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U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea2001
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission6 June 1934The US government's agency to regulate the financial sector, generally thought to be completely captured by the larger financial interests.
USThe United States is the single biggest military spender in the world, with a higher 2020 expenditure than the next ten countries combined. Its infrastructure has been described to be in disrepair since the late 1980s.
US Information Agency19531999
US/Customs and Border Protection
US/Deep state1900The US deep state goes back centuries, but its modern configuration is fairly easily traced back to the 1963 coup which fused an alliance into a single coherent Cabal. Under the leadership of George H. W. Bush after the Watergate coup, the group became centered on the Bush family. It has been aggressively waging a "War On Terror" since 9-11 quickened the supranational deep state. In recent years it has lacked clear leadership and suffered leaks, infighting, short-termism & confusion about handling its increasingly public profile.
US/Democratic Party8 January 1828
US/Department/Health and Human Services4 May 1980Originally the "Department of Health, Education and Welfare" (HEW), the DHHS is a cabinet-level department of the U.S. federal government in charge of health. Its major subgroups include the FDA, CDC and NIH.
US/Department/Homeland Security25 November 2002Planned by the same group who planned the 9/11 attacks, and carried out in their wake, the DoHS is a large department which replaced the existing domestic security, disaster planning and management functions of the US government.
US/Department/The Interior
US/Department/The Treasury2 September 1789US GOV Department, links to Goldman Sachs
US/Department/Veterans Affairs
US/Federal Reserve23 December 1913The privately held cartel which profits from the US$ monopoly. It was set up by The Money Trust on December 23, 1913 after the failure of earlier privatisations by stealth of the US money supply. The petrodollar allowed this system to reap profits globally during much of the 20th century.
US/Park PoliceSmall federal police agency with responsibilities and jurisdiction over areas managed by the National Park Service, primarily urban in Washington, D.C., San Francisco and New York.
US/Secret Service5 July 1865A US secret service focusing primarily on financial fraud and protecting key individuals such as politicians.
US/Supreme Court1789The highest court of the US, appointed by congress and their president, and therefore also influenced and controlled by elements of the corrupt US/DS.
USAIDUS govt organization to provide "international development", including funding of Ecohealth Alliance. Called "CIA's little sister".
United Press International
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
United States Computer Emergency Readiness TeamSeptember 2003
United States Customs Service
United States National Economic Council
United States Postal Inspection ServiceThe "law enforcement arm of the United States Postal Service."
United States Public Health Service
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation1983
Voice of AmericaUS International public broadcaster
Washington Institute for Near East Policy1985A false flag connected subgroup of AIPAC
Washington Speakers Bureau1980
WestExec AdvisorsWell connected revolving door company
White House/Communications Agency
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars1968Influential and discreet Washington think tank
World Bank