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Page nameDisplay lifespan
'Destiny'Born 12 December 1988
'Lionel'Born 26 August 1958
'SlimVirgin'Died 2021
'Stakeknife'12 January 1946 - April 2023
Torvild Aakvaag27 January 1927 - 9 July 2017
Aaliyah16 January 1979 - 25 August 2001
Mika AaltolaBorn 1969
Shaker AamerBorn 12 December 1968
David AaronBorn 21 August 1938
David AaronovitchBorn 8 July 1954
Jozias van AartsenBorn 25 December 1947
Henrik Aasarød28 July 1928 - 8 April 2000
Svein AaserBorn 7 October 1946
Abdelhamid Abaaoud1988 - November 2015
Juan Carlos Ramírez AbadíaBorn 16 February 1963
Abdou AbarryBorn 1969
Mahmoud AbbasBorn 26 March 1935
Diane AbbottBorn 27 September 1953
Tony AbbottBorn 4 November 1957
Omar Abdel-Rahman3 May 1938 - 18 February 2017
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi1 April 1952 - 20 May 2012
Ziad AbdelnourBorn 3 December 1960
Salah AbdeslamBorn 15 September 1989
Abdel Mohsen Bin Walid Bin AbdulazizBorn 18 July 1986
Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin AbdulazizBorn 1963
Umar Farouk AbdulmutallabBorn 22 December 1986
Sheila Abdus-Salaam14 March 1952 - 12 April 2017
Shinzō Abe21 September 1954 - 8 July 2022
Agha Hasan Abedi14 May 1922 - 6 August 1995
Hashem AbediBorn 1997
Ismail AbediBorn 1993
Salman AbediBorn 31 December 1994
Huma AbedinBorn 28 July 1976
Peter Abeles25 April 1924 - 25 June 1999
Ralph Abernathy11 March 1926 - 17 April 1990
Luigi AbeteBorn 17 February 1947
Amr Abdellatif AboulattaBorn 10 November 1957
James Abourezk24 February 1931 - 24 February 2023
Ahmed AboutalebBorn 29 August 1961
Kevin AbrahamBorn February 1960
James AbrahamsonBorn 19 May 1933
Jack AbramoffBorn 28 February 1958
Marina AbramovićBorn 30 November 1946
Morton AbramowitzBorn 20 January 1933
Elliott AbramsBorn 24 January 1948
Robert AbramsBorn 4 July 1938
Stacey AbramsBorn 9 December 1973
Sasha AbramskyBorn 4 April 1972
Julio Abreu1940 - 2023
Stéphane AbrialBorn 7 September 1954