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Page nameBornDiedSummaryDescription
Martti Ahtisaari23 June 193716 October 2023Politician
Deep state actor
10th President of Finland, UN Commissioner for Namibia, 3 Bilderbergs
Bob Ainsworth19 June 1952PoliticianLabour MP, Secretary of State for Defence under Gordon Brown
John Aird5 May 19236 May 1995PoliticianCanadian lawyer and corporate director. Canadian Senator 1964-74
Jonathan Aitken30 August 1942Politician
Deep politician
UK deep politician, Cercle chair, convicted perjurer
Aziz Akhannouch1961Politician
New Moroccan Prime Minister
Tasnime AkunjeeDecember 1977Politician
Anthony Albanese2 March 1963PoliticianAustralian prime minister
Anton Alberts1970Politician
South African politician
Maria Luís Albuquerque16 September 1967PoliticianPortuguese Minister of Finance 2013-15 who introduced "reform" program in agreement with big banks, including Morgan Stanley. Attended Bilderberg 2016. Joined Morgan Stanley board in 2022.
Alfredo Alcaino10 January 19262018Politician
Deep state operative
Chile born Cercle visitor, deep state connected lawyer
Nelson Aldrich6 November 184116 April 1915Politician
Deep state operative
US Deep state operative, member of The Money Trust, attended the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting
Danny Alexander15 May 1972PoliticianScottish politician. The deputy of George Osborne (2010 to 2015)
Rushanara Ali14 March 1975PoliticianUK Labour MP on the executive committee of the British-American Project.
Ilham Aliyev24 December 1961PoliticianPresident of Azerbaijan since 2003.
Andrés Allamand7 February 1956PoliticianWEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1995. By 2020 Foreign Minister of Chile.
Rupert Allason8 November 1951Spook
Writer of books and articles on the subject of espionage. Attended Le Cercle.
Clifford Allen9 May 18893 March 1939PoliticianProminent UK pacifist who died in March 1939
Salvador Allende26 June 190811 September 1973Politician
Civil servant
The first marxist to be elected in South America. Deposed by the CIA.
Rosena Allin-KhanPolitician
British Member of Parliament from the Labour Party.
Yigal Allon10 October 191829 February 1980Soldier
Colin Allred15 April 1983Politician
American politician, lawyer, and former professional football player. As of September 2021, Allred had voted in line with Joe Biden's stated position 100% of the time.
Joaquín Almunia17 June 1948PoliticianSpanish politician, European Commissioner for 10 years, 6 Bilderbergs
Laura Alonso23 December 1972PoliticianArgentine politician YGL 2012
Fuat Alpkartal1902April 1978Spook
A Turkish officer with strong ties to the Turkish intelligence community and a former Military Attaché in Washington. Attended the 1959 Bilderberg.
Renato Altissimo4 October 194017 April 2015PoliticianItalian politician
Peter Altmaier18 June 1958Politician
German politician who was Head of the Chancellery 2013-2018.
Anne Aly29 March 1967Politician
Australian MP and terror expert
Luís Amado17 September 1953PoliticianPortuguese politician who attended the 2012 Bilderberg
Joaquim do Amaral13 April 1945Politician
Portuguese politician who attended the 1999 Bilderberg. Party-supported candidate for President in 2001, losing to fellow Bilderberger Jorge Sampaio.
Julian Amery27 March 19193 September 1996Spook
Deep politician
MI6, deep politician who chaired Le Cercle for several years.
Leo Amery22 November 187316 September 1955Politician
Deep state actor
UK historian and deep state actor, chief lieutenant of Alfred Milner
David Amess26 March 195215 October 2021Politician
COVID-19/Premature death
British parliamentarian and COVID-19 dissident who was fatally stabbed in October 2021. He had criticised Big Pharma, the COVID 19/Lockdowns, mandatory face masks, and vaccine passports.
Hafizullah Amin1 August 192927 December 1979Politician
Idi AminSoldier
Valerie Amos13 March 1954PoliticianBritish Labour politician
Michael Ancram7 July 1945Politician
Deep politician
Likely took over from Norman Lamont as European chair of Le Cercle.
K. B. Andersen1 December 191423 March 1984PoliticianDanish Minister of Education and Minister of Foreign Affairs, triple Bilderberger
Poul Nyboe Andersen23 November 19135 November 2004Politician
Danish economist and politician. Member of the Trilateral Commission. His daughter is former national bank director Bodil Nyboe Andersen.
Joe Anderson24 January 1958PoliticianMayor of Liverpool (2012 to 2021)
Lee Anderson6 January 1967Politician
Robert Anderson4 June 191014 August 1989Politician
Le Cercle, Bilderberg,
Magdalena Andersson23 January 1967PoliticianAttended the 2016 Bilderberg as Swedish finance minister. Supporter of the Great Reset who was briefly Prime Minister of Sweden.
Sven Andersson5 April 191021 September 1987Politician
Deep state actor
Swedish Social Democrat politician and deep state actor
Marta Andreasen26 November 1954PoliticianA member of the European Parliament
Nino Andreatta11 August 192826 March 2007Politician
Deep state operative
Italian politician and founder of think-tanks. Removed officials who appeared in the list seized from Licio Gelli and imposed the dissolution of the Banco Ambrosiano.
Giulio Andreotti14 January 19196 May 2013Politician"The ultimate insider of Italian political life", who as Italian Prime Minister publicly confirmed the existence of Operation Gladio
Daniel Andrews6 July 1972Politician
Deep state functionary
Politician who came to prominence during the COVID-19 deep event.
Andreas Andrianopoulos1946PoliticianGreek politician who attended the 1988 Bilderberg, then became Minister of Trade. Was along with fellow Bilderberger Stefanos Manos the main spokesman for the economic liberal tradition in Greece.
Yuri Andropov15 June 19149 February 1984Spook
Hannes Androsch18 April 1938Politician
Former Bilderberg Steering committee member, politician, banker, businessman