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Page nameHas posting
Anthony BeilensonCalifornia/Representative
US/House/Select Committee on Intelligence/Chair
Alan BeithLib Dem Shadow Leader of the Commons
Liberal Democrat Home Affairs Spokesman
Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party
Liberal Chief Whip in the Commons
Member of Parliament for Berwick-upon-Tweed
Leonor BelezaPortugal/Minister/Health
Burhan BelgeMember of the Turkish National Assembly
Leopold II of BelgiumKing of the Belgians
Colleen BellUS/Ambassador to Hungary
David E. BellUSAID/Administrator
Director of the Bureau of the Budget
Elliott BellBusinessWeek/Editor
Griffin BellJudge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
US/Attorney General
Iain BellDeputy National Statistician for Population and Public Policy
Sir David BellChairman
Tim BellChairman
Dino BellasiSpook
Alexander Van der BellenMember of the National Council
Spokesman of the Green Party
Carmine BellinoSpecial Assistant
Administrative assistant
Judith Hippler BelloExecutive vice president policy and strategic affairs
Walden BelloMember of the Philippine House of Representatives
Jean de BelotManaging Editor
David Ben-GurionChairman of the Provisional State Council of Israel
Israel/Prime Minister
Asher Ben-NatanIsrael/Ambassador/Germany
Samantha de BendernResearcher
Information and Political Officer,
Political Analyst
Karl BendetsenUnited States Under Secretary of the Army
Bjarni BenediktssonIceland/Prime Minister
Iceland/Minister/Foreign Affairs
Einar BenediktssonIceland/Ambassador to NATO
Icelandic Ambassador/EU
Icelandic Ambassador/OECD
Icelandic Ambassador/US
Icelandic Ambassador/United Kingdom
Peter BenensonGeneral Secretary
Ingemund BengtssonSweden/Minister/Agriculture
Speaker of the Riksdag
Brando BenifeiEU/Member of Parliament
Daniel BenjaminPresident
US/Coordinator for Counterterrorism
Director Dickey Center for International Understanding
Senior Fellow of Foreign Policy Studies
Hilary BennShadow Foreign Secretary
Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Shadow Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Member of Parliament for Leeds Central
Tony BennChairman of the Labour Party
Postmaster General
President of the Stop the War Coalition
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Member of the House of Lords
Secretary of State for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy
UK/Member of Parliament
William Wedgwood BennSecretary of State for Air
Secretary of State for India
UK/Member of Parliament
Douglas BennetPresident
US/Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations
Michael BennetColorado/Senator
Jack BennettUndersecretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs
Naftali BennettIsrael/Defence Minister
Israel/Prime minister
Robert BennettUtah/Senator
Scott BennettCounterterrorist Finance Analyst
Research Fellow
William Tapley BennettUS/Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs
Atlantic Treaty Association/President
US/Ambassador/ NATO
US/Ambassador/ Portugal
US/Ambassador/ Dominican Republic
William J. BennettUnited States Secretary of Education
Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Office of National Drug Control Policy/Director
Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Dick BenschopShell/CEO
Netherlands/Foreign Minister
Sally BensonDeputy director for Energy and Chief Strategist for the Energy Transition
Director of Stanford's Global Climate and Energy Project
Fatou BensoudaChief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
Gambian High Commissioner in London
Adolph BentinckNATO/Deputy Secretary General
Victor Cavendish BentinckUK/Joint Intelligence Committee/Chair
UK/Ambassador to Poland
William BentinckGovernor-General of India
Lloyd BentsenUS/Secretary of the Treasury
US/Senate/Committee on Finance/Chair
Jacques BenvenisteHead of allergy and inflammation immunology
Giorgio BenvenutoItalian Socialist Party/General secretary
Enis BerberoğluDeputy Leader of the Republican People's Party
Turkey/Member of the Grand National Assembly
Walter BerchtoldDirector
Financial Editor