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Nigel Evans9 April 1992
Mark Field7 June 20016 November 2019
Anna Firth3 February 2022
Lorna Fitzsimons1 May 19975 May 2005
George Foulkes4 May 197911 April 2005
John Freeman19451955
Clement Freud26 July 19739 June 1983
Clement Freud9 June 198311 June 1987
Hugh Gaitskell5 July 194518 January 1963
George Galloway29 March 201230 March 2015
George Galloway29 February 202430 May 2024
Mike Gapes9 April 19926 November 2019
Tristan Garel-Jones3 May 19791 May 1997
Bruce George1 March 197412 April 2010
John Gilbert18 June 19708 April 1997
Cheryl Gillan9 April 1992
Ian Gilmour22 November 196228 February 1974
Ian Gilmour28 February 19749 April 1992
Zac Goldsmith8 June 20176 November 2019
Zac Goldsmith6 May 201025 October 2016
Philip Goodhart21 March 19579 April 1992
Alastair Goodlad28 February 197428 June 1999
Paul Goodman8 June 200112 April 2010
Robert Goodwill5 May 2005
Robert Goodwill15 July 19991 May 2004
Chris Grayling7 June 2001
Damian Green2 May 1997
Sarah Green17 June 2021
Nick Griffin4 June 20092 July 2014
Nia Griffith5 May 2005
Eldon Griffiths15 October 19649 April 1992Attended 1985 Le Cercle
Nigel Griffiths12 June 198712 April 2010
Andrew Gwynne5 May 2005
Archie Hamilton27 April 19787 June 2001
Paulette Hamilton3 March 2022
Mike Hancock1 May 199730 March 2015
Mike Hancock14 June 198411 June 1987
Greg Hands5 May 2005
Richard Harrington6 May 20106 November 2019
Nick Harvey9 April 19927 May 2015
Stephen Hastings16 November 19609 June 1983
Chris Hazzard8 June 2017
Edward Heath9 June 19837 June 2001
John Hemming5 May 200530 March 2015
Charles Hendry7 June 200130 March 2015
Charles Hendry9 April 19921 May 1997
Michael Heseltine31 March 196628 February 1974
Michael Heseltine28 February 19747 June 2001
Meg Hillier5 May 2005
Quintin Hogg5 December 196330 June 1970