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Morton AbramowitzA key player in determining recent U.S. foreign policy.
Theodore AchillesVery closely connected to the creation NATO
Umberto AgnelliItalian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Lew AllenDirector of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force.
Robert O. AndersonTriple Bilderberg Big Oil exec who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Robert AndersonLe Cercle, Bilderberg,
Hamilton Fish ArmstrongManaging editor for 44 years of Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations
Ronald AsmusExpanded NATO eastwards
George BallUS deep politician who attended all 40 Bilderberg meetings up to his death, he helped make key decisions about post-WW2 Europe.
Frederick BeebeSingle Bilderberg corporate lawyer
Elliott BellFinancial writer for The New York Times, Superintendent of Banks. Attended the 1960 and 1962 Bilderbergs
J. Bowyer BellUS "terrorism expert", painter and and art critic
Jack BennettBilderberg Steering committee banker/businessman. Worked alongside his father in post-war Germany to reset the country's economy. Presidential advisor in the 1970 who dismantled U.S. controls over international capital flows.
Robert BowieUS deep state actor who wrote item one of the agenda of the 1966 Bilderberg on the need to reorganise NATO, and it was done. DDNI 1977-79.
Charles Boyd3 Bilderbergs, CFR, husband of Jessica Mathews
Thomas W. BradenOSS, Georgetown Set, CIA
Kingman BrewsterAttended the 1965 Bilderberg as President of Yale University. US Ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1977-81
Harold BrownUnited States Secretary of Defense.
David Brucespooky US diplomat
John BryanUS businessman
Zbigniew BrzezinskiA central US Deep politician, Cercle, Bilderberg, ...
Hugh BullockPresident of the US Pilgrims Society for 41 years, no Wikipedia entry as of 2015.
McGeorge BundyS&B, Deep state actor, National Security Advisor
William BundySkull & bones deep politician and cold warrior who played a key role in the US side of the Bilderberg.
Ellsworth BunkerCold War hawk, diplomatic troubleshooter
W. Randolph BurgessAttended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s as US Ambassador to NATO. Chairman of Atlantic Council.
George H. W. BushSkull and bones mastermind of the bush family busine$$.
Louis CabotQuad Bilderberger Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Clifford CaseA lawyer cum politician who attended the 1958 Bilderberg as a US Senator from New Jersey
Henry Catto
John ChafeeAttended 4 Bilderbergs between 1979 to 1992
Warren ChristopherUnited States Secretary of State 1993-7, plus two short stints in 1980
Walker CislerAs well as the first Bilderberg, he attended the next four, and 3 more in the early 1960s, US businessman
Lucius Clay
Harlan ClevelandAttended the 1967 Bilderberg as US Permanent Representative to NATO
Charles CoganCIA officer, admitted the agency had “funded the worst fellows right from the start, long before the Iranian revolution and long before the Soviet invasion.”
Emilio ColladoBig oil, World Bank, Bilderberg Steering committee.
James Bryant Conant
John Sherman CooperUS lawyer who refused to sign the draft of the Warren Commission Report until a qualifying statement was inserted.
Lammot du Pont CopelandPart of the influential DuPont chemical family, activist for population control
Andrew CordierUN official who facilitated the coup against Patrice Lumumba. Bilderberg/1962. Later President of Columbia University.
Gerald CorriganG30, Trilateral, Bilderberg, President of the NY Fed, then Goldman Sachs. Married to a president of the Boston Fed
Gardner CowlesUS media mogul
Walter Cronkite
William J. CroweChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the late 1980s, under Frank Carlucci & Dick Cheney
Monica CrowleyFox News journalist who became Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury under Donald Trump.
Walter CutlerUS senior diplomat. His career postings hints at close cooperation with the intelligence services and deep state interests.
Richard DarmanA panelist of the session on The Public Sector And Economic Growth at the 1987 Bilderberg
John W. Davis
Robert DayBilderberg billionaire businessman. Brookings Institution.President's Intelligence Advisory Board.