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Nadia SchadlowSuspected US deep state functionary. First Bilderberg in 2017
Eric SchmidtUS billionaire who works for Alphabet (a.k.a Google). A 1997 WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow with numerous other deep political connections.
Rudolf ScholtenAustrian politician on the Bilderberg Steering committee
Silvija SeresBusiness consultant, many board positions. 2019 Bilderberg. From 2020 member of NATO's high-level advisory board on innovation and disruptive technologies.
Minouche ShafikThe youngest vice-president in the history of the World Bank where she worked for 15 years, Bank of England/Deputy Governor Gates Foundation trustee...
Radosław SikorskiPolish Bullingdon Bilderberger
Peter Warren SingerBrookings expert on 21st century warfare
Metin SittiScientis with interest in microrobotics and nanotechnology
Timothy SnyderCFR, widely published historian who attended the Bilderberg for the first time in 2019.
Bård Vegar SolhjellNorwegian Bilderberger politician
Jens StoltenbergNorwegian Bilderberger, ex PM, Secretary General of NATO.
Mustafa SuleymanAttended the 2019 Bilderberg aged 25
Pietro SupinoBilderberger Swiss publisher
Jānis SārtsLatvian propagandist with some deep state connections.
Linda TeutebergGerman politician who attended the 2019 Bilderberg, at age 38, as General Secretary of the Free Democratic Party
Tidjane ThiamFormer CEO of Swiss bank Credit Suisse, with many connections. African Union Special Envoy on Covid-19
Peter ThielBillionaire financier, Bilderberger
Rafal TrzaskowskiAttended the 2019 Bilderberg as Mayor of Warsaw. ECFR
Mark Tuckerbusinessman/banker Bilderberger
Tom TugendhatSuspected UK deep state functionary, MP, Bilderberg 2019, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, floated de facto mandatory Covid-19 vaccination in November 2020.
Arnold Croiset van UchelenCounsel for the Dutch royal family
Jessica UhlAttended the 2019 Bilderberg as Shell CFO
Darren WalkerBilderberg bankster and manager of deep state funding foundations Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation, where he announced working to end fossil-fuel. Attended Bilderberg/2019.
Marcus Wallenberg (born 1956)Swedish deep state operative, ex-Bilderberg Steering Committee
Martin WolfEconomic journalist and serial Bilderberger, aggressively promoting COVID jabs in February 2021
Gerhard ZeilerCEO of the pan-European broadcast group RTL
Dieter ZetscheGerman engineer and business executive. Chairman of the board of management of Daimler AG and head of Mercedes-Benz 2006-2019.