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Igor LukšićMontenegrin politician seen as a cleaner face to replace Milo Đukanović. WEF/Young Global Leaders 2013.
Wilfred MartensQuad Bilderberg Belgian politician
Alessandro Minuto-RizzoFormer acting Secretary General of NATO.
Claude MoraesA member of the European Parliament
Dietmar Müller-ElmauGerman with a heavy Brussels Forum habit, also appears at the Munich Security Conference, ran the hotel that hosted the 2015 G7 summit
Hryhoriy NemyriaUkranian politician with several Brussels Forum meetings
Robin NiblettChatham House Director/Chief executive from 2007-2022...
Natalie NougayrèdeBritish journalist who was exposed as working for the Integrity Initiative. Her reporting is replete with topics of importance to the UK deep state.
Omid NouripourGerman Green politician involved in many transatlantic influence networks.
Richard PhillipsAttended the 2024 Bilderberg meeting from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Andris PiebalgsAttended the 2006 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Energy
Jean Pisani-FerryFrench economist widely published on resetting matters economic
Ruprecht PolenzGerman politician. Proponent of Turkish membership in the EU.
Edgars RinkēvičsLithuanian President with a heavy Brussels Forum and MSC habit
Jacek RostowskiBilderberg
Marietje SchaakeDutch spooky euro-politician. Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Helga SchmidRegular at the Brussels Forum and Munich Security Conference
Gary SchmittAn important neo-conservative intelligence theorist
Jamie SheaChatham House, spooky conference attender. As NATO spokesman during the Kosovo War he popularized the propaganda term "collateral damage".
Lilia ShevtsovaMoscow State Institute of International Relations, 5 Bilderbergs from 1999 to 2004
Radosław SikorskiPolish Bullingdon Bilderberger
Anne-Marie SlaughterDirector of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton. Important in the introduction of the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect
Philip StephensSDS-connected British editor
Stephen SzaboHeavy BF habit
Boris TadićAppointed to Serbian President after the Integrity Initiative had "expand[ed] his horizons" during a visit to London.
Ellen TauscherVery heavy MSC habit until her death in 2019.
Nathalie TocciItalian political scientist and international relations "expert"
Guy VerhofstadtFormer Belgian Prime-Minister. European Parliament's Brexit Coordinator and Chair of the Brexit Steering Group. Banned from Russia since 2015.
Alexander VershbowSDS connected regular at the Brussels Forum
Pierre VimontFrench diplomat who was Ambassador of France to the United States 2007-2010
Mark WarnerUS politician who attended many deep state milieux
Robert ZoellickWorld Bank president, White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Multiple deep state connections