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Jewarchy is a new word proposed by political activist David Blomstrom in 2015, along with the derivatives Jewarchist, Jewarchism and anti-Jewarchism. Anti-Jewarchism (hatred of Jewish corruption) and anti-Jewism (hatred of all Jews) are suggested substitutes for the word antisemitism, which is widely acknowledged as inaccurate, manipulated and generally confusing.


After opening his eyes to politics in the mid-1990s, Blomstrom threw himself into political studies and activism. However, he generally closed his eyes and ears to discussions focusing on Jews, which he believed were largely racist and often based on “wacko conspiracy theory.”

In 2015, Blomstrom read an article that claimed Jews control Hollywood. The source wasn’t a NeoNazi site but the LA Times. Amazed, Blomstrom decided it was time to sit down and do some serious research on “Jewish politics.”

Blomstrom was stunned to learn that many of the wildest claims and conspiracy theories revolving around Jews were either true or supported by abundant evidence. He also discovered that Jewish corruption in Seattle is a far bigger problem than he had ever dreamed. He was particularly stunned to discover that the media whores who had trashed him the hardest in various political campaigns are Jews. A weekly Seattle newspaper called The Stranger appears to be Seattle’s primary Zionist mouthpiece.

A candidate for a seat on the Seattle School Board, Blomstrom decided to add Jewish issues to his platform. However, he found Jewish politics and terminology very confusing and hard to write about. What is a Jew? Can one criticize Jewish organizations or Israeli policies without being racist?

Countless people, from Charles Lindbergh to Helen Thomas, have felt the wrath of the Jewish propaganda machine. The tiniest perceived criticism or insult directed towards anything Jewish can result in charges of antisemitism, which are quickly translated “racism.” Vocal critics of Jewish corruption can even be accused of hate crimes and/or put on watch lists. In some countries, people can be prosecuted for merely questioning the mainstream Holocaust account or displaying a swastika.

To counter charges of racism, many critics of Israel call themselves anti-Zionist. Anti-Zionist Facebook groups commonly stress that they have no complaints about Jews outside of Zionism. But there are two problems with this strategy.

First, it doesn’t really do the job. Jewish elements (i.e. Jewarchists) insist that anyone who criticizes Israel or Zionism is antisemitic/racist. Second, it sends out the message that the only bad Jews are Zionists. In fact, the corruption in the Jewish community is astonishingly diverse and intense, from the Federal Reserve to Jewish control of Hollywood.

In 2015, Blomstrom decided it was time to find a replacement for the word antisemitism. The obvious choice for people who hate all Jews or want to criticize all Jews is anti-Jewism. Blomstrom finally settled on anti-Jewarchism as an appropriate term for people who hate or are opposed to the full spectrum of Jewish corruption, including but not limited to Zionism.

The root word, Jewarchy, was already in limited use; a Google search on July 17, 2015 revealed 23 hits. However, most of the indexed web pages used the word as a nickname or in a casual manner. There were 0 hits for anti-Jewarchsim, though a fresh Google search on January 10, 2016 yielded 732 hits (1,480 for Jewarchy).


The Seattle media that had trashed Blomstrom in at least eight previous bids for public office, beginning in 1999, were ominously quiet. The Seattle Times published a brief piece that referred to Blomstrom’s “profane website” ([1]). The Seattle Weekly and The Stranger, which bore the brunt of Blomstrom’s criticism, made no comments on his Jewish comments at all.

The most prominent reaction was the article [2], which was featured on the home page of the Jewish website The Mike Report. (The article was still listed on the home page in January 2016.)

While researching antisemitism synonyms, Blomstrom posted a question ([3]) on English Language & Usage, a website affiliated with, which is very popular among software programmers.

The response was swift and hostile, and the question was eventually closed amidst a flurry of often transparent propaganda. Note, also, the discussion [4]

Blomstrom then discovered more StackExchange websites focusing on politics that were even more obviously biased and hostile. Curious, Blomstrom did some research on StackExchange and discovered that one of its founders, [5], served as an Israeli paratrooper.

In the meantime, it became increasingly obvious that Google (which was founded by Jews) is blacklisting both and Blomstrom’s current campaign website, (Blomstrom is running for Washington State Governor.) In fact, all the major U.S. search engines appear to be playing games with these two sites. The first search engines to index both sites appear to be the Russian search engine [6] and the Chinese search engine [7].

Blomstrom also discovered that Google was playing games with his non-political websites. When visiting [8], he discovered that all his sites are dead and can’t be verified. (Google claims there’s some kind of problem with the server, a problem that didn’t hinder Yandex or Baidu.)

Even more ominous, when Blomstrom typed into Google, he discovered that Google replaced the title of his 2015 campaign website with “Putrid views.”


Project Jewarchy isn’t just a personal hobby. It is an honest attempt to replace a widely and justifiably maligned word with a more appropriate word(s).

Publicizing Project Jewarchy is one of the chief specific goals of Blomstrom’s 2016 gubernatorial campaign. In the meantime, he is encouraging people to link to and discuss the project on the Internet.

People are also welcome to suggest alternate antisemitism synonyms, along with words for other aspects of “Jewish politics.”

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  1. []Shifting alliances in the race to fill 2 seats on the Seattle School Board, John Higgins, Seattle Times, July 21, 2015
  2. [1]King County Voter’s Guide Features Jew-Hating Screed
  3. [2]Word for people who hate some but not all Jews
  4. [3]What rule(s) does this question violate?
  5. [4]Joel Spolsky
  6. []Yandex
  7. []Baidu
  8. [