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Joseph SlaterUS economist. President and Chief Executive of the Aspen Institute.
Walter SlocombeOccupation of Iraq offical, then deep state Atlantic Council board
Tony SnowWhite House Press Secretary under George W. Bush
Theodore Sorensen
Charles SpoffordPenta Bilderberger lawyer and suspected US deep state operative
Adlai Stevenson
Shepard StoneNew York Times propagandist and Bilderberg Steering committee member who was Director of International Affairs of the Ford Foundation for 15 years.
Benjamin StrongMember of The Money Trust, Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the first 14 years of the Fed's existence
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
Strobe TalbottBrookings Institution President 2002-2017
Shirley Temple
Terence TodmanU.S. Ambassador to Chad, Guinea, Costa Rica, Spain, Denmark, and Argentina.
Jack Valenti
Cyrus VanceBilderberg 1970, CFR, TLC, various political postings...
George VojtaSingle Bilderberg, BIS, central banker
Paul VolckerChairman of the Federal Reserve, suspected US deep state actor
William WalkerSpook who worked with repressive Latin-American regimes. Also an actor in the Kosovo War in 1999.
Barbara WaltersAmerican broadcast journalist who had life-long friendship with sexual blackmailer Roy Cohn.
Vernon A. WaltersCoupmaster, George H. W. Bush's #2 man in the CIA.
Paul WarburgUS deep politician named in the report of the Pujo Committee. Brother of Max Warburg.
R. Gordon Wasson
Caspar WeinbergerUS Deep state operative whom GHWB pardoned as part of the cover-up of "Iran Contra"
Clifton WhartonUS diplomat who attended the 1978 Bilderberg
John C. WhiteheadSuspected US deep state functionary who discussed "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Various USDS connections including the Bilderberg Steering Committee
John Hay WhitneyBillionaire active investor, U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom 1957-61
Brayton WilburBilderberg businessman
Frazar WildeA consultant to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board. Attended the 1957 February Bilderberg.
Joseph WilliamsOklahoma oil and pipeline entrepreneur. CFR, Bilderberg
Carroll WilsonSingle Bilderberger academic
Albert WohlstetterNeoconservative, long time director of the Rand Corporation
Walter WristonChairman of Citigroup 1970-84
Charles YostUS diplomat with deep state connections