French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2010

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<-Group.png French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2010
(French-American Foundation/Young LeadersWebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png->
Membership•  Anjan Mukherjee
•  Walt Cooper
•  Bradley S. Schneider
•  Byron Rader
•  Elizabeth Méndez Berry
• Bollyky dl 1.jpg Thomas Bollyky
•  Jane Kang
•  Johanna Zetterberg
•  Kevin Bertram
•  Kirsten Bartok
•  Nathaniel Fick
•  Béatrice De Clermont-Tonnerre
•  David Fontaine
•  Emmanuel Farhi
•  Emmanuel Lenain
•  Florence Verzelen
•  Frédéric Barbry
•  Isabelle Simon
•  Jeannette Bougrab
•  Kamil Beffa
•  Laurent Vigier
•  Nicolas Macquin
The French-American Foundation selected Young Leaders for 2010


Known member

1 of the 22 of the members already have pages here:

Thomas BollykyDirector of the global health program at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he led the Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness task force. Bollyky has been a consultant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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