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Centre for Applied NonViolent Action and Strategies - or CANVAS is an International network of trainers and consultants, established in 2003. [1]

One of CANVAS’s major funders is Muneer Satter, a former Goldman Sachs executive who stepped down from that position in June 2012 to set up and run Satter Investment Management LLC. Stratfor CEO Shea Morenz worked for ten years at Goldman Sachs as well, where he served as Managing Director in the Investment Management Division and Region Head for Private Wealth Management for the Southwest Region... A powerful individual who lobbied the U.S. government to give money to CANVAS early on was Michael McFaul, the current U.S. Ambassador to Russia for the State Department and someone who “worked closely with” Srdja Popovic while serving as a Senior Fellow at the right-wing Hoover Institution at Stanford University. [2]

External Links


  1. About, CANVAS, accessed August 30, 2007.
  2. Globally Renowned Activist Collaborated With Intelligence Firm Stratfor - 12 2 December 2013
  3. Cast of Characters - A Force More Powerful accessed August 30, 2007.
  4. A Georgian soldier of the Velvet Revolution, LA Times, accessed September 5, 2008.
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