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#REDIRECT[[Donald Trump/Presidency]]
|start=January 20,2017
|end=January 20,2021
|image=Donald Trump.jpg
|description=The [[Donald Trump]] administration
}}'''The presidency of [[Donald Trump]]''' began on January 20, [[2017]], when Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States, and ended on January 20, [[2021]].
==Official narrative==
The official narrative in [[corporate media]] presented Trump as a Russian stooge, with the intense [[Russiagate]] narrative. The [[official opposition narrative]] of supporters presented Trump as an underdog fighting the [[deep state]] "draining the swamp". Neither of these narratives are correct if looking purely at what happened during his presidency.
==Operation Warp Speed==
{{FA|Operation Warp Speed}}
His most monumental decision was the plan to jab every in the United States and the world with a mystery product allegedly developed and tested in record time.
==Breaking Iran Deal==
The Trump administration reneged on the Obama administration's [[Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action]] with [[Iran]]. The move was done in order to reimpose [[economic sanctions]], but they failed to create the human misery necessary to start the uprising the CIA wanted. 
One of the most reckless actions during Trump’s term was probably to allow the assassination of Iranian General [[Qasem Soleimani]] at Baghdad airport on Jan. 3, [[2020]], risking a catastrophic war in the [[Middle East]].
==Continuing War in Syria==
*While constantly talking of withdrawing from the conflict, the Trump administration continued arming and financing [[proxy forces]] in the [[Civil war|'civil' war]].
*The administration introduced crushing economic sanctions on [[Syria]], destroying its economy.
*In [[2017]], the US bombed [[Syria]], justifying it with a [[false flag]] [[chemical weapons]] attack staged by local propagandists. On the night that Trump ordered a missile attack on Syrian territory he was hailed by corporate media, which had spent years delegitimizing him, as finally “presidential.” [[CNN]]'s [[Fareed Zakaria]] said “I think Donald Trump became president of the United States last night. I think this was actually a big moment. For the first time really as president, he talked about international norms, international rules, about America’s role in enforcing justice in the world.”<ref>https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/327779-cnn-host-donald-trump-became-president-last-night</ref>
*After the main proxy forces losing in battle, the US used [[Kurdish]] militias to occupy the eastern 1/3 of Syria, congaing the country's main wheat and [[oil]] production areas.
On December 6, [[2017]], Trump announced the United States recognition of [[Jerusalem]] as the capital of [[Israel]] and ordered the planning of the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from [[Tel Aviv]] to Jerusalem.
==Killing 10 million in 10 days==
In August [[2019]], Trump threatened to use an unknown type of [[WMD]] ready to be used in [[Afghanistan]], possibly a next generation [[biological weapon]]<ref>https://www.globalresearch.ca/did-trump-tacitly-threaten-use-biological-weapons/5687936</ref>. Stating:
{{QB|We could win that war so fast if I wanted to kill 10 million people … which I don’t. I’m not looking to kill a big portion of that country [Afghanistan]...I have plans on [[Afghanistan]] that, if I wanted to win that war, Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the Earth. It would be gone...It would be over in — literally, in 10 days. And I don’t want to do — I don’t want to go that route.<ref>https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-24/why-did-donald-trump-say-he-could-kill-10-million-afghans/11342794</ref>}}
He specifically stated this it was not [[nuclear weapon]]s: {{QB|As I’ve said, and I’ll say it any number of times – and this is not using nuclear – we could win that war in a week if we wanted to fight it, but I’m not looking to kill 10 million people,”<ref>https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/08/21/604070/US-President-Donald-Trump-Afghanistan-war-win-without-nuclear-weapons</ref>}}
==Relationship with Russia==
The Trump administration, while on occasion voicing wishes for peaceful coexistence, terminated the [[Start Treaty]] on nuclear disarmament, imposed hard sanctions, tried to sabotage Russian business deals with other countries ([[Nord Stream 2]]; started a diplomatic, political and cultural [[cold war]], and drastically increased the US military presence on Russia's border.
==Large armaments increase==
Trump increased the military budget to the largest since [[World War II]] (even adjusting for inflation), to $740 billion, plus more billions in hidden budget posts. The budget emphasized building more [[nuclear weapons]], preparing for exotic flavors of warfare, and expanding America’s global military presence.<ref>https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/02/trump-military-budget-defense-740-billion-analysis.html</ref>
Despite rhetoric to the opposite effect, the Trump administration opened "additional bases in [[Afghanistan]], [[Estonia]], [[Cyprus]], [[Germany]], [[Hungary]], [[Iceland]], [[Israel]], [[Latvia]], [[Lithuania]], [[Luxembourg]], [[Niger]], [[Norway]], [[Palau]], [[the Philippines]], [[Poland]], [[Romania]], [[Saudi Arabia]], [[Slovakia]], [[Somalia]], [[Syria]] and [[Tunisia]]”.<ref>https://eu.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/world/2021/02/25/us-military-budget-what-can-global-bases-do-vs-covid-cyber-attacks/6419013002/</ref>
==Persecution of Assange==
The Trump administration prosecuted [[Julian Assange]] on espionage charges after he was expelled from his asylum at the Ecuador embassy in London and requested his extradition from [[Britain]]. While Trump to the end denied a pardon to Assange, he issued a number of pardons for his cronies.<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/20/trump-pardons-and-commutations-the-full-list</ref><ref>https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/01/trump-pardons-allies-collecting-money.html</ref><ref>https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-donald-trump</ref>
==Presidential pardons==
Trump granted executive clemency to 237 individuals charged or convicted of federal criminal offenses.<ref>https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-donald-j-trump-2017-2021</ref> Trump frequently granted executive clemency to his supporters or political allies,<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20200711001349/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/10/us/politics/trump-roger-stone-clemency.html</ref> as in the cases of [[Rod Blagojevich]], [[Michael Milken]], [[Joe Arpaio]], [[Dinesh D'Souza]], and [[Clint Lorance]], as well as [[Bernard Kerik]]. Trump granted clemency to five of his former campaign staff members and political advisers: [[Paul Manafort]], [[Roger Stone]], [[Michael Flynn]], [[Stephen Bannon]], and [[George Papadopoulos]].<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20210215204156/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/20/trumps-swampiest-pardons-ranked/</ref> Trump also granted clemency to at least ten healthcare executives and doctors convicted in large-scale Medicare fraud schemes.<ref>https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/politics/2021/01/20/trump-commutes-sentence-dr-salomon-melgen-after-medicare-fraud-conviction/4221638001/</ref>
Trump pardoned four [[Blackwater]] mercenaries who had been convicted of killing 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians in [[Baghdad]]. The UN said the pardons violated international law.<ref>https://www.reuters.com/article/iraq-blackwater-un-int/trump-pardon-of-blackwater-iraq-contractors-violates-international-law-un-idUSKBN294102</ref>
==Coup in Bolivia==
The Trump administration was behind the 2020 Coup in [[Bolivia]]. At least six of the key coup plotters are alumni of the infamous [[School of the Americas]], while General [[Williams Kaliman Romero]] and another figure served in the past as Bolivia’s military and police attachés in [[Washington]].<ref>https://mronline.org/2019/11/14/top-bolivian-coup-plotters-trained-by-us-militarys-school-of-the-americas-served-as-attaches-in-fbi-police-programs/</ref> Kaliman and other military chiefs each received $1 million and top police officers were paid out $500,000 each. U.S. Charge d’affaires [[Bruce Williamson]] allegedly arranged for the monetary transactions.<ref>http://estrategia.la/2019/11/17/bolivia-licencia-para-matar-indigenas-y-masistas-y-salir-impune/</ref><ref>https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/the-coup-in-bolivia-has-u-s-fingerprints-all-over-it/</ref>
The [[State Department]] allocated $100,000 to enable a company called [[CLS Strategies]] to mount a porpaganda campaign through [[social media]].<ref>https://bbackdoors.wordpress.com/2019/10/10/us-hands-against-bolivia-part-ii-media-strategy/</ref> The CIA station in La Paz assumed control of Bolivia’s WhatsApp network in order to leak false information.<ref>http://www.resumenlatinoamericano.org/2019/10/23/bolivia-tras-el-triunfo-de-evo-estados-unidos-gesta-y-financia-desestabilizacion-y-un-golpe-en-bolivia/</ref> On [[Twitter]] more than 68,000 fake anti-Morales tweets were released.<ref>http://www.resumenlatinoamericano.org/2019/11/18/bolivia-mas-de-68-mil-cuentas-falsas-en-twitter-apoyan-golpe-de-estado-segundo-grupo-de-medicos-arriba-a-cuba/</ref>
==Venezuela's Oil==
In August [[2017]], when Trump announced he was considering a 'military option' against [[Venezuela]], the country with the world's largest oil reserves, President [[Nicolás Maduro]]'s popularity appeared to have been boosted:
:"He's doing Maduro a favour by reinforcing the nationalist position that the Gringos want to come and attack Venezuela. This has always been part of Maduro's rhetoric, and Chavez before him. It's not going to have any impact other than the government using it to further unify its people and attack the opposition," said lawyer Luis Alberto Rodriguez.<ref>''[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-idUSKBN1AT040 "Trump's threat of Venezuela military action could bolster Maduro"]''</ref>
==2021 US Capitol Riots==
Trump played an interesting role, consistently tip-toeing between support for the rioters, and trying to not be removed by forces in the U.S Government. One could begin to question what his true thought process was, apart from the usual [[CCM]] answers that the US President was clueless just thinking what to do on the spot.
10 minutes after the first rioters entered the US Capitol during the [[2021 Washington D.C. Riots]] Trump tweeted on [[Twitter]];
|text=Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!"
|authors=Donald Trump
|date=January 6, 2021
|source_name=Twitter, Donald Trump
|subjects=Mike Pence, 2021 Washington D.C Riots
And waited 8 minutes before tweeting "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!". 20 minutes after the National Guard cleared the interior of the building, Trump tweeted
|subjects=2021 Washington D.C Riots
|text=These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!
|authors=Donald Trump
|date=January 6, 2021
|source_name=Twitter, Donald Trump
==Historical Knowledge==
"Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump burst out, referring to [[African]] countries and [[Haiti]]. Instead, he suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like [[Norway]].<ref>https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-11/trump-why-do-we-want-people-these-shithole-countries-come-here</ref>
The ''[[Toronto Star]]'' created a running list of the false claims Trump has made since taking office on January 20th 2017, which stood at over 350 by July [[2017]].<ref>''[https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/07/11/daniel-dales-donald-trump-fact-check-updates.html "Donald Trump said 26 false things in that Wall Street Journal interview, 500 total"]''</ref>

Latest revision as of 20:21, 13 October 2022