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Page nameDisplay lifespan
Martine AubryBorn 8 August 1945
Nadhmi AuchiBorn 11 June 1937
Murray AuchinclossBorn 1970
W. H. Auden21 February 1907 - 29 September 1973
Rudolf Augstein5 November 1923 - 7 November 2002
Norman AugustineBorn 27 July 1935
Ronald Augustinovich4 February 1938 - 11 August 2017
Bill Van AukenBorn 1950
Ida AukenBorn 22 April 1978
Andreas Aulie17 November 1897 - 17 January 1990
Andre Aumonier25 February 1916 - 4 October 2004
Zin Mar AungBorn 14 June 1976
Ian AustinBorn 6 March 1965
Lloyd AustinBorn 8 August 1953
Warren Austin12 November 1877 - 25 December 1962
Dylan AveryBorn 1 November 1983
Graham AveryBorn February 1945
Dionel M. AvilesBorn 23 January 1961
Uri Avnery10 September 1923 - 20 August 2018
Yossi Avni-LevyBorn 25 May 1962
Nihad AwadBorn 1964
Lloyd AxworthyBorn 21 December 1939
Tom AxworthyBorn 23 May 1947
Jaime Augusto Miranda Zóbel de AyalaBorn 6 March 1959
Ami AyalonBorn 27 June 1945
Mustafa AydinBorn 15 September 1967
Aslı AydıntaşbaşBorn 24 February 1973
A.J. Ayer29 October 1910 - 27 June 1989
Donald B. AyerBorn 30 April 1949
Bradley AyersBorn 7 March 1935
Kelly AyotteBorn 27 June 1968
Shiva AyyaduraiBorn 2 December 1963
Julia AzariBorn 1980
Roberto AzevêdoBorn 3 October 1957
Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz1925 - 22 October 2011
Shaukat AzizBorn 6 March 1949
Tariq Aziz28 April 1936 - 5 June 2015
José María AznarBorn 25 February 1953
Audrey AzoulayBorn 4 August 1972
Jeanine AñezBorn 13 August 1967
Mehmet AğarBorn 30 October 1951
Mehmet Ali AğcaBorn 9 January 1958
Andreas Baader6 May 1943 - 18 October 1977
Hans van BaalenBorn 17 June 1960
Dušan BabacBorn 8 September 1969
Ali BabacanBorn 4 April 1967
Ashli Babbitt1985 - 7 January 2021
Michael BabichBorn 1976
Andrej BabišBorn 2 September 1954
Stephanie BabstBorn 1964