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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:22, 8 September 2023 Gold fbbd411aa9e0f61e41fdc3eec4635469.cropped.jpg (file) 443 KB This photo of actual 400ozt gold bars is meant to supplant the original file for goldbars.jpg which depicts gold bars but is in fact computer-generated vector clipart. If regular people are ever to have real gold in their hands they must first learn to recognize it and not be presented with fantasy imagery. 1
22:27, 26 March 2022 Social Credit - Transaction DENIED - Please Delete your Tweets .jpg (file) 78 KB A "parody" demonstration of what could happen once your social media gets tangled with your financial data and your digital identity... 1
03:17, 15 February 2022 Trudeau's Privacy Respected.jpg (file) 173 KB When Pierre E. Trudeau had his honeymoon, they visited an "unidentified nearby island" in the Caribbean. One can only "guess" which one... *cough* Cuba *cough* =) 1
00:09, 8 February 2022 Justin Trudeau - Interview Funny - DskobqfUcAE-quO.jpg large.jpg (file) 280 KB In case anyone needed a non-serious portrait of Justin Trudeau. This represents him more accurately. 1
22:12, 7 February 2022 Fauci - Attacks On Me Are Attacks On Science And Truth-Cmn3895MBkU.mp4 (file) 3.61 MB August 2021 MSNBC Interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci - Excerpt - Attacks on me are attacks on Science And he repeats what he just said. I am the Science, basically. OBEY. 1