Document:Conspiracy Theory meets Conspiracy Fact

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Is an Orwellian Police State being rolled out?
This is all merely a bad dream, merely a dystopian nightmare. This has nothing to do with reality.

Disclaimer (#3)Document.png Article  by Michael Buergermeister dated 1 April 2020
Subjects: COVID-19, Albert Einstein, Theory of Relativity, Karl Popper, Conspiracy Theory, Police State, Big Pharma, Dystopia
Source: Facebook (Link)

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Conspiracy Theory meets Conspiracy Fact

It took many years and much effort before Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was proven or at least confirmed (as Popper points out: there is never definitive proof, there is never 100% confirmation).

In the same way it has taken many years and much effort before Conspiracy Theory (a termed coined by the CIA in 1967) has been confirmed as Conspiracy Fact.

Yet how else can one explain the world-wide and wholly superfluous lockdown? How else can one explain the fact that nearly every government in Europe demonstrably flaunts the very same hue of fascism?

How else can one explain the fact that nearly everywhere one looks a huge, electronically sophisticated (oh, but we never had money for health, for the environment, for welfare or for tax cuts but we had money for this!) Orwellian Police State is being rolled out?

How else can one explain the uniform narratives being peddled by the Presstitutes, who (oh how they suddenly truly, sincerely care about the old, the poor, the lame!) declare that they want to harm you so as to save you?

Of course, the Virus (made with so much loving care in the US of A) is very real but it appears only to be deadly in conjunction with vaccines, 5G, air pollution and the bad medicine being peddled by Big Pharma. And many seem to be dying from a multitude of causes of which the Virus makes up just one strand.

The real target of this massive, unprecedented, diabolical Conspiracy seems to be the health of our fragile global economy and our ever-diminishing civil liberties. Now they want to chip and enslave you in order to save you!

But of course, this is all merely a bad dream, merely a dystopian nightmare. This has nothing to do with reality.
