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Page nameBornDiedSummaryDescription
Selva DemiralpAcademic
Bilderberg economist who has extensive interactions with several central banks including the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and the Central Bank of Türkiye. Pushed COVAX in 2021.
Kemal Derviş10 January 1949Politician
UNDP administrator, 4 times Bilderberger, Brookings
Gaston Deurinck19222000Economist
Engineer who founded the Belgian Productivity Centre. Attended the 1970 Bilderberg.
John J. Deutsch26 February 191118 March 1976EconomistCanadian economist who in secret negotiated 1947 trade agreement with the United States, a sweeping liberalization of Canada-U.S. trade (but ultimately rejected). Attended Bilderberg/1965 when president of the Economic Council of Canada, and Bilderberg/1975 at the end of his career.
William Diebold19182002Spook
CFR economist
Kirill Dmitriev12 April 1975Economist
Civil servant
CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the main financer behind the Sputnik V "vaccine". Goldman Sachs. McKinsey. Selected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2009. Goldman Sachs. McKinsey
Maurice Dobb24 July 190017 August 1976EconomistCommunist economist at Cambridge
Joseph Dodge18 November 18902 December 1964Financier
US financier and economic advisor who worked on the financial restructuring of Germany after World War II. Attended the 3rd and 4th Bilderbergs
Andrzej Domański27 August 1981Politician
Attended the 2024 Bilderberg as Poland's Finance Minister
Paul Douglas26 March 189224 September 1976Politician
US post-WW2 Senator. Liberal anti-communist and supporter of the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Mario Draghi3 September 1947Economist
Central banker
Bilderberg bankster and "craven moneyman". In 2021 as Prime Minister of Italy, pushed mandatory vaccines
William Dudley1953EconomistPresident of Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2009-2018
Eleanor Dulles1 June 189530 October 1996Author
Sister of the Dulles brothers; heavily involved with the reconstruction effort in Austria and Germany; "the Mother of Berlin"
Nicholas Eberstadt20 December 1955Economist
Deep state actor
Involved in a lot of deep state think tanks and planning committees.
Marriner Eccles9 September 189018 December 1977Economist
Central banker
Luigi Einaudi24 March 187430 October 1961Politician
Central banker
President of Italy for 7 years after WW2
Otmar Emminger2 March 19113 August 1986Economist
Central banker
German economist. President of the German Bundesbank in the late 1970s
Amintore Fanfani6 February 190820 November 1999Politician
Quad bilderberger, Italian PM
Oscar Fanjul1949EconomistChilean economist with US deep state connections. Goldman Sachs, CFR, 1990 Bilderberg
Martin Feldstein25 November 193911 June 2019EconomistUS economist, Trilateral Commission, heavy Bilderberg habit towards the end of his life.
Roger Ferguson28 October 1951EconomistUS economist, Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 3 Bilderbergs in the late 2010s
Stanley Fischer15 October 1943Economist
Central banker
Israeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger
William FrançoisEconomistFrench economist who attended at least two Cercle meetings
Alan FreemanEconomist
Jacob Frenkel8 February 1943Economist
Central banker
Serial WEF AGM, Bank of Israel/Governor 1991-2000, CFR
Milton Friedman31 July 191216 November 2006Economist
Jason Furman18 August 1970Academic
US Bilderberger economist
Cees de Galan2 May 19329 August 1987Academic
Dutch economist who assisted Victor Halberstadt mediating the "1981 cabinet crisis". Member of the 1971 shadow-cabinet full of deep politicians, spooks and even one accused paedophile.
James K. Galbraith29 January 1952Economist
John K. Galbraith15 October 190829 April 2006Diplomat
Ross Garnaut28 July 1946EconomistAustralian economist
Miguel Sebastián Gascón13 May 1957Politician
Mooted for several top positions in the new PSOE government around 2005.
Edward George16 September 193818 April 2009EconomistGovernor of the Bank of England from 1993 to 2003 and sat on the board of NM Rothschild and Sons.
Anastasios Giannitsis1944Politician
Greek economist and politician.
Francesco Giavazzi11 August 1949EconomistItalian double Bilderberg economist
Herbert Giersch11 May 192122 July 2010EconomistNeoliberal German economist who attended the 1975 Bilderberg meeting. Mont Pèlerin Society.
Svein Gjedrem25 January 1950Economist
Central banker
Attended the 2003 Bilderberg as Central Bank Governor of Norway
Jean Godeaux3 July 192227 April 2009Economist
Civil servant
Central banker
Belgian delegation to the IMF, then Banque Lambert and Governor of the National Bank of Belgium
Ilan Goldfajn12 March 1966Economist
Central banker
Installed as central bank governor by the Michel Temer government.
Marshall I. Goldman26 July 19302 August 2017Academic
US think-tanker studying the economy of the Soviet Union and Russia.
Austan Goolsbee18 August 1969EconomistSkull and Bones economist. Obama advisor. One of the WEF's 100 Global Leaders for Tomorrow. Fan of heavy COVID-19 bailouts
Herbert Gross19071976Propagandist
Writer for the Nazi magazine Das Reich who in 1946 founded the Handelsblatt. One of the first to fundamentally deal with public relations on a programmatic level in post-war West Germany. Attended the 3rd and 4th Bilderbergs.
Jonathan Gruber30 September 1965Academic
Involved in crafting US public health policy.
Sergei Guriev21 October 1971Banker
Russian born but working in France, Single Bilderberg banker economist
Ángel Gurría8 May 1950EconomistFormer Secretary-General of the OECD. Member of Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Part of the “prefiguration group” of the Forum on Information & Democracy a planned international censorship treaty
Toyoo Gyohten1931Banker
For 50 years, part of the Japanese financial planning leadership. G30 member
Juan María Nin Génova1953Financier
"Prestigious Spanish banker with great international influence". 5 Bilderbergs
Tayyibe Gülek1968Politician
Turkish economist
Refet GürkaynakEconomistTurkish economist who attended 2023 Bilderberg meeting. His brother, corporate lawyer Gönenç Gürkaynak, attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting.
Victor Halberstadt16 June 1939Academic
Deep politician
A professor of economics, with a minimal Wikipedia page, who has attended all Bilderberg meetings since 1975.