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Page nameDied on
Aristide Briand7 March 1932
Maurice Bridgeman18 June 1980
Edward Bridges27 August 1969
Asa Briggs15 March 2016
Charles A. Briggs4 November 2015
Harvey Bright11 December 2004
Thomas Brimelow2 August 1995
Andrew Brimmer7 October 2012
Poul Brink23 October 2002
John Brinkerhoff18 December 2020
Norah Briscoe1996
Desmond BristowSeptember 2000
Leon Brittan21 January 2015
Eli Broad30 April 2021
Ed Broadbent11 January 2024
Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann8 June 2017
Tassilo Broesigke9 September 2003
Erik Brofoss7 May 1979
Gerardo Broggini29 October 2018
Jean de Broglie24 December 1976
James Brokenshire7 October 2021
Edgar Bronfman21 December 2013
Samuel Bronfman10 July 1971
Edward Brooke3 January 2015
Jack Brooks (politician)4 December 2012
Manlio Brosio14 March 1980
Alfred Broughton2 April 1979
Fred de Brouwer14 March 2014
Jan Brouwer1983
David Brower5 November 2000
Fred Brown3 February 1955
George Brown2 June 1985
George S. Brown5 December 1978
George Rufus Brown22 January 1983
Gordon Douglas Brown21 February 2014
Harold Brown4 January 2019
Herman Brown1962
Irving Brown14 July 1989
L. Dean Brown2 May 2001
Madeleine Brown22 June 2002
Ron Brown3 April 1996
H. John C. Browne23 July 2015
David Bruce5 December 1977
Willem Brugsma4 September 1997
Klaas Bruinsma27 June 1991
Jean-Luc Brunel19 February 2022
Guido Brunner2 December 1997
Mae Brussell3 October 1988
John Bruton6 February 2024
John Bryan1 October 2018