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Richard Gutjahr1973A spookily prescient journalist who just happened to be situated twice in two weeks to shoot video of "terrorist" attacks.
Karl Theodor von und zu Guttenberg23 May 19214 October 1972German deep politician and hardline conservative anticommunist
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg5 December 1971Born with silver spoon as scion of the zu Guttenberg family, but blew his political career in 2011 after academic plagiarism was discovered. Since then has stayed in spooky think-tanks.
Ulrike Guérot1964Deep state operative who was persecuted after she publicly dissented from SDS policy.
Katrin Göring-Eckardt3 May 1966Warmongering German Green politician
Gerhard Güllich1937
Oliver HaarmanSeptember 1967
Harald HaasMarch 1968
Robert Habeck2 September 1969Singularly unqualified politician who was put in charge of the German economy in 2021
Jürgen Habermas18 June 1929German philosopher and sociologist.
Otto von Habsburg20 November 19124 July 2011Austrian deep politician, connected to Le Cercle, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta ...
Wolfgang Hager1940German academic
Walter Hallstein17 November 190129 March 1982Taken prisoner by the Americans in June 1944, where he was selected for special training as part of "Project Sunflower", a reeducation plan for possible future decision-makers. Became one of the founding fathers of the European Union. Multi-Bilderberg
Bernd Hamm5 August 194519 June 2015German sociologist. His main areas of work included the criticism of capitalism, neoliberalism, globalization and the “deep state".
August Hanning16 February 1946Former BND chief
Stephan Harbarth19 December 1971President of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany with an itch to censor independent media. Previously corporate lawyer/lobbyist and politician.
Hans Harder23 March 190125 April 1969Hamburg liberal politician
Hanno HartmannAssistant to Walter Scheel who attended the 1981 and 1982 Bilderbergs
Karl-Uwe von Hassel21 April 19138 May 1997
Helmut Haussmann18 May 1943Quad Bilderberger German politician
Bruno Heck20 January 191716 September 1989Founder of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, member of Le Cercle
Jan Hecker15 February 19676 September 2021Dies suddenly just 2 weeks after taking up Beijing ambassador post.
Heribert Hellenbroich14 May 193710 July 2014Former Verfassungsschutz and BND chief. Had to retire after spy scandal.
Alfred Herrhausen30 January 193030 November 1989Multi Bilderberg, Chairman of Deutsche Bank. Promoted the cancellation of unpayable debt. Assassinated in 1989 "in a military operation of a complexity without precedent"
Thomas HertzLittle known German single Bilderberger
Franz Heubl19 March 192421 December 2001German politician who attended le Cercle
Rolf HeynGerman businessman with interests in Asia, as was the subjects of the 1956 Bilderberg
Rudolf Heß26 April 189417 August 1987Deputy Führer to Adolf Hitler until 1941, when he flew solo to Scotland in an attempt to negotiate peace with the United Kingdom during World War II. The circumstances around his flight are still highly unclear.
Attila Hildmann22 April 1981German-Turkish TV chef, turned "anti-vaxxer" and "far-right conspiracy theorist"
Lars Hinrichs18 December 1976German entrepreneur and WEF Young Global Leader 2008. "Without networks I would be nothing".
Martina Hirayama1970Swiss up-and-coming politician with a Bilderberg wind since 2019
Adolf Hitler20 April 188930 April 1945=Austrian painter turned German politician. Played a massive role in World War 2.
Stefan Hockertz18 May 1960German well known critic of the corona measures and the "vaccinations" - raided by "tax office" and intelligence agencies.
Christiane Hoffmann25 May 1967Berlin correspondent for Der Spiegel who then became government spokesperson.
Hubertus HoffmannGerman media executive. Member of the Integrity Initiative and the intelligence think-tank Henry Jackson Initiative.
Anton Hofreiter2 February 1970Warmongering German Green politician who attended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting. In open letter, begged US President Joe Biden to allow more weapons to Ukraine and NATO membership.
Monika Hohlmeier2 July 1962Second generation Le Cercle, daughter of Franz Josef Strauß
Alphons Horten9 November 19071 December 2003Member of Le Cercle and The Stauffenberg Service
Katherine HortonReportedly engaged in conflict with intelligence agencies. As well as calling for exposure of the Deep State, she has repeatedly called for violence against those involved in it, leading former supporters to view her as an agent provocateur and infiltrator.
Gunter Huonker24 February 1937Attended the 1980 Bilderberg as a Member of the Bundestag
Hans Graf Huyn3 July 193022 January 2011German deep politician who attended Le Cercle
Norbert Häring1963
Timotheus Höttges18 September 1962German telecom executive
Wilhelm Höttl19 March 191527 June 1999
Wolfgang Ischinger6 April 1946Spooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Otmar Issing27 March 1936Triple Bilderberger European central banker who became "international advisor" for Goldman Sachs.
Richard Jaeger16 February 191315 May 1998German politician
Ken Jebsen1966
Philipp Jenninger10 June 19324 January 2018Spooky german politician
Hans Jonas10 May 19035 February 1993German-born American Jewish philosopher