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  * https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc
  * https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc
  * @license http://krinkle.mit-license.org/
  * @copyright 2010-2018 Timo Tijhof
* @author Timo Tijhof, 2010–2013
/*global alert */
(function ($, mw) {
'use strict';
// Array#includes polyfill (ES2016/ES7)
* Configuration
// eslint-disable-next-line
* -------------------------------------------------
Array.prototype.includes||Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype,"includes",{value:function(r,e){if(null==this)throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');var t=Object(this),n=t.length>>>0;if(0===n)return!1;var i,o,a=0|e,u=Math.max(a>=0?a:n-Math.abs(a),0);for(;u<n;){if((i=t[u])===(o=r)||"number"==typeof i&&"number"==typeof o&&isNaN(i)&&isNaN(o))return!0;u++}return!1}});
appVersion = 'v0.9.8',
apiUrl = mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
conf = mw.config.get([
cvnApiUrl = '//cvn.wmflabs.org/api.php',
intuitionLoadUrl = '//tools.wmflabs.org/intuition/load.php?env=mw',
docUrl = '//meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle/Tools/Real-Time_Recent_Changes?uselang=' + conf.wgUserLanguage,
// 32x32px
ajaxLoaderUrl = '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Ajax-loader.gif',
patrolCacheSize = 20,
/* global alert, mw, $ */
* Info from the wiki
(function () {
* -------------------------------------------------
  'use strict';
userHasPatrolRight = false,
userPatrolTokenCache = false,
rcTags = [],
* State
  * Configuration
* -------------------------------------------------
  * -------------------------------------------------
    appVersion = 'v1.3.6-pre.6',
    conf = mw.config.get([
    // Can't use mw.util.wikiScript until after #init
    apiUrl = conf.wgScriptPath + '/api.php',
    cvnApiUrl = 'https://cvn.wmflabs.org/api.php',
    oresApiUrl = 'https://ores.wikimedia.org/scores/' + conf.wgDBname + '/',
    oresModel = false,
    intuitionLoadUrl = 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Krinkle/Scripts/Intuition.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript',
    docUrl = 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle/Tools/Real-Time_Recent_Changes?uselang=' + conf.wgUserLanguage,
    // 32x32px
    ajaxLoaderUrl = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Ajax-loader.gif',
    annotationsCache = {
      patrolled: Object.create(null),
      cvn: Object.create(null),
      ores: Object.create(null)
    // See annotationsCacheUp()
    annotationsCacheSize = 0,
    // Info from the wiki - see initData()
skippedRCIDs = [],
    userHasPatrolRight = false,
patrolledRCIDs = [],
    rcTags = [],
    // State
isUpdating = false,
    skippedRCIDs = [],
    // Default settings for the feed
* Feed options
    defOpt = {
* -------------------------------------------------
      rc: {
        // Timestamp
defOpt = {
        start: undefined,
rc: {
        // Timestamp
// Timestamp
        end: undefined,
start: undefined,
        // Direction "older" (descending) or "newer" (ascending)
// Timestamp
        dir: 'older',
end: undefined,
        // Array of namespace ids
// Direction "older" (descending) or "newer" (ascending)
        namespace: undefined,
dir: 'older',
        // User name
// Array of namespace ids
        user: undefined,
namespace: undefined,
        // Tag ID
// User name
        tag: undefined,
user: undefined,
        // Filters
// Tag ID
        hideliu: false,
tag: undefined,
        hidebots: true,
// Show filters: exclude, include, filter
        unpatrolled: false,
showAnonOnly: false,
        limit: 25,
showUnpatrolledOnly: false,
        // Type filters are "show matches only"
limit: 25,
        typeEdit: true,
// Type filters are "show matches only"
        typeNew: true
typeEdit: false,
typeNew: false
app: {
      app: {
refresh: 3,
        refresh: 5,
cvnDB: false,
        cvnDB: false,
massPatrol: false,
        ores: false,
autoDiff: false
        massPatrol: false,
        autoDiff: false
opt = $(true, {}, defOpt),
    aliasOpt = {
      // Back-compat for v1.0.4 and earlier
      showAnonOnly: 'hideliu',
      showUnpatrolledOnly: 'unpatrolled'
    // Current settings for the feed
    opt = makeOpt(),
    rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout,
navSupported = conf.skin === 'vector' && !!window.localStorage,
nextFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout,
$wrapper, $body, $feed,
    $wrapper, $body, $feed,
* Utility functions
  * Utility functions
* -------------------------------------------------
  * -------------------------------------------------
if (!String.prototype.ucFirst) {
  function makeOpt () {
String.prototype.ucFirst = function () {
    // Create a recursive copy of defOpt without exposing
// http://jsperf.com/ucfirst/4
    // any of its arrays or objects in the returned value,
// http://jsperf.com/ucfirst-replace-vs-substr/3
    // so that the returned value can be modified in every way,
// str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
    // without causing defOpt to change.
// str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
    return $.extend(true, {}, defOpt);
// str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
// str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1, this.length);
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substring(1);
// Prepends a leading zero if value is under 10
function leadingZero(i) {
  * Prepend a leading zero if value is under 10
if (i < 10) {
i = '0' + i;
  * @param {number} num Value between 0 and 99.
  * @return {string}
return i;
  function pad (num) {
    return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;
timeUtil = {
  timeUtil = {
// Create new Date instance from MediaWiki API timestamp string
    // Create new Date object from an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp, as
newDateFromApi: function (s) {
    // returned by the MediaWiki API (e.g. "2010-04-25T23:24:02Z")
// Possible number/integer to string
    newDateFromISO: function (s) {
var t = Date.UTC(
      return new Date(Date.parse(s));
// "2010-04-25T23:24:02Z" => 2010, 3, 25, 23, 24, 2
parseInt(s.slice(0, 4), 10), // Year
parseInt(s.slice(5, 7), 10) - 1, // Month
parseInt(s.slice(8, 10), 10), // Day
parseInt(s.slice(11, 13), 10), // Hour
parseInt(s.slice(14, 16), 10), // Minutes
parseInt(s.slice(17, 19), 10) // Seconds
return new Date(t);
* Apply user offset.
    * Apply user offset
* Only use this if you're extracting individual values
    * Only use this if you're extracting individual values from the object (e.g. getUTCDay or
* from the object (e.g. getUTCDay or getUTCMinutes).
    * getUTCMinutes). The internal timestamp will be wrong.
* The full timestamp will incorrectly claim "GMT".
    * @param {Date} d
applyUserOffset: function (d) {
    * @return {Date}
var offset = mw.user.options.get('timecorrection');
// This preference has no default value, it is null for users that don't
    applyUserOffset: function (d) {
// override the site's default timeoffset.
      var parts,
if (offset) {
        offset = mw.user.options.get('timecorrection');
offset = Number(offset.split('|')[1]);
} else {
offset = wikiTimeOffset;
// There is no way to set a timezone in javascript, so we instead pretend the real unix
// time is different and then get the values from that.
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (offset * 60 * 1000));
return d;
// Get clocktime string adjusted to timezone of wiki
      // This preference has no default value, it is null for users that don't
// from MediaWiki timestamp string
      // override the site's default timeoffset.
getClocktimeFromApi: function (s) {
      if (offset) {
var d = timeUtil.applyUserOffset(timeUtil.newDateFromApi(s));
        parts = offset.split('|');
// Return clocktime with leading zeros
        if (parts[0] === 'System') {
return leadingZero(d.getUTCHours()) + ':' + leadingZero(d.getUTCMinutes());
          // Ignore offset value, as system may have started or stopped
          // DST since the preferences were saved.
          offset = wikiTimeOffset;
        } else {
          offset = Number(parts[1]);
      } else {
        offset = wikiTimeOffset;
      // There is no way to set a timezone in javascript, so instead we pretend the
      // UTC timestamp is different and use getUTC* methods everywhere.
      d.setTime(d.getTime() + (offset * 60 * 1000));
      return d;
    // Get clocktime string adjusted to timezone of wiki
    // from MediaWiki timestamp string
    getClocktimeFromApi: function (s) {
      var d = timeUtil.applyUserOffset(timeUtil.newDateFromISO(s));
      // Return clocktime with leading zeros
      return pad(d.getUTCHours()) + ':' + pad(d.getUTCMinutes());
* Main functions
  * Main functions
* -------------------------------------------------
  * -------------------------------------------------
function buildRcDayHead(time) {
var current = time.getDate();
  * @param {Date} date
if (current === rcPrevDayHeading) {
  * @return {string} HTML
return '';
  function buildRcDayHead (date) {
rcPrevDayHeading = current;
    var current = date.getDate();
return '<div class="mw-rtrc-heading"><div><strong>' + time.getDate() + ' ' + monthNames[time.getMonth()] + '</strong></div></div>';
    if (current === rcDayHeadPrev) {
      return '';
    rcDayHeadPrev = current;
    return '<div class="mw-rtrc-heading"><div><strong>' + date.getDate() + ' ' + monthNames[date.getMonth()] + '</strong></div></div>';
* @param {Object} rc Recent change object from API
  * @param {Object} rc Recent change object from API
* @return {string} HTML
  * @return {string} HTML
function buildRcItem(rc) {
  function buildRcItem (rc) {
var diffsize, isPatrolled, isAnon,
    var diffsize, isUnpatrolled, typeSymbol, itemClass, diffLink, el, item;
typeSymbol, itemClass, diffLink,
commentHtml, el, item;
// Get size difference (can be negative, zero or positive)
    // Get size difference (can be negative, zero or positive)
diffsize = rc.newlen - rc.oldlen;
    diffsize = rc.newlen - rc.oldlen;
// Convert undefined/empty-string values from API into booleans
    // Convert undefined/empty-string values from API into booleans
isPatrolled = rc.patrolled !== undefined;
    isUnpatrolled = rc.unpatrolled !== undefined;
isAnon = rc.anon !== undefined;
// typeSymbol, diffLink & itemClass
    // typeSymbol, diffLink & itemClass
typeSymbol = '&nbsp;';
    typeSymbol = '&nbsp;';
itemClass = '';
    itemClass = [];
if (rc.type === 'new') {
    if (rc.type === 'new') {
typeSymbol += '<span class="newpage">N</span>';
      typeSymbol += '<span class="newpage">' + mw.message('newpageletter').escaped() + '</span>';
if ((rc.type === 'edit' || rc.type === 'new') && userHasPatrolRight && !isPatrolled) {
    if ((rc.type === 'edit' || rc.type === 'new') && userHasPatrolRight && isUnpatrolled) {
typeSymbol += '<span class="unpatrolled">!</span>';
      typeSymbol += '<span class="unpatrolled">!</span>';
commentHtml = rc.parsedcomment;
    if (rc.oldlen > 0 && rc.newlen === 0) {
// Check if edit summary is an AES
if (commentHtml.indexOf('<a href="/wiki/Commons:AES" class="mw-redirect" title="Commons:AES">\u2190</a>') === 0) {
// TODO: This is specific to commons.wikimedia.org
itemClass += ' mw-rtrc-item-aes';
// Anon-attribute
<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-patrolled" data-diff="0" data-rcid="0" user="Abc">
if (isAnon) {
  <div first>(<a>diff</a>) <span class="unpatrolled">!</span> 00:00 <a>Page</a></div>
itemClass = ' mw-rtrc-item-anon';
  <div user><a class="user" href="/User:Abc">Abc</a></div>
} else {
  <div comment><a href="/User talk:Abc">talk</a> / <a href="/Special:Contributions/Abc">contribs</a>&nbsp;<span class="comment">Abc</span></div>
itemClass = ' mw-rtrc-item-liu';
  <div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><span class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-null">(0)</span></div>
<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-patrolled" data-diff="0" data-rcid="0" user="Abc">
    // build & return item
<div diff>(<a class="diff" href="//">diff</a>)</div>
    item = buildRcDayHead(timeUtil.newDateFromISO(rc.timestamp));
<div type><span class="unpatrolled">!</span></div>
    item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-item ' + itemClass.join(' ') + '" data-diff="' + rc.revid + '" data-rcid="' + rc.rcid + '" user="' + rc.user + '">';
<div timetitle>00:00 <a href="//?rcid=0" target="_blank">Abc</a></div>
<div user><a class="user" href="//User:Abc">Abc</a></div>
<div other><a href="//User talk:Abc">talk</a> / <a href="//Special:Contributions/Abc">contribs</a>&nbsp;<span class="comment">Abc</span></div>
<div size><span class="mw-plusminus-null">(0)</span></div>
// build & return item
item = buildRcDayHead(timeUtil.newDateFromApi(rc.timestamp));
item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-item ' + itemClass + '" data-diff="' + rc.revid + '" data-rcid="' + rc.rcid + '" user="' + rc.user + '">';
if (rc.type === 'edit') {
    if (rc.type === 'edit') {
diffLink = '<a class="rcitemlink diff" href="' +
      diffLink = '<a class="rcitemlink diff" href="' +
mw.util.wikiScript() + '?diff=' + rc.revid + '&oldif=' + rc.old_revid + '&rcid=' + rc.rcid +
        mw.util.wikiScript() + '?diff=' + rc.revid + '&oldid=' + rc.old_revid + '&rcid=' + rc.rcid +
'">' + mw.message('diff').escaped() + '</a>';
        '">' + mw.message('diff').escaped() + '</a>';
} else if (rc.type === 'new') {
    } else if (rc.type === 'new') {
diffLink = '<a class="rcitemlink newPage">new</a>';
      diffLink = '<a class="rcitemlink newPage">' + message('new-short').escaped() + '</a>';
} else {
    } else {
diffLink = mw.message('diff').escaped();
      diffLink = mw.message('diff').escaped();
item += '<div first>(' + diffLink + ') ' + typeSymbol + ' ';
    item += '<div first>' +
item += timeUtil.getClocktimeFromApi(rc.timestamp) + ' <a class="page" href="' + mw.util.wikiGetlink(rc.title) + '?rcid=' + rc.rcid + '" target="_blank">' + rc.title + '</a></div>';
      '(' + diffLink + ') ' + typeSymbol + ' ' +
item += '<div user>&nbsp;<small>&middot;&nbsp;<a href="' + mw.util.wikiGetlink('User talk:' + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">T</a> &middot; <a href="' + mw.util.wikiGetlink('Special:Contributions/' + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">C</a>&nbsp;</small>&middot;&nbsp;<a class="user" href="' + mw.util.wikiGetlink('User:' + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">' + rc.user + '</a></div>';
      timeUtil.getClocktimeFromApi(rc.timestamp) +
item += '<div other>&nbsp;<span class="comment">' + commentHtml + '</span></div>';
      ' <a class="mw-title" href="' + mw.util.getUrl(rc.title) + '?rcid=' + rc.rcid + '" target="_blank">' + rc.title + '</a>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<div user>&nbsp;<small>&middot;&nbsp;' +
      '<a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('User talk:' + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">' + mw.message('talkpagelinktext').escaped() + '</a>' +
      ' &middot; ' +
      '<a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Contributions/' + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">' + mw.message('contribslink').escaped() + '</a>' +
      '&nbsp;</small>&middot;&nbsp;' +
      '<a class="mw-userlink" href="' + mw.util.getUrl((mw.util.isIPv4Address(rc.user) || mw.util.isIPv6Address(rc.user) ? 'Special:Contributions/' : 'User:') + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">' + rc.user + '</a>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<div comment>&nbsp;<span class="comment">' + rc.parsedcomment + '</span></div>';
if (diffsize > 0) {
    if (diffsize > 0) {
el = diffsize > 399 ? 'strong' : 'span';
      el = diffsize > 399 ? 'strong' : 'span';
item += '<div size><' + el + ' class="mw-plusminus-pos">(' + diffsize + ')</' + el + '></div>';
      item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><' + el + ' class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-pos">(+' + diffsize.toLocaleString() + ')</' + el + '></div>';
} else if (diffsize === 0) {
    } else if (diffsize === 0) {
item += '<div size><span class="mw-plusminus-null">(0)</span></div>';
      item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><span class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-null">(0)</span></div>';
} else {
    } else {
el = diffsize < -399 ? 'strong' : 'span';
      el = diffsize < -399 ? 'strong' : 'span';
item += '<div size><' + el + ' class="mw-plusminus-neg">(' + diffsize + ')</' + el + '></div>';
      item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><' + el + ' class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-neg">(' + diffsize.toLocaleString() + ')</' + el + '></div>';
item += '</div>';
    item += '</div>';
return item;
    return item;
* @param {Object} newOpt
  * @param {Object} newOpt
* @param {string} [mode=normal] One of 'quiet' or 'normal'
  * @param {string} [mode=normal] One of 'quiet' or 'normal'
* @return {boolean} True if no changes were made, false otherwise
  * @return {boolean} True if no changes were made, false otherwise
function normaliseSettings(newOpt, mode) {
  function normaliseSettings (newOpt, mode) {
var mod = false;
    var mod = false;
// MassPatrol requires a filter to be active
    // MassPatrol requires a filter to be active
if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.rc.user) {
    if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.rc.user) {
newOpt.app.massPatrol = false;
      newOpt.app.massPatrol = false;
mod = true;
      mod = true;
if (mode !== 'quiet') {
      if (mode !== 'quiet') {
// MassPatrol requires AutoDiff
    // MassPatrol implies AutoDiff
if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.app.autoDiff) {
    if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.app.autoDiff) {
newOpt.app.autoDiff = true;
      newOpt.app.autoDiff = true;
mod = true;
      mod = true;
    // MassPatrol implies fetching only unpatrolled changes
    if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.rc.unpatrolled) {
      newOpt.rc.unpatrolled = true;
      mod = true;
return !mod;
    return !mod;
function readSettingsForm() {
  function fillSettingsForm (newOpt) {
// jQuery#serializeArray is nice, but doesn't include "value: false" for unchecked
    var $settings = $($wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-settings')[0].elements).filter(':input');
// checkboxes that are not disabled. Using raw .elements instead and filtering
// out <fieldset>.
var $settings = $($wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-settings')[0].elements).filter(':input');
opt = $.extend(true, {}, defOpt);
    if (newOpt.rc) {
      $.each(newOpt.rc, function (key, value) {
        var $setting = $settings.filter(function () {
            return this.name === key;
          setting = $setting[0];
$settings.each(function (i, el) {
        if (!setting) {
var name = el.name;
switch (name) {
        switch (key) {
// RC
          case 'limit':
case 'limit':
            setting.value = value;
opt.rc[name] = Number(el.value);
          case 'namespace':
case 'namespace':
            if (value === undefined) {
// Can be "0".
            // Value "" (all) is represented by undefined.
// Value "" (all) is represented by undefined.
              $setting.find('option').eq(0).prop('selected', true);
// TODO: Turn this into a multi-select, the API supports it.
            } else {
opt.rc[name] = el.value.length ? Number(el.value) : undefined;
case 'user':
case 'start':
          case 'user':
case 'end':
          case 'start':
case 'tag':
          case 'end':
opt.rc[name] = el.value || undefined;
          case 'tag':
            setting.value = value || '';
case 'showAnonOnly':
case 'showUnpatrolledOnly':
          case 'hideliu':
case 'typeEdit':
          case 'hidebots':
case 'typeNew':
          case 'unpatrolled':
opt.rc[name] = el.checked;
          case 'typeEdit':
          case 'typeNew':
case 'dir':
            setting.checked = value;
// There's more than 1 radio button with this name in this loop,
// use the value of the first (and only) checked one.
          case 'dir':
if (el.checked) {
            if (setting.value === value) {
opt.rc[name] = el.value;
              setting.checked = true;
// APP
case 'cvnDB':
case 'massPatrol':
case 'autoDiff':
opt.app[name] = el.checked;
case 'refresh':
opt.app[name] = Number(el.value);
if (!normaliseSettings(opt)) {
    if (newOpt.app) {
// TODO: Optimise this, no need to repopulate the entire settings form
      $.each(newOpt.app, function (key, value) {
// if only 1 thing changed.
        var $setting = $settings.filter(function () {
            return this.name === key;
          setting = $setting[0];
function fillSettingsForm(newOpt) {
        if (!setting) {
var $settings = $($wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-settings')[0].elements).filter(':input');
          setting = document.getElementById('rc-options-' + key);
          $setting = $(setting);
if (newOpt.rc) {
        if (!setting) {
$.each(newOpt.rc, function (key, value) {
var $setting = $settings.filter(function () {
return this.name === key;
setting = $setting[0];
if (!setting) {
        switch (key) {
          case 'cvnDB':
          case 'ores':
          case 'massPatrol':
          case 'autoDiff':
            setting.checked = value;
          case 'refresh':
            setting.value = value;
switch (key) {
  function readSettingsForm () {
case 'limit':
    // jQuery#serializeArray is nice, but doesn't include "value: false" for unchecked
setting.value = value;
    // checkboxes that are not disabled. Using raw .elements instead and filtering
    // out <fieldset>.
case 'namespace':
    var $settings = $($wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-settings')[0].elements).filter(':input');
if (value === undefined) {
// Value "" (all) is represented by undefined.
$setting.find('option').eq(0).prop('selected', true);
} else {
case 'user':
case 'start':
case 'end':
case 'tag':
setting.value = value || '';
case 'showAnonOnly':
case 'showUnpatrolledOnly':
case 'typeEdit':
case 'typeNew':
setting.checked = value;
case 'dir':
if (setting.value === value) {
setting.checked = true;
if (newOpt.app) {
    opt = makeOpt();
$.each(newOpt.app, function (key, value) {
var $setting = $settings.filter(function () {
return this.name === key;
setting = $setting[0];
if (!setting) {
    $settings.each(function (i, el) {
setting = document.getElementById('rc-options-' + key);
      var name = el.name;
$setting = $(setting);
      switch (name) {
        // RC
        case 'limit':
          opt.rc[name] = Number(el.value);
        case 'namespace':
        // Can be "0".
        // Value "" (all) is represented by undefined.
        // TODO: Turn this into a multi-select, the API supports it.
          opt.rc[name] = el.value.length ? Number(el.value) : undefined;
        case 'user':
        case 'start':
        case 'end':
        case 'tag':
          opt.rc[name] = el.value || undefined;
        case 'hideliu':
        case 'hidebots':
        case 'unpatrolled':
        case 'typeEdit':
        case 'typeNew':
          opt.rc[name] = el.checked;
        case 'dir':
          // There's more than 1 radio button with this name in this loop,
          // use the value of the first (and only) checked one.
          if (el.checked) {
            opt.rc[name] = el.value;
        // APP
        case 'cvnDB':
        case 'ores':
        case 'massPatrol':
        case 'autoDiff':
          opt.app[name] = el.checked;
        case 'refresh':
          opt.app[name] = Number(el.value);
if (!setting) {
    if (!normaliseSettings(opt)) {
switch (key) {
  function getPermalink () {
case 'cvnDB':
    var uri = new mw.Uri(mw.util.getUrl(conf.wgPageName)),
case 'massPatrol':
      reducedOpt = {};
case 'autoDiff':
setting.checked = value;
case 'refresh':
setting.value = value;
    $.each(opt.rc, function (key, value) {
      if (defOpt.rc[key] !== value) {
        if (!reducedOpt.rc) {
          reducedOpt.rc = {};
        reducedOpt.rc[key] = value;
function getPermalink() {
    $.each(opt.app, function (key, value) {
var uri = new mw.Uri(mw.util.wikiGetlink(conf.wgPageName)),
      // Don't permalink MassPatrol (issue Krinkle/mw-rtrc-gadget#59)
reducedOpt = {};
      if (key !== 'massPatrol' && defOpt.app[key] !== value) {
        if (!reducedOpt.app) {
          reducedOpt.app = {};
        reducedOpt.app[key] = value;
$.each(opt.rc, function (key, value) {
    reducedOpt = JSON.stringify(reducedOpt);
if (defOpt.rc[key] !== value) {
if (!reducedOpt.rc) {
reducedOpt.rc = {};
reducedOpt.rc[key] = value;
$.each(opt.app, function (key, value) {
if (defOpt.app[key] !== value) {
      opt: reducedOpt === '{}' ? '' : reducedOpt
if (!reducedOpt.app) {
reducedOpt.app = {};
reducedOpt.app[key] = value;
reducedOpt = $.toJSON(reducedOpt);
    return uri.toString();
  function updateFeedNow () {
opt: reducedOpt === '{}' ? undefined : reducedOpt,
    $('#rc-options-pause').prop('checked', false);
kickstart: 1
    if (updateReq) {
      // Try to abort the current request
    return updateFeed();
return uri.toString();
  * @param {jQuery} $element
  function scrollIntoView ($element) {
    $element[0].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });
// Read permalink into the program and reflect into settings form.
// TODO: Refactor into init, as this does more than read permalink.
  * @param {jQuery} $element
// It also inits the settings form and handles kickstart
function readPermalink() {
  function scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ($element) {
var url = new mw.Uri(),
    if ($element[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded) {
newOpt = url.query.opt,
      $element[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });
kickstart = url.query.kickstart;
    } else {
      $element[0].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });
newOpt = newOpt ? $.parseJSON(newOpt): {};
  // Read permalink into the program and reflect into settings form.
  function readPermalink () {
    var group, oldKey, newKey, newOpt,
      url = new mw.Uri();
newOpt = $.extend(true, {}, defOpt, newOpt);
    if (url.query.opt) {
      try {
        newOpt = JSON.parse(url.query.opt);
      } catch (e) {
        // Ignore
    if (newOpt) {
      // Rename values for old aliases
      for (group in newOpt) {
        for (oldKey in newOpt[group]) {
          newKey = aliasOpt[oldKey];
          if (newKey && !Object.hasOwnProperty.call(newOpt[group], newKey)) {
            newOpt[group][newKey] = newOpt[group][oldKey];
            delete newOpt[group][oldKey];
normaliseSettings(newOpt, 'quiet');
      if (newOpt.app) {
        // Don't permalink MassPatrol (issue Krinkle/mw-rtrc-gadget#59)
        delete newOpt.app.massPatrol;
    newOpt = $.extend(true, makeOpt(), newOpt);
opt = newOpt;
    normaliseSettings(newOpt, 'quiet');
if (kickstart === '1') {
    opt = newOpt;
if ($wrapper[0].scrollIntoView) {
function getApiRcParams(rc) {
  function getApiRcParams (rc) {
var rcprop = [
    var params,
      rcprop = [
rcshow = ['!bot'],
rctype = [],
      rcshow = [],
params = {};
      rctype = [];
params.rcdir = rc.dir;
    if (userHasPatrolRight) {
if (rc.dir === 'older') {
    if (rc.hideliu) {
if (rc.end !== undefined) {
params.rcstart = rc.end;
    if (rc.hidebots) {
if (rc.start !== undefined) {
params.rcend = rc.start;
    if (rc.unpatrolled) {
} else if (rc.dir === 'newer') {
if (rc.start !== undefined) {
params.rcstart = rc.start;
if (rc.end !== undefined) {
params.rcend = rc.end;
if (rc.namespace !== undefined) {
    if (rc.typeEdit) {
params.rcnamespace = rc.namespace;
    if (rc.typeNew) {
    if (!rctype.length) {
      // Custom default instead of MediaWiki's default (in case both checkboxes were unchecked)
      rctype = ['edit', 'new'];
if (rc.user !== undefined) {
    params = {
params.rcuser = rc.user;
      rcdir: rc.dir,
      rclimit: rc.limit,
      rcshow: rcshow.join('|'),
      rcprop: rcprop.join('|'),
      rctype: rctype.join('|')
// params.titles: Title filter option (rctitles) is no longer supported by MediaWiki,
    if (rc.dir === 'older') {
// see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12394#c5.
      if (rc.end !== undefined) {
        params.rcstart = rc.end;
      if (rc.start !== undefined) {
        params.rcend = rc.start;
    } else if (rc.dir === 'newer') {
      if (rc.start !== undefined) {
        params.rcstart = rc.start;
      if (rc.end !== undefined) {
        params.rcend = rc.end;
if (rc.tag !== undefined) {
    if (rc.namespace !== undefined) {
params.rctag = rc.tag;
      params.rcnamespace = rc.namespace;
if (userHasPatrolRight) {
    if (rc.user !== undefined) {
      params.rcuser = rc.user;
params.rcprop = rcprop.join('|');
    if (rc.tag !== undefined) {
      params.rctag = rc.tag;
if (rc.showAnonOnly) {
    // params.titles: Title filter (rctitles) is no longer supported by MediaWiki,
    // see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12394#c5.
if (rc.showUnpatrolledOnly) {
    return params;
params.rcshow = rcshow.join('|');
  // Called when the feed is regenerated before being inserted in the document
  function applyRtrcAnnotations ($feedContent) {
    // Re-apply item classes
    $feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item').each(function () {
      var $el = $(this),
        rcid = Number($el.data('rcid'));
params.rclimit = rc.limit;
      // Mark skipped and patrolled items as such
      if (skippedRCIDs.includes(rcid)) {
      } else if (rcid in annotationsCache.patrolled) {
      } else if (rcid === currentDiffRcid) {
if (rc.typeEdit) {
  function applyOresAnnotations ($feedContent) {
    var dAnnotations, revids, fetchRevids;
if (rc.typeNew) {
    if (!oresModel) {
      return $.Deferred().resolve();
params.rctype = rctype.length ? rctype.join('|') : 'edit|new';
    // Find all revids names inside the feed
    revids = $.map($feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item'), function (node) {
      return $(node).attr('data-diff');
return params;
    if (!revids.length) {
      return $.Deferred().resolve();
// Called when the feed is regenerated before being inserted in the document
    fetchRevids = revids.filter(function (revid) {
function applyRtrcAnnotations($feedContent) {
      return !(revid in annotationsCache.ores);
// Re-apply item classes
    if (!fetchRevids.length) {
$feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item').each(function () {
      // No (new) revisions
var $el = $(this),
      dAnnotations = $.Deferred().resolve(annotationsCache.ores);
rcid = Number($el.data('rcid'));
    } else {
      dAnnotations = $.ajax({
        url: oresApiUrl,
        data: {
          models: oresModel,
          revids: fetchRevids.join('|')
        timeout: 10000,
        dataType: $.support.cors ? 'json' : 'jsonp',
        cache: true
      }).then(function (resp) {
        var len;
        if (resp) {
          len = Object.keys ? Object.keys(resp).length : fetchRevids.length;
          $.each(resp, function (revid, item) {
            if (!item || item.error || !item[oresModel] || item[oresModel].error) {
            annotationsCache.ores[revid] = item[oresModel].probability['true'];
        return annotationsCache.ores;
// Mark skipped and patrolled items as such
    return dAnnotations.then(function (annotations) {
if ($.inArray(rcid, skippedRCIDs) !== -1) {
      // Loop through all revision ids
      revids.forEach(function (revid) {
} else if ($.inArray(rcid, patrolledRCIDs) !== -1) {
        var tooltip,
          score = annotations[revid];
} else if (rcid === currentDiffRcid) {
        // Only highlight high probability scores
        if (!score || score <= 0.45) {
        tooltip = msg('ores-damaging-probability', (100 * score).toFixed(0) + '%');
        // Add alert
* @param {Object} update
* @param {jQuery} update.$feedContent
          .filter('.mw-rtrc-item[data-diff="' + Number(revid) + '"]')
* @param {string} update.rawHtml
          .addClass('mw-rtrc-item-alert mw-rtrc-item-alert-rev')
function pushFeedContent(update) {
// TODO: Only do once
              .attr('title', tooltip)
  function applyCvnAnnotations ($feedContent) {
message('lastupdate-rc', new Date().toLocaleString()).escaped() +
    var dAnnotations,
' | <a href="' + getPermalink() + '">' +
      users = [];
message('permalink').escaped() +
if (update.rawHtml !== prevFeedHtml) {
    // Collect user names
prevFeedHtml = update.rawHtml;
    $feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item').each(function () {
      var user = $(this).attr('user');
      // Don't query the same user multiple times
      if (user && users.includes(user) && !(user in annotationsCache.cvn)) {
// Schedule next update
    if (!users.length) {
updateFeedTimeout = setTimeout(updateFeed, opt.app.refresh * 1000);
      // No (new) users
      dAnnotations = $.Deferred().resolve(annotationsCache.cvn);
    } else {
      dAnnotations = $.ajax({
        url: cvnApiUrl,
        data: { users: users.join('|') },
        timeout: 2000,
        dataType: $.support.cors ? 'json' : 'jsonp',
        cache: true
        .then(function (resp) {
          if (resp.users) {
            $.each(resp.users, function (name, user) {
              annotationsCache.cvn[name] = user;
          return annotationsCache.cvn;
function applyCvnAnnotations($feedContent, callback) {
    return dAnnotations.then(function (annotations) {
var users;
      // Loop through all cvn user annotations
      $.each(annotations, function (name, user) {
        var tooltip;
// Find all user names inside the feed
        // Only if blacklisted, otherwise don't highlight
users = [];
        if (user.type === 'blacklist') {
$feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item').each(function () {
          tooltip = '';
var user = $(this).attr('user');
if (user) {
if (!users.length) {
          if (user.comment) {
            tooltip += msg('cvn-reason') + ': ' + user.comment + '. ';
          } else {
            tooltip += msg('cvn-reason') + ': ' + msg('cvn-reason-empty');
          if (user.adder) {
url: cvnApiUrl,
            tooltip += msg('cvn-adder') + ': ' + user.adder;
data: {
          } else {
users: users.join('|'),
            tooltip += msg('cvn-adder') + ': ' + msg('cvn-adder-empty');
dataType: 'jsonp'
.fail(function () {
.done(function (data) {
var d;
if (!data.users) {
          // Add alert
            .filter(function () {
              return $(this).attr('user') === name;
            .addClass('mw-rtrc-item-alert mw-rtrc-item-alert-user')
            .attr('title', tooltip);
// Loop through all users
$.each(data.users, function (name, user) {
  * @param {Object} update
var tooltip;
  * @param {jQuery} update.$feedContent
  * @param {string} update.rawHtml
  function pushFeedContent (update) {
// Only if blacklisted, otherwise dont highlight
if (user.type === 'blacklist') {
      message('lastupdate-rc', new Date().toLocaleString()).escaped() +
tooltip = '';
      ' | <a href="' + mw.html.escape(getPermalink()) + '">' +
      message('permalink').escaped() +
if (user.comment) {
    if (update.rawHtml !== prevFeedHtml) {
tooltip += msg('cvn-reason') + ': ' + user.comment + '. ';
      prevFeedHtml = update.rawHtml;
} else {
tooltip += msg('cvn-reason') + ': ' + msg('cvn-reason-empty');
if (user.adder) {
  function updateFeed () {
tooltip += msg('cvn-adder') + ': ' + user.adder;
    if (updateReq) {
} else {
tooltip += msg('cvn-adder') + ': ' + msg('cvn-adder-empty');
// Apply blacklisted-class, and insert icon with tooltip
    // Indicate updating
.filter(function () {
return $(this).attr('user') === name;
.attr('title', tooltip);
    // Download recent changes
    updateReq = $.ajax({
      url: apiUrl,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: $.extend(getApiRcParams(opt.rc), {
        format: 'json',
        action: 'query',
        list: 'recentchanges'
    // This waterfall flows in one of two ways:
    // - Everything casts to success and results in a UI update (maybe an error message),
    //  loading indicator hidden, and the next update scheduled.
    // - Request is aborted and nothing happens (instead, the final handling will
    //  be done by the new request).
    return updateReq.always(function () {
      updateReq = null;
      .then(function onRcSuccess (data) {
        var recentchanges, $feedContent, client,
          feedContentHTML = '';
// Either way, push the feed to the frontend
        if (data.error) {
          // Account doesn't have patrol flag
          if (data.error.code === 'rcpermissiondenied') {
            feedContentHTML += '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3><p>Please untick the "Unpatrolled only"-checkbox or request the Patroller-right.</a>';
d = new Date();
          // Other error
d.setTime(data.lastUpdate * 1000);
          } else {
$feed.find('.mw-rtrc-feed-cvninfo').text('CVN DB ' + msg('lastupdate-cvn', d.toUTCString()));
            client = $.client.profile();
            feedContentHTML += '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3>' +
            '<p>Please check the settings above and try again. If you believe this is a bug, please <strong>' +
            '<a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/new?body=' + encodeURIComponent('\n\n\n----' +
            '\npackage: mw-gadget-rtrc ' + appVersion +
            mw.format('\nbrowser: $1 $2 ($3)', client.name, client.version, client.platform)
            ) + '" target="_blank">let me know</a></strong>.';
        } else {
          recentchanges = data.query.recentchanges;
function updateFeedNow() {
          if (recentchanges.length) {
$('#rc-options-pause').prop('checked', false);
            $.each(recentchanges, function (i, rc) {
              feedContentHTML += buildRcItem(rc);
          } else {
            // Evserything is OK - no results
            feedContentHTML += '<strong><em>' + message('nomatches').escaped() + '</em></strong>';
function updateFeed() {
          // Reset day
var rcparams;
          rcDayHeadPrev = undefined;
if (!isUpdating) {
// Indicate updating
        $feedContent = $($.parseHTML(feedContentHTML));
        return $.when(
isUpdating = true;
          opt.app.cvnDB && applyCvnAnnotations($feedContent),
          oresModel && opt.app.ores && applyOresAnnotations($feedContent)
        ).then(null, function () {
          // Ignore errors from annotation handlers
          return $.Deferred().resolve();
        }).then(function () {
          return {
            $feedContent: $feedContent,
            rawHtml: feedContentHTML
      }, function onRcError (jqXhr, textStatus) {
        var feedContentHTML;
        if (textStatus === 'abort') {
          // No rendering
          return $.Deferred().reject();
        feedContentHTML = '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3>';
        // Error is handled, continue to rendering.
        return {
          $feedContent: $(feedContentHTML),
          rawHtml: feedContentHTML
      .then(function (obj) {
        // Render
      .then(function () {
        $RCOptionsSubmit.prop('disabled', false).css('opacity', '1.0');
// Download recent changes
        // Schedule next update
        updateFeedTimeout = setTimeout(updateFeed, opt.app.refresh * 1000);
rcparams = getApiRcParams(opt.rc);
  function nextDiff () {
rcparams.format = 'json';
    var $lis = $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item:not(.mw-rtrc-item-current, .mw-rtrc-item-patrolled, .mw-rtrc-item-skipped)');
rcparams.action = 'query';
rcparams.list = 'recentchanges';
  function wakeupMassPatrol (settingVal) {
url: apiUrl,
    if (settingVal === true) {
dataType: 'json',
      if (!currentDiff) {
data: rcparams
}).fail(function () {
      } else {
var feedContentHTML = '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3>';
        $('.patrollink a').click();
$feedContent: $(feedContentHTML),
rawHtml: feedContentHTML
isUpdating = false;
$RCOptions_submit.prop('disabled', false).css('opacity', '1.0');
}).done(function (data) {
  // Build the main interface
var recentchanges, $feedContent, feedContentHTML = '';
  function buildInterface () {
    var namespaceOptionsHtml, tagOptionsHtml, key,
      fmNs = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces');
if (data.error) {
    namespaceOptionsHtml = '<option value>' + mw.message('namespacesall').escaped() + '</option>';
    namespaceOptionsHtml += '<option value="0">' + mw.message('blanknamespace').escaped() + '</option>';
// Account doesn't have patrol flag
    for (key in fmNs) {
if (data.error.code === 'rcpermissiondenied') {
      if (key > 0) {
feedContentHTML += '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3><p>Please untick the "Unpatrolled only"-checkbox or request the Patroller-right.</a>';
        namespaceOptionsHtml += '<option value="' + key + '">' + fmNs[key] + '</option>';
// Other error
    tagOptionsHtml = '<option value selected>' + message('select-placeholder-none').escaped() + '</option>';
} else {
    for (key = 0; key < rcTags.length; key++) {
feedContentHTML += '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3><p>Please check the settings above and try again. If you believe this is a bug, please <a href="//meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Krinkle/Tools&action=edit&section=new&preload=User_talk:Krinkle/Tools/Preload" target="_blank"><strong>let me know</strong></a>.';
      tagOptionsHtml += '<option value="' + mw.html.escape(rcTags[key]) + '">' + mw.html.escape(rcTags[key]) + '</option>';
} else {
    $wrapper = $($.parseHTML(
recentchanges = data.query.recentchanges;
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-wrapper">' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-head">' +
        message('title').escaped() + ' <small>(' + appVersion + ')</small>' +
        '<div class="mw-rtrc-head-links">' +
          (!mw.user.isAnon() ? (
            '<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Log', { type: 'patrol', user: mw.user.getName(), subtype: 'patrol' }) + '">' +
              message('mypatrollog').escaped() +
          ) : '') +
          '<a id="mw-rtrc-toggleHelp">' + message('help').escaped() + '</a>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<form id="krRTRC_RCOptions" class="mw-rtrc-settings mw-rtrc-nohelp make-switch"><fieldset>' +
        '<div class="panel-group">' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' + message('filter').escaped() + '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="hideliu" />' +
                ' ' + message('filter-hideliu').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="hidebots" />' +
                ' ' + message('filter-hidebots').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="unpatrolled" />' +
                ' ' + message('filter-unpatrolled').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                message('userfilter').escaped() +
                '<span section="Userfilter" class="helpicon"></span>: ' +
                '<input type="search" size="16" name="user" />' +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' + message('type').escaped() + '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="typeEdit" checked />' +
                ' ' + message('typeEdit').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="typeNew" checked />' +
                ' ' + message('typeNew').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label  class="head">' +
              mw.message('namespaces').escaped() +
              ' <br />' +
              '<select class="mw-rtrc-setting-select" name="namespace">' +
              namespaceOptionsHtml +
              '</select>' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('timeframe').escaped() +
              '<span section="Timeframe" class="helpicon"></span>' +
            '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel" style="text-align: right;">' +
              '<label>' +
                message('time-from').escaped() + ': ' +
                '<input type="text" size="16" placeholder="YYYYMMDDHHIISS" name="start" />' +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                message('time-untill').escaped() + ': ' +
                '<input type="text" size="16" placeholder="YYYYMMDDHHIISS" name="end" />' +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('order').escaped() +
              ' <br />' +
              '<span section="Order" class="helpicon"></span>' +
            '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="radio" name="dir" value="newer" />' +
                ' ' + message('asc').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="radio" name="dir" value="older" checked />' +
                ' ' + message('desc').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label for="mw-rtrc-settings-refresh" class="head">' +
              message('reload-interval').escaped() + '<br />' +
              '<span section="Reload_Interval" class="helpicon"></span>' +
            '</label>' +
            '<input type="number" value="3" min="0" max="99" size="2" id="mw-rtrc-settings-refresh" name="refresh" />' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel panel-last">' +
            '<input class="button" type="button" id="RCOptions_submit" value="' + message('apply').escaped() + '" />' +
          '</div>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="panel-group panel-group-mini">' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label for="mw-rtrc-settings-limit" class="head">' + message('limit').escaped() + '</label>' +
            ' <select id="mw-rtrc-settings-limit" name="limit">' +
              '<option value="10">10</option>' +
              '<option value="25" selected>25</option>' +
              '<option value="50">50</option>' +
              '<option value="75">75</option>' +
              '<option value="100">100</option>' +
              '<option value="250">250</option>' +
              '<option value="500">500</option>' +
            '</select>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('tag').escaped() +
              ' <select class="mw-rtrc-setting-select" name="tag">' +
              tagOptionsHtml +
              '</select>' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('cvn-scores').escaped() +
              '<span section="CVN_Scores" class="helpicon"></span>' +
              '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="cvnDB" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          (oresModel ? (
            '<div class="panel">' +
              '<label class="head">' +
                message('ores-scores').escaped() +
                '<span section="ORES_Scores" class="helpicon"></span>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="ores" />' +
              '</label>' +
          ) : '') +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('masspatrol').escaped() +
              '<span section="MassPatrol" class="helpicon"></span>' +
              '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="massPatrol" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('autodiff').escaped() +
              '<span section="AutoDiff" class="helpicon"></span>' +
              '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="autoDiff" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('pause').escaped() +
              '<input class="switch" type="checkbox" id="rc-options-pause" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</fieldset></form>' +
      '<a name="krRTRC_DiffTop" />' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-diff mw-rtrc-diff-closed" id="krRTRC_DiffFrame"></div>' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-body placeholder">' +
        '<div class="mw-rtrc-feed">' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-feed-update"></div>' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-feed-content"></div>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<img src="' + ajaxLoaderUrl + '" id="krRTRC_loader" style="display: none;" />' +
        '<div class="mw-rtrc-legend">' +
          message('legend').escaped() + ': ' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-patrolled">' + mw.message('markedaspatrolled').escaped() + '</div>, ' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-current">' + message('currentedit').escaped() + '</div>, ' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-skipped">' + message('skippededit').escaped() + '</div>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-foot">' +
        '<div class="plainlinks" style="text-align: right;">' +
          'Real-Time Recent Changes by ' +
          '<a href="//meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle">Krinkle</a>' +
          ' | <a href="' + docUrl + '">' + message('documentation').escaped() + '</a>' +
          ' | <a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/releases">' + message('changelog').escaped() + '</a>' +
          ' | <a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues">' + message('feedback').escaped() + '</a>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
if (recentchanges.length) {
    // Add helper element for switch checkboxes
$.each(recentchanges, function (i, rc) {
    $wrapper.find('input.switch').after('<div class="switched"></div>');
feedContentHTML += buildRcItem(rc);
} else {
// Everything is OK - no results
feedContentHTML += '<strong><em>' + message('nomatches').escaped() + '</em></strong>';
// Reset day
    // All links within the diffframe should open in a new window
rcPrevDayHeading = undefined;
    $wrapper.find('#krRTRC_DiffFrame').on('click', 'table.diff a', function () {
      var $el = $(this);
      if ($el.is('[href^="http://"], [href^="https://"], [href^="//"]')) {
        $el.attr('target', '_blank');
$feedContent = $($.parseHTML(feedContentHTML));
if (opt.app.cvnDB) {
applyCvnAnnotations($feedContent, function () {
$feedContent: $feedContent,
rawHtml: feedContentHTML
isUpdating = false;
} else {
$feedContent: $feedContent,
rawHtml: feedContentHTML
isUpdating = false;
$RCOptions_submit.prop('disabled', false).css('opacity', '1.0');
    $body = $wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-body');
    $feed = $body.find('.mw-rtrc-feed');
function krRTRC_NextDiff() {
  function annotationsCacheUp (increment) {
var $lis = $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item:not(.mw-rtrc-item-current, .mw-rtrc-item-patrolled, .mw-rtrc-item-skipped)');
    annotationsCacheSize += increment || 1;
    if (annotationsCacheSize > 1000) {
      annotationsCache.patrolled = Object.create(null);
      annotationsCache.ores = Object.create(null);
      annotationsCache.cvn = Object.create(null);
function krRTRC_ToggleMassPatrol(b) {
  // Bind event hanlders in the user interface
if (b === true) {
  function bindInterface () {
if (!currentDiff) {
    var api = new mw.Api();
    $RCOptionsSubmit = $('#RCOptions_submit');
} else {
$('.patrollink a').click();
function navToggle() {
    // Apply button
navCollapsed = String(navCollapsed !== 'true');
    $RCOptionsSubmit.on('click', function () {
      $RCOptionsSubmit.prop('disabled', true).css('opacity', '0.5');
localStorage.setItem('mw-rtrc-navtoggle-collapsed', navCollapsed);
// Build the main interface
function buildInterface() {
var namespaceOptionsHtml, tagOptionsHtml,
fmNs = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces');
namespaceOptionsHtml = '<option value>' + mw.message('namespacesall').escaped() + '</option>';
      updateFeedNow().then(function () {
namespaceOptionsHtml += '<option value="0">' + mw.message('blanknamespace').escaped() + '</option>';
      return false;
for (key in fmNs) {
    // Close Diff
if (key > 0) {
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffClose', function () {
namespaceOptionsHtml += '<option value="' + key + '">' + fmNs[key] + '</option>';
      currentDiff = currentDiffRcid = false;
tagOptionsHtml = '<option value selected>' + message('select-placeholder-none').escaped() + '</option>';
    // Load diffview on (diff)-link click
for (key = 0; key < rcTags.length; key++) {
    $feed.on('click', 'a.diff', function (e) {
tagOptionsHtml += '<option value="' + mw.html.escape(rcTags[key]) + '">' + mw.html.escape(rcTags[key]) + '</option>';
      var $item = $(this).closest('.mw-rtrc-item').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-current'),
        title = $item.find('.mw-title').text(),
        href = $(this).attr('href'),
        $frame = $('#krRTRC_DiffFrame');
$wrapper = $($.parseHTML(
      currentDiff = Number($item.data('diff'));
'<div class="mw-rtrc-wrapper">' +
      currentDiffRcid = Number($item.data('rcid'));
'<div class="mw-rtrc-head">' +
'Real-Time Recent Changes <small>(' + appVersion + ')</small>' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-head-links">' +
(!mw.user.isAnon() ? (
'<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.wikiGetlink('Special:Log/patrol') + '?user=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.user.name()) + '">' +
message('mypatrollog').escaped().ucFirst() +
'</a>') :
) +
'<a id="mw-rtrc-toggleHelp">Help</a>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<form id="krRTRC_RCOptions" class="mw-rtrc-settings mw-rtrc-nohelp make-switch"><fieldset>' +
'<div class="panel-group">' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label for="mw-rtrc-settings-limit" class="head">' + message('limit').escaped() + '</label>' +
'<select id="mw-rtrc-settings-limit" name="limit">' +
'<option value="10">10</option>' +
'<option value="25" selected>25</option>' +
'<option value="50">50</option>' +
'<option value="75">75</option>' +
'<option value="100">100</option>' +
'</select>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' + message('filter').escaped() + '</label>' +
'<div style="text-align: left;">' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="showAnonOnly" />' +
' ' + message('showAnonOnly').escaped() +
'</label>' +
'<br />' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="showUnpatrolledOnly" />' +
' ' + message('showUnpatrolledOnly').escaped() +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label for="mw-rtrc-settings-user" class="head">' +
message('userfilter').escaped() +
'<span section="Userfilter" class="helpicon"></span>' +
'</label>' +
'<div style="text-align: center;">' +
'<input type="text" size="16" id="mw-rtrc-settings-user" name="user" />' +
'<br />' +
'<input class="button button-small" type="button" id="mw-rtrc-settings-user-clr" value="' + message('clear').escaped() + '" />' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' + message('type').escaped() + '</label>' +
'<div style="text-align: left;">' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="typeEdit" checked />' +
' ' + message('typeEdit').escaped() +
'</label>' +
'<br />' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="typeNew" checked />' +
' ' + message('typeNew').escaped() +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' +
message('timeframe').escaped() +
'<span section="Timeframe" class="helpicon"></span>' +
'</label>' +
'<div style="text-align: right;">' +
'<label>' +
message('time-from').escaped() + ': ' +
'<input type="text" size="18" name="start" />' +
'</label>' +
'<br />' +
'<label>' +
message('time-untill').escaped() + ': ' +
'<input type="text" size="18" name="end" />' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label  class="head">' +
mw.message('namespaces').escaped() +
' <br />' +
'<select class="mw-rtrc-setting-select" name="namespace">' +
namespaceOptionsHtml +
'</select>' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' +
message('order').escaped() +
' <br />' +
'<span section="Order" class="helpicon"></span>' +
'</label>' +
'<div style="text-align: left;">' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="radio" name="dir" value="newer" />' +
' ' + message('asc').escaped() +
'</label>' +
'<br />' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="radio" name="dir" value="older" checked />' +
' ' + message('desc').escaped() +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label for="mw-rtrc-settings-refresh" class="head">' +
'R<br />' +
'<span section="Reload_Interval" class="helpicon"></span>' +
'</label>' +
'<input type="number" value="3" min="0" max="99" size="2" id="mw-rtrc-settings-refresh" name="refresh" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' +
'CVN DB<br />' +
'<span section="IRC_Blacklist" class="helpicon"></span>' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="cvnDB" />' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel panel-last">' +
'<input class="button" type="button" id="RCOptions_submit" value="' + message('apply').escaped() + '" />' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel-group panel-group-mini">' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' +
message('tag').escaped() +
' <select class="mw-rtrc-setting-select" name="tag">' +
tagOptionsHtml +
'</select>' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' +
'MassPatrol' +
'<span section="MassPatrol" class="helpicon"></span>' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="massPatrol" />' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' +
'AutoDiff' +
'<span section="AutoDiff" class="helpicon"></span>' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="autoDiff" />' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel">' +
'<label class="head">' +
'Pause' +
'<input class="switch" type="checkbox" id="rc-options-pause" />' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</fieldset></form>' +
'<a name="krRTRC_DiffTop" />' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-diff" id="krRTRC_DiffFrame" style="display: none;"></div>' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-body placeholder">' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-feed">' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-feed-update"></div>' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-feed-content"></div>' +
'<small class="mw-rtrc-feed-cvninfo"></small>' +
'</div>' +
'<img src="' + ajaxLoaderUrl + '" id="krRTRC_loader" style="display: none;" />' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-legend">' +
'Colors: <div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-patrolled inline-block">&nbsp;' +
mw.message('markedaspatrolled').escaped() + '&nbsp;</div>, <div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-current inline-block">&nbsp;' +
message('currentedit').escaped() + '&nbsp;</div>, ' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-skipped inline-block">&nbsp;' + message('skippededit').escaped() + '&nbsp;</div>, ' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-aes inline-block">&nbsp;Edit with an Automatic Edit Summary&nbsp;</div>' +
'<br />Abbreviations: T - ' + mw.message('talkpagelinktext').escaped() + ', C - ' + mw.message('contributions', mw.user).escaped() +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div style="clear: both;"></div>' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-foot">' +
'<div class="plainlinks" style="text-align: right;">' +
'Real-Time Recent Changes by ' +
'<a href="//meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle" class="external text" rel="nofollow">Krinkle</a>' +
' | <a href="//meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle/Tools/Real-Time_Recent_Changes" class="external text" rel="nofollow">' + message('documentation').escaped() + '</a>' +
' | <a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/releases" class="external text" rel="nofollow">' + message('changelog').escaped() + '</a>' +
' | <a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues" class="external text" rel="nofollow">Feedback</a>' +
' | <a href="http://krinkle.mit-license.org" class="external text" rel="nofollow">License</a>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
// Add helper element for switch checkboxes
$wrapper.find('input.switch').after('<div class="switched"></div>');
        // Reset class potentially added by a.newPage or diffClose
        .removeClass('mw-rtrc-diff-newpage mw-rtrc-diff-closed');
// All links within the diffframe should open in a new window
$wrapper.find('#krRTRC_DiffFrame').on('click', 'table.diff a', function () {
        url: mw.util.wikiScript(),
var $el = $(this);
        dataType: 'html',
if ($el.is('[href^="http://"], [href^="https://"], [href^="//"]')) {
        data: {
$el.attr('target', '_blank');
          action: 'render',
          diff: currentDiff,
          diffonly: '1',
          uselang: conf.wgUserLanguage
      }).fail(function (jqXhr) {
          .append(jqXhr.responseText || 'Loading diff failed.')
      }).done(function (data) {
        var skipButtonHtml, $diff;
        if (skippedRCIDs.includes(currentDiffRcid)) {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffUnskip">' + message('unskip').escaped() + '</a></span>';
        } else {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffSkip">' + message('skip').escaped() + '</a></span>';
nextFrame(function () {
            '<h3>' + mw.html.escape(title) + '</h3>' +
            '<div class="mw-rtrc-diff-tools">' +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffClose">' + message('close').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a href="' + href + '" target="_blank" id="diffNewWindow">' + message('open-in-wiki').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
                ? '<span class="tab"><a onclick="(function(){ if($(\'.patrollink a\').length){ $(\'.patrollink a\').click(); } else { $(\'#diffSkip\').click(); } })();">[mark]</a></span>'
                : ''
              ) +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffNext">' + mw.message('next').escaped() + ' »</a></span>' +
              skipButtonHtml +
$body = $wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-body');
        if (opt.app.massPatrol) {
$feed = $body.find('.mw-rtrc-feed');
          $frame.find('.patrollink a').click();
        } else {
          $diff = $frame.find('table.diff');
          if ($diff.length) {
          // Only scroll up if the user scrolled down
          // Leave scroll offset unchanged otherwise
// Bind event hanlders in the user interface
function bindInterface() {
$RCOptions_submit = $('#RCOptions_submit');
    $feed.on('click', 'a.newPage', function (e) {
      var $item = $(this).closest('.mw-rtrc-item').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-current'),
        title = $item.find('.mw-title').text(),
        href = $item.find('.mw-title').attr('href'),
        $frame = $('#krRTRC_DiffFrame');
// Apply button
$RCOptions_submit.click(function () {
$RCOptions_submit.prop('disabled', true).css('opacity', '0.5');
      currentDiffRcid = Number($item.data('rcid'));
        .addClass('mw-rtrc-diff-loading mw-rtrc-diff-newpage')
return false;
        url: href,
        dataType: 'html',
        data: {
          action: 'render',
          uselang: conf.wgUserLanguage
      }).fail(function (jqXhr) {
          .append(jqXhr.responseText || 'Loading diff failed.')
      }).done(function (data) {
        var skipButtonHtml;
        if (skippedRCIDs.includes(currentDiffRcid)) {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffUnskip">' + message('unskip').escaped() + '</a></span>';
        } else {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffSkip">' + message('skip').escaped() + '</a></span>';
// Close Diff
$('#diffClose').live('click', function () {
currentDiff = currentDiffRcid = false;
            '<h3>' + title + '</h3>' +
            '<div class="mw-rtrc-diff-tools">' +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffClose">' + message('close').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a href="' + href + '" target="_blank" id="diffNewWindow">' + message('open-in-wiki').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a onclick="$(\'.patrollink a\').click()">[' + message('mark').escaped() + ']</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffNext">' + mw.message('next').escaped() + ' »</a></span>' +
              skipButtonHtml +
// Load diffview on (diff)-link click
        if (opt.app.massPatrol) {
$('a.diff').live('click', function (e) {
          $frame.find('.patrollink a').click();
var $item = $(this).closest('.mw-rtrc-item').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-current'),
title = $item.find('.page').text(),
href = $(this).attr('href'),
$frame = $('#krRTRC_DiffFrame');
currentDiff = Number($item.data('diff'));
    // Mark as patrolled
currentDiffRcid = Number($item.data('rcid'));
    $wrapper.on('click', '.patrollink', function () {
      var $el = $(this);
      $el.find('a').text(mw.msg('markaspatrolleddiff') + '...');
      api.postWithToken('patrol', {
        action: 'patrol',
        rcid: currentDiffRcid
      }).done(function (data) {
        if (!data || data.error) {
            $('<span style="color: red;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrollederror'))
          mw.log('Patrol error:', data);
          $('<span style="color: green;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrolled'))
        $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-patrolled');
// Reset style="max-height: 400;" from a.newPage below
        // Feed refreshes may overlap with patrol actions, which can cause patrolled edits
        // to show up in an "Unpatrolled only" feed. This is make nextDiff() skip those.
        annotationsCache.patrolled[currentDiffRcid] = true;
        if (opt.app.autoDiff) {
url: mw.util.wikiScript(),
dataType: 'html',
data: {
      }).fail(function () {
action: 'render',
diff: currentDiff,
          $('<span style="color: red;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrollederror'))
diffonly: '1',
uselang: conf.wgUserLanguage
}).fail(function (jqXhr) {
.stop(true, true)
.append(jqXhr.responseText || 'Loading diff failed.')
}).done(function (data) {
var skipButtonHtml;
if ($.inArray(currentDiffRcid, skippedRCIDs) !== -1) {
skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffUnskip">Unskip</a></span>';
} else {
skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffSkip">Skip</a></span>';
      return false;
.stop(true, true)
'<h3>' + mw.html.escape(title) + '</h3>' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-diff-tools">' +
'<span class="tab"><a id="diffClose">X</a></span>' +
'<span class="tab"><a href="' + href + '" target="_blank" id="diffNewWindow">Open in Wiki</a></span>' +
(userPatrolTokenCache ?
'<span class="tab"><a onclick="(function(){ if($(\'.patrollink a\').length){ $(\'.patrollink a\').click(); } else { $(\'#diffSkip\').click(); } })();">[mark]</a></span>' :
) +
'<span class="tab"><a id="diffNext">' + mw.message('next').escaped().ucFirst() + ' &raquo;</a></span>' +
skipButtonHtml +
if (opt.app.massPatrol) {
    // Trigger NextDiff
$frame.find('.patrollink a').click();
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffNext', function () {
    // SkipDiff
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffSkip', function () {
      $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-skipped');
      // Add to array, to re-add class after refresh
$('a.newPage').live('click', function (e) {
    // UnskipDiff
var $item = $(this).closest('.mw-rtrc-item').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-current'),
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffUnskip', function () {
title = $item.find('.page').text(),
      $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').removeClass('mw-rtrc-item-skipped');
href = $item.find('.page').attr('href'),
      // Remove from array, to no longer re-add class after refresh
$frame = $('#krRTRC_DiffFrame');
      skippedRCIDs.splice(skippedRCIDs.indexOf(currentDiffRcid), 1);
    // Show helpicons
    $('#mw-rtrc-toggleHelp').on('click', function (e) {
      $('#krRTRC_RCOptions').toggleClass('mw-rtrc-nohelp mw-rtrc-help');
currentDiffRcid = Number($item.data('rcid'));
    // Link helpicons
    $('.mw-rtrc-settings .helpicon')
      .attr('title', msg('helpicon-tooltip'))
      .click(function (e) {
        window.open(docUrl + '#' + $(this).attr('section'), '_blank');
$frame.fadeOut().css('max-height', '400px');
    // Mark as patrolled when rollbacking
    // Note: As of MediaWiki r(unknown) rollbacking does already automatically patrol all reverted revisions.
    // But by doing it anyway it saves a click for the AutoDiff-users
    $wrapper.on('click', '.mw-rollback-link a', function () {
      $('.patrollink a').click();
    // Button: Pause
url: href,
    $('#rc-options-pause').on('click', function () {
dataType: 'html',
      if (!this.checked) {
data: {
        // Unpause
action: 'render',
uselang: conf.wgUserLanguage
}).fail(function (jqXhr) {
.stop(true, true)
.append(jqXhr.responseText || 'Loading diff failed.')
}).done(function (data) {
var skipButtonHtml;
if ($.inArray(currentDiffRcid, skippedRCIDs) !== -1) {
skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffUnskip">Unskip</a></span>';
} else {
skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffSkip">Skip</a></span>';
  function showUnsupported () {
.stop(true, true)
        'This program requires functionality not supported in this browser.'
'<h3>' + title + '</h3>' +
'<div class="mw-rtrc-diff-tools">' +
'<span class="tab"><a id="diffClose">X</a></span>' +
'<span class="tab"><a href="' + href + '" target="_blank" id="diffNewWindow">Open in Wiki</a></span>' +
'<span class="tab"><a onclick="$(\'.patrollink a\').click()">[mark]</a></span>' +
'<span class="tab"><a id="diffNext">' + mw.message('next').escaped().ucFirst() + ' &raquo;</a></span>' +
skipButtonHtml +
if (opt.app.massPatrol) {
$frame.find('.patrollink a').click();
  * @param {string} [errMsg]
  function showFail (errMsg) {
      $('<p>').addClass('errorbox').text(errMsg || 'An unexpected error occurred.')
  * Init functions
  * -------------------------------------------------
// Mark as patrolled
$('.patrollink').live('click', function () {
  * Fetches all external data we need.
var $el = $(this);
$el.find('a').text(mw.msg('markaspatrolleddiff') + '...');
  * This runs in parallel with loading of modules and i18n.
type: 'POST',
  * @return {jQuery.Promise}
url: apiUrl,
dataType: 'json',
  function initData () {
data: {
    var promises = [];
action: 'patrol',
format: 'json',
list: 'recentchanges',
rcid: currentDiffRcid,
token: userPatrolTokenCache
}).done(function (data) {
if (!data || data.error) {
$('<span style="color: red;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrollederror'))
mw.log('Patrol error:', data);
} else {
$('<span style="color: green;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrolled'))
$feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-patrolled');
// Patrolling/Refreshing sometimes overlap eachother causing patrolled edits to show up in an 'unpatrolled only' feed.
    // Get userrights
// Make sure that any patrolled edits stay marked as such to prevent AutoDiff from picking a patrolled edit
      mw.loader.using('mediawiki.user').then(function () {
        return mw.user.getRights().then(function (rights) {
          if (rights.includes('patrol')) {
            userHasPatrolRight = true;
while (patrolledRCIDs.length > patrolCacheSize) {
    // Get MediaWiki interface messages
      mw.loader.using('mediawiki.api').then(function () {
        return new mw.Api().loadMessages([
if (opt.app.autoDiff) {
      url: apiUrl,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {
}).fail(function () {
        format: 'json',
        action: 'query',
$('<span style="color: red;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrollederror'))
        list: 'tags',
        tgprop: 'displayname'
    }).then(function (data) {
      var tags = data.query && data.query.tags;
      if (tags) {
        rcTags = tags.map(function (tag) {
          return tag.name;
return false;
      url: apiUrl,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {
        format: 'json',
        action: 'query',
        meta: 'siteinfo'
    }).then(function (data) {
      wikiTimeOffset = (data.query && data.query.general.timeoffset) || 0;
// Trigger NextDiff
    return $.when.apply(null, promises);
$('#diffNext').live('click', function () {
// SkipDiff
$('#diffSkip').live('click', function () {
  * @return {jQuery.Promise}
$feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-skipped');
// Add to array, to re-add class after refresh
  function init () {
    var dModules, dI18N, featureTest, $navToggle, dOres,
      navSupported = conf.skin === 'vector';
// UnskipDiff
    // Transform title and navigation tabs
$('#diffUnskip').live('click', function () {
    document.title = 'RTRC: ' + conf.wgDBname;
$feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').removeClass('mw-rtrc-item-skipped');
    $(function () {
// Remove from array, to no longer re-add class after refresh
      $('#p-namespaces ul')
skippedRCIDs.splice(skippedRCIDs.indexOf(currentDiffRcid), 1);
// Show helpicons
    featureTest = !!(Date.parse);
$('#mw-rtrc-toggleHelp').click(function (e) {
$('#krRTRC_RCOptions').toggleClass('mw-rtrc-nohelp mw-rtrc-help');
// Link helpicons
    if (!featureTest) {
$('.mw-rtrc-settings .helpicon')
.attr('title', msg('helpicon-tooltip'))
.click(function (e) {
window.open(docUrl + '#' + $(this).attr('section'), '_blank');
// Clear rcuser-field
// If MassPatrol is active, warn that clearing rcuser will automatically disable MassPatrol f
$('#mw-rtrc-settings-user-clr').click(function () {
// Mark as patrolled when rollbacking
    if (navSupported) {
// Note: As of MediaWiki r(unknown) rollbacking does already automatically patrol all reverted revisions.
// But by doing it anyway it saves a click for the AutoDiff-users
      $(function () {
$('.mw-rollback-link a').live('click', function () {
        $navToggle = $('<div>').addClass('mw-rtrc-navtoggle');
$('.patrollink a').click();
          .on('mouseenter', function () {
          .on('mouseleave', function () {
// Button: Pause
    dModules = mw.loader.using([
$('#rc-options-pause').click(function () {
if (this.checked) {
      // mw-plusminus styles etc.
function showUnsupported() {
    if (!mw.libs.getIntuition) {
      mw.libs.getIntuition = $.ajax({ url: intuitionLoadUrl, dataType: 'script', cache: true, timeout: 7000 });
'This program requires functionality not supported in this browser.'
function showFail() {
    dOres = $.ajax({
      url: oresApiUrl,
$('<p>').addClass('errorbox').text('An unexpected error occurred.')
      dataType: $.support.cors ? 'json' : 'jsonp',
      cache: true,
      timeout: 2000
    }).then(function (data) {
      if (data && data.models) {
        if (data.models.damaging) {
          oresModel = 'damaging';
        } else if (data.models.reverted) {
          oresModel = 'reverted';
    }, function () {
      // ORES has have models for this wiki, continue without
      return $.Deferred().resolve();
    dI18N = mw.libs.getIntuition
      .then(function () {
        return mw.libs.intuition.load('rtrc');
      .then(function () {
        message = mw.libs.intuition.message.bind(null, 'rtrc');
        msg = mw.libs.intuition.msg.bind(null, 'rtrc');
      }, function () {
        // Ignore failure. RTRC should load even if Labs is down.
        // Fall back to displaying message keys.
        mw.messages.set('intuition-i18n-gone', '$1');
        message = function (key) {
          return mw.message('intuition-i18n-gone', key);
        msg = function (key) {
          return key;
        return $.Deferred().resolve();
    $.when(initData(), dModules, dI18N, dOres, $.ready).fail(showFail).done(function () {
* Init functions
      if ($navToggle) {
* -------------------------------------------------
        $navToggle.attr('title', msg('navtoggle-tooltip'));
      // Create map of month names
* Fetches all external data we need.
      monthNames = msg('months').split(',');
* This runs in parallel with loading of modules and i18n.
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
function initData() {
var dRights = $.Deferred(),
promises = [ dRights.promise() ];
// Get userrights
mw.loader.using('mediawiki.user', function () {
mw.user.getRights(function (rights) {
if ($.inArray('patrol', rights) !== -1) {
userHasPatrolRight = true;
// Get a patroltoken
      rAF(function () {
url: apiUrl,
dataType: 'json',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'recentchanges',
rctoken: 'patrol',
rclimit: 1,
// Using rctype=new because some wikis only have patrolling of newpages enabled.
// If querying all changes returns an edit in that case, it won't have a token on it.
// This workaround works as long as there are no wikis with RC-patrol but no NP-patrol.
rctype: 'new'
}).done(function (data) {
userPatrolTokenCache = data.query.recentchanges[0].patroltoken;
// Get MediaWiki interface messages
  * Execution
url: apiUrl,
  * -------------------------------------------------
dataType: 'json',
data: {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
meta: 'allmessages',
amlang: conf.wgUserLanguage,
ammessages: ([
'ascending abbrev',
'descending abbrev',
}).done(function (data) {
data = data.query.allmessages;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++) {
mw.messages.set(data[i].name, data[i]['*']);
  // On every page
url: apiUrl,
  $.when(mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util'), $.ready).then(function () {
dataType: 'json',
    if (!$('#t-rtrc').length) {
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'tags',
tgprop: 'displayname'
        'Monitor and patrol recent changes in real-time',
}).done(function (data) {
var tags = data.query && data.query.tags;
if (tags) {
rcTags = $.map(tags, function (tag) {
return tag.name;
    if (conf.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Recentchanges' && !$('#ca-nstab-rtrc').length) {
        'Monitor and patrol recent changes in real-time'
  // Initialise if in the right context
url: apiUrl,
  if (
dataType: 'json',
    (conf.wgTitle === 'Krinkle/RTRC' && conf.wgAction === 'view') ||
data: {
    (conf.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Blankpage' && conf.wgTitle.split('/', 2)[1] === 'RTRC')
format: 'json',
  ) {
action: 'query',
meta: 'siteinfo'
}).done(function (data) {
wikiTimeOffset = (data.query && data.query.general.timeoffset) || 0;
return $.when.apply(null, promises);
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
function init() {
var dModules, dI18N, featureTest;
// Transform title and navigation tabs
document.title = 'RTRC: ' + conf.wgDBname;
$(function () {
$('#p-namespaces ul')
featureTest = !!(
// For timeUtil
Date.UTC &&
// For CSS :before and :before
if (!featureTest) {
// These selectors from vector-hd conflict with mw-rtrc-available
if (navSupported) {
// Apply stored setting
navCollapsed = localStorage.getItem('mw-rtrc-navtoggle-collapsed') || 'true';
if (navCollapsed === 'true') {
dModules = $.Deferred();
if (!mw.libs.getIntuition) {
mw.libs.getIntuition = $.ajax({ url: intuitionLoadUrl, dataType: 'script', cache: true });
dI18N = mw.libs.getIntuition
.then(function () {
return mw.libs.intuition.load('rtrc');
.then(function () {
message = $.proxy(mw.libs.intuition.message, null, 'rtrc');
msg = $.proxy(mw.libs.intuition.msg, null, 'rtrc');
return this;
$.when(initData(), dModules, dI18N, $.ready).fail(showFail).done(function () {
// Set up DOM for navtoggle
if (navSupported) {
// Needs i18n and $.ready
.attr('title', msg('navtoggle-tooltip'))
.on('click', navToggle)
// Map over months
monthNames = msg('months').split(',');
* Execution
* -------------------------------------------------
// On every page
$(function () {
if (!$('#t-rtrc').length) {
'Monitor and patrol recent changes in real-time',
* Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD
* Build: http://modernizr.com/download/#-generatedcontent-teststyles
* Customized further for inclusion in mw-gadget-rtrc:
* - Remove unused utilities.
* - Export to jQuery.support.modernizr4rtrc instead of window.Modernizr.
(function () {
var docElement = document.documentElement,
mod = 'modernizr',
smile = ':)';
function injectElementWithStyles(rule, callback, nodes, testnames) {
var style, ret, node, docOverflow,
div = document.createElement('div'),
body = document.body,
fakeBody = body || document.createElement('body');
if (parseInt(nodes, 10)) {
while (nodes--) {
node = document.createElement('div');
node.id = testnames ? testnames[nodes] : mod + (nodes + 1);
style = ['&#173;', '<style id="s', mod, '">', rule, '</style>'].join('');
div.id = mod;
(body ? div : fakeBody).innerHTML += style;
if (!body) {
fakeBody.style.background = '';
fakeBody.style.overflow = 'hidden';
docOverflow = docElement.style.overflow;
docElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
ret = callback(div, rule);
if (!body) {
docElement.style.overflow = docOverflow;
} else {
return !!ret;
$.support.modernizr4rtrc = {
generatedcontent: (function () {
return injectElementWithStyles(['#', mod, '{font:0/0 a}#', mod, ':after{content:"', smile, '";visibility:hidden;font:3px/1 a}'].join(''), function (node) {
return node.offsetHeight >= 3;
// Initialise if in the right context
if (
(conf.wgTitle === 'Krinkle/RTRC' && conf.wgAction === 'view') ||
(conf.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Blankpage' && conf.wgTitle.split('/', 2)[1] === 'RTRC')
) {
}(jQuery, mediaWiki));

Latest revision as of 18:17, 12 January 2020

 * Real-Time Recent Changes
 * https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc
 * @copyright 2010-2018 Timo Tijhof

// Array#includes polyfill (ES2016/ES7)
// eslint-disable-next-line
Array.prototype.includes||Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype,"includes",{value:function(r,e){if(null==this)throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');var t=Object(this),n=t.length>>>0;if(0===n)return!1;var i,o,a=0|e,u=Math.max(a>=0?a:n-Math.abs(a),0);for(;u<n;){if((i=t[u])===(o=r)||"number"==typeof i&&"number"==typeof o&&isNaN(i)&&isNaN(o))return!0;u++}return!1}});

/* global alert, mw, $ */
(function () {
  'use strict';

   * Configuration
   * -------------------------------------------------
    appVersion = 'v1.3.6-pre.6',
    conf = mw.config.get([
    // Can't use mw.util.wikiScript until after #init
    apiUrl = conf.wgScriptPath + '/api.php',
    cvnApiUrl = 'https://cvn.wmflabs.org/api.php',
    oresApiUrl = 'https://ores.wikimedia.org/scores/' + conf.wgDBname + '/',
    oresModel = false,
    intuitionLoadUrl = 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Krinkle/Scripts/Intuition.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript',
    docUrl = 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle/Tools/Real-Time_Recent_Changes?uselang=' + conf.wgUserLanguage,
    // 32x32px
    ajaxLoaderUrl = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Ajax-loader.gif',
    annotationsCache = {
      patrolled: Object.create(null),
      cvn: Object.create(null),
      ores: Object.create(null)
    // See annotationsCacheUp()
    annotationsCacheSize = 0,

    // Info from the wiki - see initData()
    userHasPatrolRight = false,
    rcTags = [],

    // State
    skippedRCIDs = [],

    // Default settings for the feed
    defOpt = {
      rc: {
        // Timestamp
        start: undefined,
        // Timestamp
        end: undefined,
        // Direction "older" (descending) or "newer" (ascending)
        dir: 'older',
        // Array of namespace ids
        namespace: undefined,
        // User name
        user: undefined,
        // Tag ID
        tag: undefined,
        // Filters
        hideliu: false,
        hidebots: true,
        unpatrolled: false,
        limit: 25,
        // Type filters are "show matches only"
        typeEdit: true,
        typeNew: true

      app: {
        refresh: 5,
        cvnDB: false,
        ores: false,
        massPatrol: false,
        autoDiff: false
    aliasOpt = {
      // Back-compat for v1.0.4 and earlier
      showAnonOnly: 'hideliu',
      showUnpatrolledOnly: 'unpatrolled'
    // Current settings for the feed
    opt = makeOpt(),

    rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout,

    $wrapper, $body, $feed,

   * Utility functions
   * -------------------------------------------------

  function makeOpt () {
    // Create a recursive copy of defOpt without exposing
    // any of its arrays or objects in the returned value,
    // so that the returned value can be modified in every way,
    // without causing defOpt to change.
    return $.extend(true, {}, defOpt);

   * Prepend a leading zero if value is under 10
   * @param {number} num Value between 0 and 99.
   * @return {string}
  function pad (num) {
    return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;

  timeUtil = {
    // Create new Date object from an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp, as
    // returned by the MediaWiki API (e.g. "2010-04-25T23:24:02Z")
    newDateFromISO: function (s) {
      return new Date(Date.parse(s));

     * Apply user offset
     * Only use this if you're extracting individual values from the object (e.g. getUTCDay or
     * getUTCMinutes). The internal timestamp will be wrong.
     * @param {Date} d
     * @return {Date}
    applyUserOffset: function (d) {
      var parts,
        offset = mw.user.options.get('timecorrection');

      // This preference has no default value, it is null for users that don't
      // override the site's default timeoffset.
      if (offset) {
        parts = offset.split('|');
        if (parts[0] === 'System') {
          // Ignore offset value, as system may have started or stopped
          // DST since the preferences were saved.
          offset = wikiTimeOffset;
        } else {
          offset = Number(parts[1]);
      } else {
        offset = wikiTimeOffset;
      // There is no way to set a timezone in javascript, so instead we pretend the
      // UTC timestamp is different and use getUTC* methods everywhere.
      d.setTime(d.getTime() + (offset * 60 * 1000));
      return d;

    // Get clocktime string adjusted to timezone of wiki
    // from MediaWiki timestamp string
    getClocktimeFromApi: function (s) {
      var d = timeUtil.applyUserOffset(timeUtil.newDateFromISO(s));
      // Return clocktime with leading zeros
      return pad(d.getUTCHours()) + ':' + pad(d.getUTCMinutes());

   * Main functions
   * -------------------------------------------------

   * @param {Date} date
   * @return {string} HTML
  function buildRcDayHead (date) {
    var current = date.getDate();
    if (current === rcDayHeadPrev) {
      return '';
    rcDayHeadPrev = current;
    return '<div class="mw-rtrc-heading"><div><strong>' + date.getDate() + ' ' + monthNames[date.getMonth()] + '</strong></div></div>';

   * @param {Object} rc Recent change object from API
   * @return {string} HTML
  function buildRcItem (rc) {
    var diffsize, isUnpatrolled, typeSymbol, itemClass, diffLink, el, item;

    // Get size difference (can be negative, zero or positive)
    diffsize = rc.newlen - rc.oldlen;

    // Convert undefined/empty-string values from API into booleans
    isUnpatrolled = rc.unpatrolled !== undefined;

    // typeSymbol, diffLink & itemClass
    typeSymbol = '&nbsp;';
    itemClass = [];

    if (rc.type === 'new') {
      typeSymbol += '<span class="newpage">' + mw.message('newpageletter').escaped() + '</span>';

    if ((rc.type === 'edit' || rc.type === 'new') && userHasPatrolRight && isUnpatrolled) {
      typeSymbol += '<span class="unpatrolled">!</span>';

    if (rc.oldlen > 0 && rc.newlen === 0) {


<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-patrolled" data-diff="0" data-rcid="0" user="Abc">
  <div first>(<a>diff</a>) <span class="unpatrolled">!</span> 00:00 <a>Page</a></div>
  <div user><a class="user" href="/User:Abc">Abc</a></div>
  <div comment><a href="/User talk:Abc">talk</a> / <a href="/Special:Contributions/Abc">contribs</a>&nbsp;<span class="comment">Abc</span></div>
  <div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><span class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-null">(0)</span></div>

    // build & return item
    item = buildRcDayHead(timeUtil.newDateFromISO(rc.timestamp));
    item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-item ' + itemClass.join(' ') + '" data-diff="' + rc.revid + '" data-rcid="' + rc.rcid + '" user="' + rc.user + '">';

    if (rc.type === 'edit') {
      diffLink = '<a class="rcitemlink diff" href="' +
        mw.util.wikiScript() + '?diff=' + rc.revid + '&oldid=' + rc.old_revid + '&rcid=' + rc.rcid +
        '">' + mw.message('diff').escaped() + '</a>';
    } else if (rc.type === 'new') {
      diffLink = '<a class="rcitemlink newPage">' + message('new-short').escaped() + '</a>';
    } else {
      diffLink = mw.message('diff').escaped();

    item += '<div first>' +
      '(' + diffLink + ') ' + typeSymbol + ' ' +
      timeUtil.getClocktimeFromApi(rc.timestamp) +
      ' <a class="mw-title" href="' + mw.util.getUrl(rc.title) + '?rcid=' + rc.rcid + '" target="_blank">' + rc.title + '</a>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<div user>&nbsp;<small>&middot;&nbsp;' +
      '<a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('User talk:' + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">' + mw.message('talkpagelinktext').escaped() + '</a>' +
      ' &middot; ' +
      '<a href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Contributions/' + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">' + mw.message('contribslink').escaped() + '</a>' +
      '&nbsp;</small>&middot;&nbsp;' +
      '<a class="mw-userlink" href="' + mw.util.getUrl((mw.util.isIPv4Address(rc.user) || mw.util.isIPv6Address(rc.user) ? 'Special:Contributions/' : 'User:') + rc.user) + '" target="_blank">' + rc.user + '</a>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<div comment>&nbsp;<span class="comment">' + rc.parsedcomment + '</span></div>';

    if (diffsize > 0) {
      el = diffsize > 399 ? 'strong' : 'span';
      item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><' + el + ' class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-pos">(+' + diffsize.toLocaleString() + ')</' + el + '></div>';
    } else if (diffsize === 0) {
      item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><span class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-null">(0)</span></div>';
    } else {
      el = diffsize < -399 ? 'strong' : 'span';
      item += '<div class="mw-rtrc-meta"><' + el + ' class="mw-plusminus mw-plusminus-neg">(' + diffsize.toLocaleString() + ')</' + el + '></div>';

    item += '</div>';
    return item;

   * @param {Object} newOpt
   * @param {string} [mode=normal] One of 'quiet' or 'normal'
   * @return {boolean} True if no changes were made, false otherwise
  function normaliseSettings (newOpt, mode) {
    var mod = false;

    // MassPatrol requires a filter to be active
    if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.rc.user) {
      newOpt.app.massPatrol = false;
      mod = true;
      if (mode !== 'quiet') {

    // MassPatrol implies AutoDiff
    if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.app.autoDiff) {
      newOpt.app.autoDiff = true;
      mod = true;
    // MassPatrol implies fetching only unpatrolled changes
    if (newOpt.app.massPatrol && !newOpt.rc.unpatrolled) {
      newOpt.rc.unpatrolled = true;
      mod = true;

    return !mod;

  function fillSettingsForm (newOpt) {
    var $settings = $($wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-settings')[0].elements).filter(':input');

    if (newOpt.rc) {
      $.each(newOpt.rc, function (key, value) {
        var $setting = $settings.filter(function () {
            return this.name === key;
          setting = $setting[0];

        if (!setting) {

        switch (key) {
          case 'limit':
            setting.value = value;
          case 'namespace':
            if (value === undefined) {
            // Value "" (all) is represented by undefined.
              $setting.find('option').eq(0).prop('selected', true);
            } else {
          case 'user':
          case 'start':
          case 'end':
          case 'tag':
            setting.value = value || '';
          case 'hideliu':
          case 'hidebots':
          case 'unpatrolled':
          case 'typeEdit':
          case 'typeNew':
            setting.checked = value;
          case 'dir':
            if (setting.value === value) {
              setting.checked = true;

    if (newOpt.app) {
      $.each(newOpt.app, function (key, value) {
        var $setting = $settings.filter(function () {
            return this.name === key;
          setting = $setting[0];

        if (!setting) {
          setting = document.getElementById('rc-options-' + key);
          $setting = $(setting);

        if (!setting) {

        switch (key) {
          case 'cvnDB':
          case 'ores':
          case 'massPatrol':
          case 'autoDiff':
            setting.checked = value;
          case 'refresh':
            setting.value = value;

  function readSettingsForm () {
    // jQuery#serializeArray is nice, but doesn't include "value: false" for unchecked
    // checkboxes that are not disabled. Using raw .elements instead and filtering
    // out <fieldset>.
    var $settings = $($wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-settings')[0].elements).filter(':input');

    opt = makeOpt();

    $settings.each(function (i, el) {
      var name = el.name;
      switch (name) {
        // RC
        case 'limit':
          opt.rc[name] = Number(el.value);
        case 'namespace':
        // Can be "0".
        // Value "" (all) is represented by undefined.
        // TODO: Turn this into a multi-select, the API supports it.
          opt.rc[name] = el.value.length ? Number(el.value) : undefined;
        case 'user':
        case 'start':
        case 'end':
        case 'tag':
          opt.rc[name] = el.value || undefined;
        case 'hideliu':
        case 'hidebots':
        case 'unpatrolled':
        case 'typeEdit':
        case 'typeNew':
          opt.rc[name] = el.checked;
        case 'dir':
          // There's more than 1 radio button with this name in this loop,
          // use the value of the first (and only) checked one.
          if (el.checked) {
            opt.rc[name] = el.value;
        // APP
        case 'cvnDB':
        case 'ores':
        case 'massPatrol':
        case 'autoDiff':
          opt.app[name] = el.checked;
        case 'refresh':
          opt.app[name] = Number(el.value);

    if (!normaliseSettings(opt)) {

  function getPermalink () {
    var uri = new mw.Uri(mw.util.getUrl(conf.wgPageName)),
      reducedOpt = {};

    $.each(opt.rc, function (key, value) {
      if (defOpt.rc[key] !== value) {
        if (!reducedOpt.rc) {
          reducedOpt.rc = {};
        reducedOpt.rc[key] = value;

    $.each(opt.app, function (key, value) {
      // Don't permalink MassPatrol (issue Krinkle/mw-rtrc-gadget#59)
      if (key !== 'massPatrol' && defOpt.app[key] !== value) {
        if (!reducedOpt.app) {
          reducedOpt.app = {};
        reducedOpt.app[key] = value;

    reducedOpt = JSON.stringify(reducedOpt);

      opt: reducedOpt === '{}' ? '' : reducedOpt

    return uri.toString();

  function updateFeedNow () {
    $('#rc-options-pause').prop('checked', false);
    if (updateReq) {
      // Try to abort the current request
    return updateFeed();

   * @param {jQuery} $element
  function scrollIntoView ($element) {
    $element[0].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });

   * @param {jQuery} $element
  function scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ($element) {
    if ($element[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded) {
      $element[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });
    } else {
      $element[0].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });

  // Read permalink into the program and reflect into settings form.
  function readPermalink () {
    var group, oldKey, newKey, newOpt,
      url = new mw.Uri();

    if (url.query.opt) {
      try {
        newOpt = JSON.parse(url.query.opt);
      } catch (e) {
        // Ignore
    if (newOpt) {
      // Rename values for old aliases
      for (group in newOpt) {
        for (oldKey in newOpt[group]) {
          newKey = aliasOpt[oldKey];
          if (newKey && !Object.hasOwnProperty.call(newOpt[group], newKey)) {
            newOpt[group][newKey] = newOpt[group][oldKey];
            delete newOpt[group][oldKey];

      if (newOpt.app) {
        // Don't permalink MassPatrol (issue Krinkle/mw-rtrc-gadget#59)
        delete newOpt.app.massPatrol;

    newOpt = $.extend(true, makeOpt(), newOpt);

    normaliseSettings(newOpt, 'quiet');

    opt = newOpt;

  function getApiRcParams (rc) {
    var params,
      rcprop = [
      rcshow = [],
      rctype = [];

    if (userHasPatrolRight) {

    if (rc.hideliu) {
    if (rc.hidebots) {
    if (rc.unpatrolled) {

    if (rc.typeEdit) {
    if (rc.typeNew) {
    if (!rctype.length) {
      // Custom default instead of MediaWiki's default (in case both checkboxes were unchecked)
      rctype = ['edit', 'new'];

    params = {
      rcdir: rc.dir,
      rclimit: rc.limit,
      rcshow: rcshow.join('|'),
      rcprop: rcprop.join('|'),
      rctype: rctype.join('|')

    if (rc.dir === 'older') {
      if (rc.end !== undefined) {
        params.rcstart = rc.end;
      if (rc.start !== undefined) {
        params.rcend = rc.start;
    } else if (rc.dir === 'newer') {
      if (rc.start !== undefined) {
        params.rcstart = rc.start;
      if (rc.end !== undefined) {
        params.rcend = rc.end;

    if (rc.namespace !== undefined) {
      params.rcnamespace = rc.namespace;

    if (rc.user !== undefined) {
      params.rcuser = rc.user;

    if (rc.tag !== undefined) {
      params.rctag = rc.tag;

    // params.titles: Title filter (rctitles) is no longer supported by MediaWiki,
    // see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12394#c5.

    return params;

  // Called when the feed is regenerated before being inserted in the document
  function applyRtrcAnnotations ($feedContent) {
    // Re-apply item classes
    $feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item').each(function () {
      var $el = $(this),
        rcid = Number($el.data('rcid'));

      // Mark skipped and patrolled items as such
      if (skippedRCIDs.includes(rcid)) {
      } else if (rcid in annotationsCache.patrolled) {
      } else if (rcid === currentDiffRcid) {

  function applyOresAnnotations ($feedContent) {
    var dAnnotations, revids, fetchRevids;

    if (!oresModel) {
      return $.Deferred().resolve();

    // Find all revids names inside the feed
    revids = $.map($feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item'), function (node) {
      return $(node).attr('data-diff');

    if (!revids.length) {
      return $.Deferred().resolve();

    fetchRevids = revids.filter(function (revid) {
      return !(revid in annotationsCache.ores);

    if (!fetchRevids.length) {
      // No (new) revisions
      dAnnotations = $.Deferred().resolve(annotationsCache.ores);
    } else {
      dAnnotations = $.ajax({
        url: oresApiUrl,
        data: {
          models: oresModel,
          revids: fetchRevids.join('|')
        timeout: 10000,
        dataType: $.support.cors ? 'json' : 'jsonp',
        cache: true
      }).then(function (resp) {
        var len;
        if (resp) {
          len = Object.keys ? Object.keys(resp).length : fetchRevids.length;
          $.each(resp, function (revid, item) {
            if (!item || item.error || !item[oresModel] || item[oresModel].error) {
            annotationsCache.ores[revid] = item[oresModel].probability['true'];
        return annotationsCache.ores;

    return dAnnotations.then(function (annotations) {
      // Loop through all revision ids
      revids.forEach(function (revid) {
        var tooltip,
          score = annotations[revid];
        // Only highlight high probability scores
        if (!score || score <= 0.45) {
        tooltip = msg('ores-damaging-probability', (100 * score).toFixed(0) + '%');

        // Add alert
          .filter('.mw-rtrc-item[data-diff="' + Number(revid) + '"]')
          .addClass('mw-rtrc-item-alert mw-rtrc-item-alert-rev')
              .attr('title', tooltip)

  function applyCvnAnnotations ($feedContent) {
    var dAnnotations,
      users = [];

    // Collect user names
    $feedContent.filter('.mw-rtrc-item').each(function () {
      var user = $(this).attr('user');
      // Don't query the same user multiple times
      if (user && users.includes(user) && !(user in annotationsCache.cvn)) {

    if (!users.length) {
      // No (new) users
      dAnnotations = $.Deferred().resolve(annotationsCache.cvn);
    } else {
      dAnnotations = $.ajax({
        url: cvnApiUrl,
        data: { users: users.join('|') },
        timeout: 2000,
        dataType: $.support.cors ? 'json' : 'jsonp',
        cache: true
        .then(function (resp) {
          if (resp.users) {
            $.each(resp.users, function (name, user) {
              annotationsCache.cvn[name] = user;
          return annotationsCache.cvn;

    return dAnnotations.then(function (annotations) {
      // Loop through all cvn user annotations
      $.each(annotations, function (name, user) {
        var tooltip;

        // Only if blacklisted, otherwise don't highlight
        if (user.type === 'blacklist') {
          tooltip = '';

          if (user.comment) {
            tooltip += msg('cvn-reason') + ': ' + user.comment + '. ';
          } else {
            tooltip += msg('cvn-reason') + ': ' + msg('cvn-reason-empty');

          if (user.adder) {
            tooltip += msg('cvn-adder') + ': ' + user.adder;
          } else {
            tooltip += msg('cvn-adder') + ': ' + msg('cvn-adder-empty');

          // Add alert
            .filter(function () {
              return $(this).attr('user') === name;
            .addClass('mw-rtrc-item-alert mw-rtrc-item-alert-user')
            .attr('title', tooltip);

   * @param {Object} update
   * @param {jQuery} update.$feedContent
   * @param {string} update.rawHtml
  function pushFeedContent (update) {

      message('lastupdate-rc', new Date().toLocaleString()).escaped() +
      ' | <a href="' + mw.html.escape(getPermalink()) + '">' +
      message('permalink').escaped() +

    if (update.rawHtml !== prevFeedHtml) {
      prevFeedHtml = update.rawHtml;

  function updateFeed () {
    if (updateReq) {

    // Indicate updating

    // Download recent changes
    updateReq = $.ajax({
      url: apiUrl,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: $.extend(getApiRcParams(opt.rc), {
        format: 'json',
        action: 'query',
        list: 'recentchanges'
    // This waterfall flows in one of two ways:
    // - Everything casts to success and results in a UI update (maybe an error message),
    //   loading indicator hidden, and the next update scheduled.
    // - Request is aborted and nothing happens (instead, the final handling will
    //   be done by the new request).
    return updateReq.always(function () {
      updateReq = null;
      .then(function onRcSuccess (data) {
        var recentchanges, $feedContent, client,
          feedContentHTML = '';

        if (data.error) {
          // Account doesn't have patrol flag
          if (data.error.code === 'rcpermissiondenied') {
            feedContentHTML += '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3><p>Please untick the "Unpatrolled only"-checkbox or request the Patroller-right.</a>';

          // Other error
          } else {
            client = $.client.profile();
            feedContentHTML += '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3>' +
            '<p>Please check the settings above and try again. If you believe this is a bug, please <strong>' +
            '<a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/new?body=' + encodeURIComponent('\n\n\n----' +
            '\npackage: mw-gadget-rtrc ' + appVersion +
            mw.format('\nbrowser: $1 $2 ($3)', client.name, client.version, client.platform)
            ) + '" target="_blank">let me know</a></strong>.';
        } else {
          recentchanges = data.query.recentchanges;

          if (recentchanges.length) {
            $.each(recentchanges, function (i, rc) {
              feedContentHTML += buildRcItem(rc);
          } else {
            // Evserything is OK - no results
            feedContentHTML += '<strong><em>' + message('nomatches').escaped() + '</em></strong>';

          // Reset day
          rcDayHeadPrev = undefined;

        $feedContent = $($.parseHTML(feedContentHTML));
        return $.when(
          opt.app.cvnDB && applyCvnAnnotations($feedContent),
          oresModel && opt.app.ores && applyOresAnnotations($feedContent)
        ).then(null, function () {
          // Ignore errors from annotation handlers
          return $.Deferred().resolve();
        }).then(function () {
          return {
            $feedContent: $feedContent,
            rawHtml: feedContentHTML
      }, function onRcError (jqXhr, textStatus) {
        var feedContentHTML;
        if (textStatus === 'abort') {
          // No rendering
          return $.Deferred().reject();
        feedContentHTML = '<h3>Downloading recent changes failed</h3>';
        // Error is handled, continue to rendering.
        return {
          $feedContent: $(feedContentHTML),
          rawHtml: feedContentHTML
      .then(function (obj) {
        // Render
      .then(function () {
        $RCOptionsSubmit.prop('disabled', false).css('opacity', '1.0');

        // Schedule next update
        updateFeedTimeout = setTimeout(updateFeed, opt.app.refresh * 1000);

  function nextDiff () {
    var $lis = $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item:not(.mw-rtrc-item-current, .mw-rtrc-item-patrolled, .mw-rtrc-item-skipped)');

  function wakeupMassPatrol (settingVal) {
    if (settingVal === true) {
      if (!currentDiff) {
      } else {
        $('.patrollink a').click();

  // Build the main interface
  function buildInterface () {
    var namespaceOptionsHtml, tagOptionsHtml, key,
      fmNs = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces');

    namespaceOptionsHtml = '<option value>' + mw.message('namespacesall').escaped() + '</option>';
    namespaceOptionsHtml += '<option value="0">' + mw.message('blanknamespace').escaped() + '</option>';

    for (key in fmNs) {
      if (key > 0) {
        namespaceOptionsHtml += '<option value="' + key + '">' + fmNs[key] + '</option>';

    tagOptionsHtml = '<option value selected>' + message('select-placeholder-none').escaped() + '</option>';
    for (key = 0; key < rcTags.length; key++) {
      tagOptionsHtml += '<option value="' + mw.html.escape(rcTags[key]) + '">' + mw.html.escape(rcTags[key]) + '</option>';

    $wrapper = $($.parseHTML(
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-wrapper">' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-head">' +
        message('title').escaped() + ' <small>(' + appVersion + ')</small>' +
        '<div class="mw-rtrc-head-links">' +
          (!mw.user.isAnon() ? (
            '<a target="_blank" href="' + mw.util.getUrl('Special:Log', { type: 'patrol', user: mw.user.getName(), subtype: 'patrol' }) + '">' +
              message('mypatrollog').escaped() +
          ) : '') +
          '<a id="mw-rtrc-toggleHelp">' + message('help').escaped() + '</a>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<form id="krRTRC_RCOptions" class="mw-rtrc-settings mw-rtrc-nohelp make-switch"><fieldset>' +
        '<div class="panel-group">' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' + message('filter').escaped() + '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="hideliu" />' +
                ' ' + message('filter-hideliu').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="hidebots" />' +
                ' ' + message('filter-hidebots').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="unpatrolled" />' +
                ' ' + message('filter-unpatrolled').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                message('userfilter').escaped() +
                '<span section="Userfilter" class="helpicon"></span>: ' +
                '<input type="search" size="16" name="user" />' +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' + message('type').escaped() + '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="typeEdit" checked />' +
                ' ' + message('typeEdit').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" name="typeNew" checked />' +
                ' ' + message('typeNew').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label  class="head">' +
              mw.message('namespaces').escaped() +
              ' <br />' +
              '<select class="mw-rtrc-setting-select" name="namespace">' +
              namespaceOptionsHtml +
              '</select>' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('timeframe').escaped() +
              '<span section="Timeframe" class="helpicon"></span>' +
            '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel" style="text-align: right;">' +
              '<label>' +
                message('time-from').escaped() + ': ' +
                '<input type="text" size="16" placeholder="YYYYMMDDHHIISS" name="start" />' +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                message('time-untill').escaped() + ': ' +
                '<input type="text" size="16" placeholder="YYYYMMDDHHIISS" name="end" />' +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('order').escaped() +
              ' <br />' +
              '<span section="Order" class="helpicon"></span>' +
            '</label>' +
            '<div class="sub-panel">' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="radio" name="dir" value="newer" />' +
                ' ' + message('asc').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
              '<br />' +
              '<label>' +
                '<input type="radio" name="dir" value="older" checked />' +
                ' ' + message('desc').escaped() +
              '</label>' +
            '</div>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label for="mw-rtrc-settings-refresh" class="head">' +
              message('reload-interval').escaped() + '<br />' +
              '<span section="Reload_Interval" class="helpicon"></span>' +
            '</label>' +
            '<input type="number" value="3" min="0" max="99" size="2" id="mw-rtrc-settings-refresh" name="refresh" />' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel panel-last">' +
            '<input class="button" type="button" id="RCOptions_submit" value="' + message('apply').escaped() + '" />' +
          '</div>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="panel-group panel-group-mini">' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label for="mw-rtrc-settings-limit" class="head">' + message('limit').escaped() + '</label>' +
            ' <select id="mw-rtrc-settings-limit" name="limit">' +
              '<option value="10">10</option>' +
              '<option value="25" selected>25</option>' +
              '<option value="50">50</option>' +
              '<option value="75">75</option>' +
              '<option value="100">100</option>' +
              '<option value="250">250</option>' +
              '<option value="500">500</option>' +
            '</select>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('tag').escaped() +
              ' <select class="mw-rtrc-setting-select" name="tag">' +
              tagOptionsHtml +
              '</select>' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('cvn-scores').escaped() +
              '<span section="CVN_Scores" class="helpicon"></span>' +
              '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="cvnDB" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          (oresModel ? (
            '<div class="panel">' +
              '<label class="head">' +
                message('ores-scores').escaped() +
                '<span section="ORES_Scores" class="helpicon"></span>' +
                '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="ores" />' +
              '</label>' +
          ) : '') +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('masspatrol').escaped() +
              '<span section="MassPatrol" class="helpicon"></span>' +
              '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="massPatrol" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('autodiff').escaped() +
              '<span section="AutoDiff" class="helpicon"></span>' +
              '<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="autoDiff" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div class="panel">' +
            '<label class="head">' +
              message('pause').escaped() +
              '<input class="switch" type="checkbox" id="rc-options-pause" />' +
            '</label>' +
          '</div>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</fieldset></form>' +
      '<a name="krRTRC_DiffTop" />' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-diff mw-rtrc-diff-closed" id="krRTRC_DiffFrame"></div>' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-body placeholder">' +
        '<div class="mw-rtrc-feed">' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-feed-update"></div>' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-feed-content"></div>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<img src="' + ajaxLoaderUrl + '" id="krRTRC_loader" style="display: none;" />' +
        '<div class="mw-rtrc-legend">' +
          message('legend').escaped() + ': ' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-patrolled">' + mw.message('markedaspatrolled').escaped() + '</div>, ' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-current">' + message('currentedit').escaped() + '</div>, ' +
          '<div class="mw-rtrc-item mw-rtrc-item-skipped">' + message('skippededit').escaped() + '</div>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' +
      '<div class="mw-rtrc-foot">' +
        '<div class="plainlinks" style="text-align: right;">' +
          'Real-Time Recent Changes by ' +
          '<a href="//meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle">Krinkle</a>' +
          ' | <a href="' + docUrl + '">' + message('documentation').escaped() + '</a>' +
          ' | <a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/releases">' + message('changelog').escaped() + '</a>' +
          ' | <a href="https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues">' + message('feedback').escaped() + '</a>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</div>' +

    // Add helper element for switch checkboxes
    $wrapper.find('input.switch').after('<div class="switched"></div>');

    // All links within the diffframe should open in a new window
    $wrapper.find('#krRTRC_DiffFrame').on('click', 'table.diff a', function () {
      var $el = $(this);
      if ($el.is('[href^="http://"], [href^="https://"], [href^="//"]')) {
        $el.attr('target', '_blank');


    $body = $wrapper.find('.mw-rtrc-body');
    $feed = $body.find('.mw-rtrc-feed');

  function annotationsCacheUp (increment) {
    annotationsCacheSize += increment || 1;
    if (annotationsCacheSize > 1000) {
      annotationsCache.patrolled = Object.create(null);
      annotationsCache.ores = Object.create(null);
      annotationsCache.cvn = Object.create(null);

  // Bind event hanlders in the user interface
  function bindInterface () {
    var api = new mw.Api();
    $RCOptionsSubmit = $('#RCOptions_submit');

    // Apply button
    $RCOptionsSubmit.on('click', function () {
      $RCOptionsSubmit.prop('disabled', true).css('opacity', '0.5');


      updateFeedNow().then(function () {
      return false;

    // Close Diff
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffClose', function () {
      currentDiff = currentDiffRcid = false;

    // Load diffview on (diff)-link click
    $feed.on('click', 'a.diff', function (e) {
      var $item = $(this).closest('.mw-rtrc-item').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-current'),
        title = $item.find('.mw-title').text(),
        href = $(this).attr('href'),
        $frame = $('#krRTRC_DiffFrame');


      currentDiff = Number($item.data('diff'));
      currentDiffRcid = Number($item.data('rcid'));

        // Reset class potentially added by a.newPage or diffClose
        .removeClass('mw-rtrc-diff-newpage mw-rtrc-diff-closed');

        url: mw.util.wikiScript(),
        dataType: 'html',
        data: {
          action: 'render',
          diff: currentDiff,
          diffonly: '1',
          uselang: conf.wgUserLanguage
      }).fail(function (jqXhr) {
          .append(jqXhr.responseText || 'Loading diff failed.')
      }).done(function (data) {
        var skipButtonHtml, $diff;
        if (skippedRCIDs.includes(currentDiffRcid)) {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffUnskip">' + message('unskip').escaped() + '</a></span>';
        } else {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffSkip">' + message('skip').escaped() + '</a></span>';

            '<h3>' + mw.html.escape(title) + '</h3>' +
            '<div class="mw-rtrc-diff-tools">' +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffClose">' + message('close').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a href="' + href + '" target="_blank" id="diffNewWindow">' + message('open-in-wiki').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
                ? '<span class="tab"><a onclick="(function(){ if($(\'.patrollink a\').length){ $(\'.patrollink a\').click(); } else { $(\'#diffSkip\').click(); } })();">[mark]</a></span>'
                : ''
              ) +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffNext">' + mw.message('next').escaped() + ' »</a></span>' +
              skipButtonHtml +

        if (opt.app.massPatrol) {
          $frame.find('.patrollink a').click();
        } else {
          $diff = $frame.find('table.diff');
          if ($diff.length) {
          // Only scroll up if the user scrolled down
          // Leave scroll offset unchanged otherwise


    $feed.on('click', 'a.newPage', function (e) {
      var $item = $(this).closest('.mw-rtrc-item').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-current'),
        title = $item.find('.mw-title').text(),
        href = $item.find('.mw-title').attr('href'),
        $frame = $('#krRTRC_DiffFrame');


      currentDiffRcid = Number($item.data('rcid'));

        .addClass('mw-rtrc-diff-loading mw-rtrc-diff-newpage')

        url: href,
        dataType: 'html',
        data: {
          action: 'render',
          uselang: conf.wgUserLanguage
      }).fail(function (jqXhr) {
          .append(jqXhr.responseText || 'Loading diff failed.')
      }).done(function (data) {
        var skipButtonHtml;
        if (skippedRCIDs.includes(currentDiffRcid)) {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffUnskip">' + message('unskip').escaped() + '</a></span>';
        } else {
          skipButtonHtml = '<span class="tab"><a id="diffSkip">' + message('skip').escaped() + '</a></span>';

            '<h3>' + title + '</h3>' +
            '<div class="mw-rtrc-diff-tools">' +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffClose">' + message('close').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a href="' + href + '" target="_blank" id="diffNewWindow">' + message('open-in-wiki').escaped() + '</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a onclick="$(\'.patrollink a\').click()">[' + message('mark').escaped() + ']</a></span>' +
              '<span class="tab"><a id="diffNext">' + mw.message('next').escaped() + ' »</a></span>' +
              skipButtonHtml +

        if (opt.app.massPatrol) {
          $frame.find('.patrollink a').click();


    // Mark as patrolled
    $wrapper.on('click', '.patrollink', function () {
      var $el = $(this);
      $el.find('a').text(mw.msg('markaspatrolleddiff') + '...');
      api.postWithToken('patrol', {
        action: 'patrol',
        rcid: currentDiffRcid
      }).done(function (data) {
        if (!data || data.error) {
            $('<span style="color: red;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrollederror'))
          mw.log('Patrol error:', data);
          $('<span style="color: green;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrolled'))
        $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-patrolled');

        // Feed refreshes may overlap with patrol actions, which can cause patrolled edits
        // to show up in an "Unpatrolled only" feed. This is make nextDiff() skip those.
        annotationsCache.patrolled[currentDiffRcid] = true;

        if (opt.app.autoDiff) {
      }).fail(function () {
          $('<span style="color: red;"></span>').text(mw.msg('markedaspatrollederror'))

      return false;

    // Trigger NextDiff
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffNext', function () {

    // SkipDiff
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffSkip', function () {
      $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').addClass('mw-rtrc-item-skipped');
      // Add to array, to re-add class after refresh

    // UnskipDiff
    $wrapper.on('click', '#diffUnskip', function () {
      $feed.find('.mw-rtrc-item[data-rcid="' + currentDiffRcid + '"]').removeClass('mw-rtrc-item-skipped');
      // Remove from array, to no longer re-add class after refresh
      skippedRCIDs.splice(skippedRCIDs.indexOf(currentDiffRcid), 1);

    // Show helpicons
    $('#mw-rtrc-toggleHelp').on('click', function (e) {
      $('#krRTRC_RCOptions').toggleClass('mw-rtrc-nohelp mw-rtrc-help');

    // Link helpicons
    $('.mw-rtrc-settings .helpicon')
      .attr('title', msg('helpicon-tooltip'))
      .click(function (e) {
        window.open(docUrl + '#' + $(this).attr('section'), '_blank');

    // Mark as patrolled when rollbacking
    // Note: As of MediaWiki r(unknown) rollbacking does already automatically patrol all reverted revisions.
    // But by doing it anyway it saves a click for the AutoDiff-users
    $wrapper.on('click', '.mw-rollback-link a', function () {
      $('.patrollink a').click();

    // Button: Pause
    $('#rc-options-pause').on('click', function () {
      if (!this.checked) {
        // Unpause

  function showUnsupported () {
        'This program requires functionality not supported in this browser.'

   * @param {string} [errMsg]
  function showFail (errMsg) {
      $('<p>').addClass('errorbox').text(errMsg || 'An unexpected error occurred.')

   * Init functions
   * -------------------------------------------------

   * Fetches all external data we need.
   * This runs in parallel with loading of modules and i18n.
   * @return {jQuery.Promise}
  function initData () {
    var promises = [];

    // Get userrights
      mw.loader.using('mediawiki.user').then(function () {
        return mw.user.getRights().then(function (rights) {
          if (rights.includes('patrol')) {
            userHasPatrolRight = true;

    // Get MediaWiki interface messages
      mw.loader.using('mediawiki.api').then(function () {
        return new mw.Api().loadMessages([

      url: apiUrl,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {
        format: 'json',
        action: 'query',
        list: 'tags',
        tgprop: 'displayname'
    }).then(function (data) {
      var tags = data.query && data.query.tags;
      if (tags) {
        rcTags = tags.map(function (tag) {
          return tag.name;

      url: apiUrl,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {
        format: 'json',
        action: 'query',
        meta: 'siteinfo'
    }).then(function (data) {
      wikiTimeOffset = (data.query && data.query.general.timeoffset) || 0;

    return $.when.apply(null, promises);

   * @return {jQuery.Promise}
  function init () {
    var dModules, dI18N, featureTest, $navToggle, dOres,
      navSupported = conf.skin === 'vector';

    // Transform title and navigation tabs
    document.title = 'RTRC: ' + conf.wgDBname;
    $(function () {
      $('#p-namespaces ul')

    featureTest = !!(Date.parse);

    if (!featureTest) {


    if (navSupported) {
      $(function () {
        $navToggle = $('<div>').addClass('mw-rtrc-navtoggle');
          .on('mouseenter', function () {
          .on('mouseleave', function () {

    dModules = mw.loader.using([
      // mw-plusminus styles etc.

    if (!mw.libs.getIntuition) {
      mw.libs.getIntuition = $.ajax({ url: intuitionLoadUrl, dataType: 'script', cache: true, timeout: 7000 });

    dOres = $.ajax({
      url: oresApiUrl,
      dataType: $.support.cors ? 'json' : 'jsonp',
      cache: true,
      timeout: 2000
    }).then(function (data) {
      if (data && data.models) {
        if (data.models.damaging) {
          oresModel = 'damaging';
        } else if (data.models.reverted) {
          oresModel = 'reverted';
    }, function () {
      // ORES has have models for this wiki, continue without
      return $.Deferred().resolve();

    dI18N = mw.libs.getIntuition
      .then(function () {
        return mw.libs.intuition.load('rtrc');
      .then(function () {
        message = mw.libs.intuition.message.bind(null, 'rtrc');
        msg = mw.libs.intuition.msg.bind(null, 'rtrc');
      }, function () {
        // Ignore failure. RTRC should load even if Labs is down.
        // Fall back to displaying message keys.
        mw.messages.set('intuition-i18n-gone', '$1');
        message = function (key) {
          return mw.message('intuition-i18n-gone', key);
        msg = function (key) {
          return key;
        return $.Deferred().resolve();

    $.when(initData(), dModules, dI18N, dOres, $.ready).fail(showFail).done(function () {
      if ($navToggle) {
        $navToggle.attr('title', msg('navtoggle-tooltip'));

      // Create map of month names
      monthNames = msg('months').split(',');


      rAF(function () {

   * Execution
   * -------------------------------------------------

  // On every page
  $.when(mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util'), $.ready).then(function () {
    if (!$('#t-rtrc').length) {
        'Monitor and patrol recent changes in real-time',
    if (conf.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Recentchanges' && !$('#ca-nstab-rtrc').length) {
        'Monitor and patrol recent changes in real-time'

  // Initialise if in the right context
  if (
    (conf.wgTitle === 'Krinkle/RTRC' && conf.wgAction === 'view') ||
    (conf.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Blankpage' && conf.wgTitle.split('/', 2)[1] === 'RTRC')
  ) {