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==Canadian Authorities refuse to extradite Omar Khadr's brother==
==Canadian Authorities refuse to extradite Omar Khadr's brother==
The Canadian authorities have recently refused to extradite his elder brother Abdullah to the US. Like his brother he maintains - with considerable credibility - that he made his confession only after suffering serious and prolonged abuse at the hands of his captors. <Ref>[http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2010/08/04/canadian-judge-omar-khadrs-brother-was-illegally-held-and-interrogated/ Canadian Judge: Omar Khadr’s Brother Was Illegally Held and Interrogated] - Emptywheel 4 August 2010</ref>
The Canadian authorities have refused to extradite his elder brother Abdullah to the US. Like his brother he maintains - with considerable credibility - that he made his confession only after suffering serious and prolonged abuse at the hands of his captors. <Ref>[http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2010/08/04/canadian-judge-omar-khadrs-brother-was-illegally-held-and-interrogated/ Canadian Judge: Omar Khadr’s Brother Was Illegally Held and Interrogated] - Emptywheel 4 August 2010</ref>
==See Also==
==See Also==

Revision as of 19:11, 6 June 2011

Template:Current Events

Omar Khadr

Omar Khadr is a Canadian citizen who has spent 1/3 of his life in US military detention since his capture in the village of Ayub Kehyl ( Map ), Afghanistan on 27 July 2002 at the age of 15 years. His capture followed a firefight in which several of his adult companions and a US soldier were killed. He was severely injured himself having been shot twice in the back and blinded in one eye.

He has been held prisoner by the US ever since, initially at Bagram and since October 2002 at Guantanamo Bay. There is no dispute that he has suffered severe mistreatment during his captivity. His chief interrogator at Bagram was Joshua Claus, who later pleaded guilty to abusing detainees to extract confessions following the in-custody death of wrongly accused taxi driver Dilawar that same year. [1]

Military Commissions 'Trial'

Pre-trial hearings

Khadr is due to go on trial before a US Military Commission on 9 August 2010. He is charged with throwing the grenade that killed a US soldier and being part of a "Terrorist Conspiracy" that began when he was 10 years old. At his pre-trial hearings in May 2010 Joshua Claus (Court designation "Interrogator One") gave evidence about his treatment of Khadr [2]. Under persistent defence questioning his experience as an interrogator was clear. He answered "...I don't specifically recall" to most of the questions about specific abuse of Khadr.

A System Designed to Produce Convictions, Not Justice

Khadr himself gave evidence as the pre-trial hearings continued in July 2010. He described the Military Commissions process as "Unfair and Unjust" and "..."Constructed to convict detainees, not to find the truth". He dismissed his Military appointed defence lawyer and refused to take any further part in the proceedings. He had already refused a 'plea-bargain' in which he was required to admit to War Crimes and serve a further 5 years of a 30 year sentence before being returned to Canada to an uncertain status. [3] He now faces life imprisonment if the Military Commission convicts him, which it is assuredly designed to do.

Reporters Banned

Following the May 2010 hearings, four of the reporters accredited to the case have been banned by from further attendance for publishing Joshua Claus' name rather than referring to him by his commission approved "Interrogator one" designation. The ban is in spite of Claus's name and role having been in the public domain for years and makes further mockery of the whole Military Commissions process in which the 'Trial Judge', Col. Patrick Parrish, repeatedly refers to his 'commitment to transparency'.

One of the banned reporters is Michelle Shephard whose book "Guantanamo's Child: The untold story of Omar Khadr" is the most comprehensive account of Khadr's short life to date [4]

Canadian Authorities refuse to extradite Omar Khadr's brother

The Canadian authorities have refused to extradite his elder brother Abdullah to the US. Like his brother he maintains - with considerable credibility - that he made his confession only after suffering serious and prolonged abuse at the hands of his captors. [5]

See Also

Further information

As of August 2010 the WikiPedia Omar Khadr page is a fair and comprehensive account of both his early life and events since he arrived in Afghanistan in 2002. It provides an extended account of the military operations and firefight that resulted in Khadr's capture. [6]

Latest Information

External links


  1. Wikipedia page - Dilawar - Torture victim
  2. Report of Omar Khadr pre-trial hearings - Daily Kos 7 May 2010
  3. A System Designed to Produce Convictions, Not Justice
  4. ISBN 0470841176 - Guantanamo's Child: The untold story of Omar Khadr - by Michelle Shehard 2008, publisher John Wiley and Sons
  5. Canadian Judge: Omar Khadr’s Brother Was Illegally Held and Interrogated - Emptywheel 4 August 2010
  6. WikiPedia - Omar Khadr page
  7. Canadian pleads guilty to war crimes at Guantánamo court Miami Herald 25 October 2010
  8. No Justice for Omar Khadr at Guantánamo Andy Worthington 25 October 2010