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Hans IglerAustrian economist and politician. Bilderberg Steering committee
Joseph JohnsonInaugural US secretary of the annual Bilderberg, Bilderberg Steering committee member.
Marcus Wallenberg Jr.Chairman of the Federation of Swedish Industries, Bilderberg Steering committee, 22 Bilderbergs
Phillip KarberSpooky academic
C. Frits KarstenBanker, Honorary Treasurer of the Bilderberg and a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Otto KerstenGeneral Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions who attended two Bilderberg meetings in the 1970s.
Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Andrew KnightEditor of The Economist for 12 years. Right hand man to Conrad Black and Rupert Murdoch. 19 Bilderbergs, Bilderberg Steering committee member.
Léon LambertBanking heir and Bilderberg Steering Committee member and financier who suddenly died aged 58
Emile van LennepSecretary-General of the OECD for 15 years. Poly Bilderberg
Winston LordFormer Bilderberg Steering committee, bonesman, CFR
Björn LundvallAs CEO of LM Ericsson, a part of the Wallenberg Sphere, Lundvall also represented the Wallenberg family as a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Joseph LunsEx Secretary General of NATO, Regular Bilderberger
Thierry de MontbrialFrench deep politician with his own intelligence agency. Former serial Bilderberger
John NewhouseUS journalist who attended the 1967, 1973 and 1978 Bilderbergs
Adolf NussbaumerWashington University professor emeritus of mathematics
Niels NørlundSomewhat mysterious Danish editor and member of the Bilderberg steering committee.
Sylvia OstryQuad Bilderberg Canadian economist
Piero OttoneItalian journalist
Peter PetersonLong time CFR chair
Robert Pitti-FerrandiSuspected deep state functionary. Attended 5 Bilderbergs from 1974 to 1980. Representative of Baron Edmund de Rothschild.
David RockefellerUS deep politician. CFR founder. Only person to attend over 50 Bilderberg meetings.
Eric RollAttended 36 Bilderberg conferences - more than anyone else from UK.
Don Juan Jose RoviraSpanish diplomat who led several round of negotiations with the U.S. over military bases in Spain. Attended Bilderberg 1978 as outgoing Ambassador to the United States.
Paolo SavonaItalian Bilderberger politician
Stefano SilvestriBilderberg Steering committee, Italian deep state functionary.
Anthony SolomonBilderberger, Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission
Theo SommerEditor of Die Zeit 1973-1992. Bilderberg Steering Committee
Helmut SonnenfeldtHenry Kissinger picked him Sonnenfeldt for the US National Security Council
George StinsonUS Lawyer businessman who went to the 1978 Bilderberg as CEO of the National Steel Corporation
Michel TatuFrench journalist
Gaston ThornLuxembourgish deep state functionary whose Bilderberger chief of staff was assassinated in 1981. President of the Liberal International for 12 years.
Otto TidemandNorwegian Shipowners' Association, Bilderberg Steering committee, ...
Mika TiivolaAttended the 1978 Bilderberg as Union Bank of Finland/CEO and Nokia/Chairman
Heinrich TreichlAustrian banker
Victor UmbrichtBilderberg Steering committee, 15 Bilderbergs
Richard von WeizsackerGerman deep state functionary?
Clifton WhartonUS diplomat who attended the 1978 Bilderberg
Marina von Neumann WhitmanBilderberg/Steering committee, Trilateral Commission
George WillUS political commentator, spoke at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism on "Calculating the Public Interest".
Lynn WilliamsLabour leader, Bilderberg Steering committee, 9 Bilderbergs
Hans-Jürgen WischnewskiGerman Bilderberg Steering committee member, 4 Bilderbergs in the 1970s
Andreas ZaimisAttended the 1978 Bilderberg meeting when he was Greek Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
John Zysman
Jean Charles Snoy et d'OppuersPresident of the European League for Economic Cooperation, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Bernard ÉsambertChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild 1977-1993. Attended the Bilderbergs from 1978 to 1980