Document:PanAm-Rätsel LOCKERBIE: Es war Südafrika!…so wie bei Olof Palme

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Carlsson Pan Am 103.jpg
It would have been easy for South African secret service agents, who had infiltrated Sweden's anti-apartheid movement, to exchange Carlsson's tape-recorder in a hotel room against one containing the bomb. And then placing it inside one of those 'ubiquitous' Samsonite suitcases, so beloved by the peripatetic Bernt Carlsson.

Disclaimer (#3)Document.png Article  by Kurt Seinitz
Subjects: Eugene de Kock, Bernt Carlsson, Olof Palme, Pan Am Flight 103
Source: Kronen Zeitung (Link)

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Pan Am mystery LOCKERBIE: It was South Africa!...same as with Olof Palme

The revelation a few days ago had an explosive effect: two senior people in the "dirty tricks" department of the apartheid ancien regime said independently in court, and while being filmed, that Sweden's Olof Palme had been the victim of a South African murder plot in February 1986.[1]

Truly sensational: a big murder mystery finally solved!

Swedes labelled 'arch-enemies'

All of which helped explain an even bigger terrorist murder mystery: the downing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland in December 1988. Insiders from Sweden's Social Democratic Party told the Kronen Zeitung that it was neither Gaddafi, nor Iran, nor Syria who bombed the US jumbo jet, but instead that – as with Olof Palme as well as the Lockerbie bombing – the trail led to the same plotters: the South African apartheid regime!

South African 'dirty tricks'

On Pan Am Flight 103 sat Bernt Carlsson, a very close associate of Olof Palme, who had been Secretary-General of the Socialist International and Palme's special adviser for South Africa, who was regarded as an 'arch-enemy' by the apartheid regime.

There were 'good' reasons why the South African secret services wanted those two Swedish Social Democrats dead: the dyed-in-the-wool anti-apartheid Swedes were alleged to be supplying weapons, via socialist routes, to the African National Congress (ANC). These were secret operations because, officially, the Socialist International only offered peaceful support for the South African freedom fighters of the ANC and SWAPO.

Most countries regarded Palme and company as harbingers of peace.

Panic by the apartheid regime

Interestingly, Pan Am 103 was conveying Bernt Carlsson to the historic signing of the Namibia Independence Agreement at United Nations headquarters in New York. Bernt Carlsson was to have been the UN Governor of Namibia. This diplomatic-political coup, and the weapons delivery, were seen by the apartheid regime as a deadly threat.

The bomb on Pan Am 103 had been hidden in a cassette recorder. It is of note that Bernt Carlsson was allegedly in the habit of always carrying a tape recorder with him, and of recording conversations sometimes without the knowledge of his interlocutors. Willy Brandt, the Socialist International president, was said to have wanted Bernt Carlsson removed – in 1983 – because of this.

Infiltration of the socialists

Having been removed from the Socialist International, Carlsson continued with secret underground contacts.

It would have been easy for South African secret service agents, who had infiltrated Sweden's anti-apartheid movement, to exchange Carlsson's tape-recorder in a hotel room against one containing the bomb. And then placing it inside one of those 'ubiquitous' Samsonite suitcases, so beloved by the peripatetic Bernt Carlsson.
