Malala Yousafzai

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Tools.png Article to be fleshed out per headings and format similar to those already in place. Help and further information invited - --Peter P (talk) 18:04, 8 October 2013 (IST)

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai, born 12 July 1997, is a Pakistani girl from the town of Mingora in the Swat District of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Her family are ethnic Pashtun and Sunni Muslim. On 9 October 2012, while travelling home on a school bus, she was shot in the head by one of two male attackers in an apparent murder attempt. She survived the attack. Malala has subsequently become the object of unprecedented attention and adulation from the Western political class and its MSM such that - from total obscurity and in the space of just 9 months - on her 16th birthday she delivered an address to the Youth Assembly of the United Nations at its HQ in New York and has been nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Official Narrative of these events is heartwarming in its simplicity; it relates how an innocent child was targeted by a 'wicked terrorist organisation' for daring to campaign for the right to an education for women but, with the support of a loving family and superb British medical treatment, survived to renew her campaign with increased vigour.

Article credit

The article owes much to the detailed research of Scott Creighton, as evidenced on his 'American Everyman' Blog. Extended parts of it are lifted straight from a series of at least 15 of his posts under the heading "The staged Malala Yousafzai Story" [1]


The Corresponding Wikipedia 'Malala' article sets out the Official Narrative in commendable detail. [2] This article attempts to provide some balance to what has become a relentless - near mindless - panegyric, and to outline the less noble motivations and agendas that bear on Malala's elevation to 'living sainthood'. It demonstrates that a child is being unscrupulously used by both her father and the arbiters of Western policy in Afghanistan/Pakistan; the former, likely because there is VERY serious money to be made from the UN 'Universal School Movement' (he is a Charter School owner in Pakistan with national aspirations and has since become UN special envoy for global education); the latter to persuade Western publics that the fight against 'wicked international terrorists' is genuine and must be supported for the sake of living saints like Malala.

Individual Panegyrics


  • Gordon Brown
  • Barak Obama

The Media

  • The Washington Post: "Malala wants to be a politician when she grows up"

Fake "Taliban Spokesman" Ahsanulla Ahsan

The timing of the attack

Juxtaposition with deaths and casualties from Obama drone attacks around the same time.

Instantaneous appearance of large professional English language banners and posters displayed by 'protestors' in Pakistan.

Just one bullet, NOT the two originally claimed

Journey to Birmingham, England

Photographic anomalies

Medical treatment

MSM move to counter questions about the shooting

Scott Creighton's blog blocked by Pakistan Telecommunications Authority

Malala's father, Ziauddin Yousafzai

Hypocrite. Fighting womens emancipation but refusing to allow his wife to be interviewed so as to "... shield her from risk of attack by the Taliban"

The Universal (For profit) School Movement

Ziauddin's business interests - a Pakistan Charter school owner with aspirations to go national.

One World Education Model timeline

Malala nominated for Nobel Peac Prize

Reuters 9 November 2012 - "Tens of thousands of Britons called on the government on Friday to nominate Malala Yousufzai, a Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban for advocating girls' education, for the Nobel Peace Prize. [3]

See Also
