 2048/2048
Expires: Never
Cipher: AES-256
Fingerprint: 0418 E7B0 2BE0 5436 A747 6AE0 7C4E E1EC E1CC F96F

You could also use this PGP Key for encrypting files before using the the Anonymous submissions Flash form.

You could and should use this published key to Digitally Sign "official" emails and press releases from, which might reduce the temptation for attackers to try to fake them.

However, very few Whistleblowers or mainstream media investigative journalists etc. actually use PGP in practice, so perhaps you should also link to some online sources for the software and tools like, say, the EnigmaMail plugin for Mozilla Thunderbird email software, which make unfriendly, difficult to use software like GnuPG, more usable by normal humans.

Protecting the anonymity of email users from Communications Data Retention and Traffic Analysis, is another topic altogether, which using PGP/GnuPG does not solve.

(signature added following Peter's feedback)

Tourist 09:05, 31 May 2010 (IST)