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#REDIRECT:[[Ukraine coup 2014]]
|constitutes=US Sponsored Regime-change efforts since 1945
==Official Narrative==
This is still being written. The western {{ccm}} is full of 'the wrath of the righteous', pompous demonisation of Russia and little of substance - the usual establishment-loyal tub-thumping propaganda IOW. The leaked telephone call between [[Victoria Nuland]] and [[Geoffrey Pyatt]] has also complicated the construction of a half-way credible {{ON}} too so, along with the legal status of the new Kiev authorities being - at best - murky, it is simply ignored.
==The reality==
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<div class="thumbcaption">A comprehensive run-down on events in the Ukraine
This video is a comprehensive exploration of what has been happening in the Ukraine both leading up to and since the violence in Kiev began in late November 2013. Following the violent ousting of the democratically elected government in Mid-February 2014 (an election certified as 'free and fair' by all international observers), the legal basis on which Russia rests its position and reaction to those events is threefold:
#Viktor Yanukovych remains the ''only'' constitutionally comstituted legal representative of the Ukraininan State
#The Kiev vote which claims to have deposed him was made by a rump of its 450 elected members (the remainder having fled to their Eastern constituencies in fear for their lives), acting outside its standing orders with no quorum and with those members who ''did'' vote doing so under threat of violence by armed men inside the parliament chamber - in other words under duress.
#Russian forces of up to 27,000 personnel are authorised, by treaty with the legal Ukrainian State, to be present in the Crimea and to conduct the operational maneuvers Russia deems necessary to protect the Black Sea Fleet naval base at Sevastopol.
As of 3 March 2014, Russia claims ''not'' to have imported any personnel not authorised under the treaty and, in the absence of a legal authority in Kiev, to have merely undertaken patrolling activities requested of it by the legally elected authorities in Crimea itself.
Russia also claims that it has been requested in writing by the Ukrainian President Yanukovych to use its military to restore legal authority to Ukraine <ref>[http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/721881 Churkin: Yanukovych requests Russia to use armed forces to restore order in Ukraine] - ITAR-TASS 4 March 2014</ref>.
As one of the contributors to the video says: an apt analogy for the respective Russian and US actions since the crisis began is that ''" Russia is playing chess while the US is playing poker and American football - bluffing brute force with a pair of sevens"''. President Putin is calling the US bluff and it is to be hoped that the West really IS bluffing because Putin certainly isn't.
It should also be clear to rational observers that, despite western faux-outrage at their claimed ''"Russian military invasion of a sovereign state"'', were it not for Russia's actions to date [4 March 2014] and the fact that Russia continues to recognise it as a Unitary State, the Ukraine would have fragmented into civil war. Were Russia to withdraw its recognition, there can be little doubt that open civil war would be the result.
===A more disturbing 'reality' possibility===
There is a credible alternative interpretation of unfolding events in the Ukraine, authoritatively voiced by Professor [[Francis Boyle]]. It is that, based on extensive experience of its earlier 'colour' and 'Arab Spring' revolutions, the whole situation has been VERY thoroughly gamed by the US-NATO and that Russia has done nothing that was not clearly foreseen and allowed for. Professor Boyle:
{{QB|<poem>I suspect this entire Ukraine Crisis had been war-gamed and war planned quite some time ago at the highest levels of US/NATO. '''Notice DOD slipped 2 US warships into the Black Sea just before the Olympics under a patently absurd pretext. In other words, what we are seeing unfold here is a US/NATO War Plan.''' They instigated the fascist coup against Yanukovich. They anticipated that Putin would then respond by taking over Crimea.
I suspect the US/NATO/EU response will be to introduce military forces into Western Ukraine and Kiev and thus make Ukraine a de facto member of [[NATO]], which has been their objective all along. They have already anticipated what Putin’s next move after that will be. '''Notice also the massive anti-Russian campaign by the Western News Media working in lock-step with each other. Another sign that all this has been planned well in advance.''' 
'''I suspect that US/NATO/EU figure that Putin knows they have this offensive, first-strike strategic nuclear capability with a rudimentary ABM/BMD capability so that at the end of the day he will be forced to stand down—or else.''' ''Compellence'' as opposed to ''Deterrence''. Just like during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That is where this US/NATO/EU War Plan is heading on the assumptions that they can keep their deliberate Escalation Dominance under their control and that at the end of the day Putin will be forced to stand down just like Khrushchev did and for the same reasons. That would leave US/NATO/EU in control of at least half of Ukraine as a de facto NATO member state.</poem><br/>
[Emphasis added - ED]
Supporting this analysis are reports of groups of mercenaries - dressed in civilian clothes and carrying bulky packs - arriving at Kiev airport, from whence they are being sent to Odessa, in the south-east Black sea coast and close to the Crimea. They are reported to be employees of Greystone Ltd, <ref>[http://www.greystone-ltd.com/ Greystone web site]</ref> a subsidiary of [[Academi]] (Fornerly Blackwater]]) <ref>[http://www.voltairenet.org/article182499.html US mercenaries deployed in Southern Ukraine] - Voltairbet 4 March 2014</ref> <ref>[http://toinformistoinfluence.com/2014/03/02/report-blackwater-in-ukraine/ Blackwater in Ukraine] - To inform is to influence - 2 March 2014</ref>
==Evidence that the Maidan snipers were NOT government security personnel==
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<div class="thumbcaption">Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU foreign policy
spokesman Catherine Ashton. Telecon 25 February 2014
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{{#widget: YouTube|width=360px|height=300px|id=J5qXS8Xc274}}<br/>
<div class="thumbcaption">Analysis of sniper video<br/>
*The first video was uploaded to YouTube by disaffected  Ukrainian security services personnel, who say they are sick of the lies of the usurping regime. It provides compelling evidence that the 13 policemen and the protestors killed by sniper fire were all shot by the same people and that they were under orders from the protest organisers themselves - the people now recognised as the legitimate government of the Ukraine by the Western political establishment. A classic [[Operation Gladio|Gladio]]-style black operation in other words. The video also evidences the coercive methods employed by the putsch supporters to secure the compliance of the remaining parliamentary rump of elected members.
:It is the leaked audio of a telephone conversation between Estonian Foreign Minister [[Urmas Paet]] and EU foreign policy spokesman Catherine Ashton. <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Ashton Catherine Ashton] - Wikipedia page</ref>. The call was initiated by Paet on 25 February 2014.
*The second video is an analysis of the video uploaded to YouTube soon after the shooting and in support of allegations, uniformly reported in the western {{ccm}} that ''"Yanikovych's security police did it"''. <ref>[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/20/ukraine-snipers-kiev-hotel-makeshift-morgue Snipers stalk protesters in Ukraine as Kiev hotel becomes makeshift morgue] - Ian Traynor. Guardian 20 February 2014</ref>
===Judaic power in the 2014 Coup administration===
[[File:McCain Yatsenyuk.jpg|thumb|400px|US Senator John McCain with Jewish 'acting PM Arseniy Yatsenuk and neo-nazi Oleh Tyahnybok. Ukraine Decmber 2013]]
The footsoldiers of the Ukrainian coup were, by near universal agreement and prevailing western political-spectrum norms, of Nationalist-Right to extreme-Right (ie 'neo-nazi') allegiance. By the standards enforced in, for example Germany and France, statements by several prominent coup members would result in immediate prosecution and a prison sentence - for example Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of the ''Svoboda'' party is on record as stating  that a ''"Moscow-Jewish mafia"'' rules Ukraine and that ''"Germans, Kikes and other scum"'' want to "take away our Ukrainian state.". <ref>[https://libcom.org/news/neo-nazis-far-right-protesters-ukraine-23012014 Neo-Nazis and far-right protesters in Ukraine] - libcom.org 23 January 2014</ref> It is therefore puzzling (superficially - see below) to note that, not only have the insurgents appointed a Jew, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as acting prime minister, but that he in turn has appointed a Jewish Olgarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihor_Kolomoyskyi Ihor Kolomoyskyi] - Wikipedia page</ref>, as 'governor' of the Eastern Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk <ref>[]</ref>. He is ranked the third richest man in Ukraine with an estimated net worth of $2.4billion.<ref name="Reuters1">[http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/06/ukraine-crisis-privatbank-idUSL6N0M326S20140306 Russia puts subsidiary of Ukraine's Privatbank in temporary administration] - Reuters 6 March 2014</ref> He is also the founder of the European Jewish Union <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Jewish_Union European Jewish Union] - Wikipedia page</ref> He controls his business empire from Switzerland  has joint Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship. President Putin recently called him ''"A Unique imposter"'' <ref name="Reures1" /> - clearly the best man for the job of ruling a city with a majority Russian-speaking population.
[[File:IhorKolomoyskyi.jpg|thumb|300px|Ihor Kolomoyskyi]]
====The "influence of the Jews"====
The Jewish population of Ukraine [[Jewish population by country|numbers 65,000 which is about 0.28% of the total]]. In spite of that miniscule proportion, it is a truism to state that uber-wealthy oligarchs have, since the demise of the Soviet Union, dominated the politics of the Ukraine and, just as in the immediate post-Soviet Russia of Boris Yeltsin, they are overwhelmingly of Jewish lineage (2 of the 3 richest - Victor Pinchuk <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Pinchuk Victor Pinchuk] - Wikipedia page</ref> and Ihor Kolomoyskyi <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihor_Kolomoyskyi Ihor Kolomoyskyi] - Wikipedia page </ref> - are Jews). The following snippet from a speech by British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli to the House of Commons in 1852 is, for inquiring minds, a trenchant thematic guide to events in the Ukraine through the winter of 2013-14:
{{QB| The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property... the natural equality of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the secret societies which form provisional governments, and men of the Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them.
==Reports of Sponsorship==
In "[[US]] and [[EU]] Are Paying Ukrainian Rioters & Protesters", a [[Boiling Frogs Post]] article from February 2014, Dr [[Paul Craig Roberts]] alleged that "A number of confirmations have come in from readers that Washington is fueling the violent protests in Ukraine with [US] taxpayer dollars".<ref>http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2014/02/18/us-and-eu-are-paying-ukrainian-rioters-protesters/#sthash.ASrQOisX.dpuf</ref>

Latest revision as of 06:34, 9 March 2014