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Civitatis International - Researchers Without Borders, is a think tank which was based at the University of Wales in Aberystwyth until 2003, before moving to operate from London and Halifax in Canada. Jan Mortier serves as the executive director[1][2].

The organisation was founded in 2002 by a group of lawyers and academics who met at a Council of Europe sponsored conference. According to their website the group operate on two levels, as a "London based international conference consultancy specialising in the reporting of high level political events around the world", and also as a "global think-tank, Researchers Without Borders, comprising 36 Research Associates from every continent who write policy relevant research in the areas of international law, peacekeeping, human rights and global governance"[3]

Civitatis were advertising vacancies in 2007 for freelance transcribers and editors but their website appears to have been closed down.[4].


Civitatis divides its research interests into into four broad themes, Peacebuilding, International Law, Human Rights and Global Governance and Democracy.

International Research Associates


Civitatis International
29 Harley Street
Researchers Without Borders
The Hub, 5 Torrens Street
Angel, Islington, London

(Registered Company Number: 05834123)


  1. Jan Mortier,The Doctrine of Intervention in the Twenty-first Century, Henry Jackson Society, accessed 10 April 2009.
  2. Internet Archive, Civitatis Research, civitatis.org, Accessed 01-June-2009
  3. Internet Archive, Civitatis International - Researchers Without Borders, civitatis.org, Accessed 01-June-2009
  4. Job Vacancies, Civitatus International Ltd, w4mp.org, Accessed 01-June-2009