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Page nameBornDiedSummaryDescription
Kermit Gordon3 July 191621 June 1976Deep state functionaryInfluential economic advisor during the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson administrations. Later President of Brookings Institution.
Frans A. de Graaf18 October 190523 July 1962Deep state functionary
Private secretary of Prince Bernhard
Daniel Graham13 April 192531 December 1995Spook
Deep state functionary
Iran-Contra connected CIA/DIA spook
Katharine Graham16 June 191717 July 2001Deep state functionary
Media executive
Quad Bilderberger, TLC, deep state functionary?
Denis Greenhill19132000Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Spooky diplomat whose cable concerning the expulsion of the inhabitants of the Chagos Islands which was "condescending, misogynistic and racist, even by 1960s standards."
David Grimes1985Journalist
Deep state functionary
Says the things wanted, therefore allowed access to commercially-controlled media as a 'debunker'. Very fond of the straw man argument.
Marc Grossman23 September 1951Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Member of Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery, attended the 1998 and 2007 Bilderbergs.
Henry Grunwald3 December 192226 February 2005Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Diplomat, managing editor of TIME, and suspected deep state functionary
António Guterres30 April 1949Politician
Deep state functionary
Bilderberger US Secretary general, particularly aggressive promoter of COVID jab mandation
'Harley Guy'Deep state functionary
Crisis actor?
A man of uncertain identity, who clearly articulated what was to later become the commercially-controlled media's official narrative about fire inducing the "collapse" of WTC towers 1 and 2.
Charles Halton4 March 193216 October 2013Civil servant
Deep state functionary
Australia's first transport czar and Secretary of the Department of Defence Support. Father of Event 201 participant, Jane Halton.
Jane Halton4 January 1960Deep state functionaryFormer leader of the murderous People Smuggling Taskforce, event 201 participant
Margaret Hamburg12 July 1955Civil servant
Deep state functionary
Big pharma/Lobbyist
US physician and expert in pandemic preparedness. Board of the Council on Foreign Relations.Operation Dark Winter, Clade X, GAVI, CFR, Wellcome Trust,Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation
Ronald HamburgerEngineer
Deep state functionary
Principal author of FEMA’s initial report on the collapse of the twin towers; later a key participant in the NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed.
Thomas Hamilton10 May 195213 March 1996Shopkeeper
Deep state functionary
A "lone nut" who shot a class of primary children and their teacher before turning the gun on himself.
Jane Harman28 June 1945Spook
Deep state functionary
Ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee and caught her coordinating with an Israeli agent.
Anthony HarringtonDeep state functionary
Kamala Harris20 October 1964Politician
Deep state functionary
US/2024 Presidential election/Candidate
US VP. Famous in California for aiding prison-industrial complex and protecting paedophiles within the Catholic Church.
Eugene Hasenfus22 January 1941Spook
Deep state functionary
Deborah HaynesJournalist
Deep state functionary
UK deep state functionary exposed as by the Integrity Initiative Leak as a member of their cluster of UK journalists.
J. Lynn Helms1 March 192511 December 2011Deep state functionaryResigned as Federal Aviation Administrator after Jonathan Kwitny's allegations.
Carla Anderson Hills3 January 1934Lawyer
Deep state functionary
US deep state functionary lawyer
Andrea HoffmanLawyer
Deep state functionary
Paul Hoffman26 April 18918 October 1974Deep state functionary
Five time early Bilderberger, UNDP administrator
Roy Den Hollander26 September 194720 July 2020Lawyer
"Lone nut"
Deep state functionary
A "crazed gunman" who reportedly shot at the son and husband of Esther Salas, killing the former.
Brian HookLawyer
Deep state functionary
US lawyer
Hanna Hopko4 March 1982Politician
Deep state functionary
WEF YGL spooky Ukrainian politician
John Floyd Hull1918Spook
Drug trafficker
Deep state functionary
Spooky drug trafficker charged by the Christic Institute
Jon Huntsman26 March 1960Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Multiple US Deep State connected roles, Atlantic Council Chairman, US Ambassador to Russia. Aggressive pusher of the COVID-19 jabs. In Epstein's Black Book.
Thomas Selby Ellis III15 May 1940Judge
Deep state functionary
US judge who ruled that the NSA were not to be held legally accountable for their PRISM project
Walter Isaacson20 May 1952Author
Deep state functionary
President and CEO of the Aspen Institute. US deep state biographer, energetic CRISPR advocate
Margot James28 August 1957Politician
Deep state functionary
British digital minister saying the UK must "get over" privacy fears.
Mirja Jarimo-LehtinenDeep state functionary"Local organiser" for the 1994 Bilderberg. Also "in attendance" at the 1994 Bilderberg.
Sajid Javid5 December 1969Politician
Deep state functionary
Politician whose resignation in July 2022 led to the fall of Boris Johnson.
Simon Jenkins10 June 1943Author
Deep state functionary
UK journalist who attended the 1986 Bilderberg
Boris Johnson19 June 1964Politician
Puppet leader
Deep state functionary
Deep state functionary Bullingdon puppet leader
Jo Johnson23 December 1971Politician
Deep state functionary
Younger brother of Boris Johnson, Bullingdon and other deep state connections
Lyndon Johnson27 August 190822 January 1973Politician
Deep state functionary
Generally agreed to have been heavily involved in the plot to assassinate his predecessor, JFK.
Věra Jourová18 August 1964Politician
Deep state functionary
Promoting "freedom of expression and information" by pushing internet censorship
Ben Judah1988Journalist
Deep state functionary
Deep state functionary rotating between working think tanks like the Atlantic Council, and media outlets, where he gets access to high-profile interview objects.
DeAnne Julius14 April 1949Spook
Deep state functionary
CIA, World Bank,Chatham House,University College London...
Max Kampelman7 November 192025 January 2013Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Neocon US arms negotiator with decades-long support for hardline "pro-Israel" advocacy groups
Arnold Kanter27 February 194510 April 2010Spook
Deep state functionary
Spooky US deep state functionary. Special Assistant to President George H. W. Bush, part of Brent Scowcroft’s National Security Council staff.
Bruce Katz21 June 1959Deep state functionary
Urban planner
Urban planner who attended the 2014 Bilderberg.
Jesse KatzJournalist
Deep state functionary
LA Times journalist
Sarah Kellen1980Deep state functionaryEpstein associate, reportedly the "personal assistant of Jeffrey Epstein"
John Kelly11 May 1950Deep state functionarySuspected US deep state functionary, held various posts including White House Chief of Staff, United States Secretary of Homeland Security
Raymond Kelly4 September 1941Police officer
Deep state functionary
US deep state functionary, NYC Police Commissioner for over a decade.
William Kennard19 January 1957Lawyer
Deep state functionary
Carlyle Group director, US Ambassador to the EU, Aspen Institute
Weldon Kennedy12 September 193813 June 2020Spook
Deep state functionary
FBI agent who led the "investigation" of the 1994 Oklahoma City bombing.