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An informal grassroots publication, The Golden River, and a sister website, also informal and grassroots, Greening Ways, I suspect I have possibly been the victim of some kind of psychotronic, psychic and gangstalking attacks. I have come to wikispooks in the past during engine searches on various topics but only today after reading up on contrails have I decided to connect with wikispooks more formally. I had been noticing odd jet behavior in the skies in the past few days over the Aztec, New Mexico area in the Four Corners Area of NW New Mexico and took some photos. This is unusual for me. I don't usually pay attention to that sort of thing and do not usually take photos. There were often two jets at a time, complete with contrails, but when I expanded my focus beyond the two, I was astonished to discover there were several jets all spread across the sky, maybe like six. Then I noticed specifically within a few days of the first sighting there were strange lumpy dense little clouds spread across the sky. In going over other topics for The Golden River (I have been studying more on what happened during 9/11) I came across Judy Wall's material on mind control technology. Going from one resource to another, I came across contrails. Because of my recent experience seeing those jets and their contrails, I specifically sought out something from wikispooks on this and came to their excellent presentation on it. Upon reading about the possibilities of various highly negative aspects to contrails, I have decided to let people at wikispooks know I am here. I feel I am unusually sensitive in some ways and that this can be useful in countering the big business-government-military corruption that is upon us as a planet if it is mentored by responsible people. I feel I am already getting some help because my abilities have sharpened lately but there is still more growth and work needed before I can really help proficiently. I have not checked into what the jets flying around the Aztec countryside were about, but one thing that caught my eye was the vertical ascents and their contrails; in fact that was the very first thing that caught my eye; then I saw two other jets flying in duo. The next day I saw something like six jets, again two of which were flying in duo. I will try to post the photos I took to the website The Golden River shortly. I tried to get some close-ups but have not had a chance to look the photos over carefully yet to see how well they turned out. I have been having psychic or comparable visions of 9/11 events recently, like being in the towers, sensing the bombs, people rushing about or dying, etc. I have had similar feelings previously. So there is some kind of connection to 9/11, whatever it is. I feel I might have had some psychic connection to it around the time it happened, as well, but I did not know what was going on at the time. It was things like some kind of placement or wiring job leading to bombing; it felt like it was going on inside my body, which is one way I have flash visions and register concurrent or precognitive events. We hear that wires were unlikely in any bombing of 9/11, so wiring here might be a networking of bombs to be exploded later from a distance. I don't know that I was in any way picking up 9/11, but I distinctly recall having having those images/sensations come up right around 9/11. I attribute this to some kind of psychic link with the perpetrators that had already been in effect and which has been continuous up until the current moment.