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Page nameStartEndTypePerpetratorOfficial PerpetratorDescription
2024 Lebanon pager explosions17 September 202418 September 2024Indiscriminate mass murder
2024 Persian Gulf floods14 April 202419 April 2024UAE?Severe flash floods in a arid desert kill dozens in countries known for documented geoengineering. CCM quick to copy spokespersons denying any link to geoengineering, after one admitted this to be the caused by geoengineering.
2024 Rochdale by-election29 February 202429 February 2024
2024 Southport stabbing29 July 202429 July 2024David Miller: "These race riots are an Israel-sponsored anti-Muslim pogrom"
2024 United Kingdom riots30 July 2024Cities and towns affected by the 2024 United Kingdom riots
2024 Wellingborough by-election15 February 202415 February 2024
2024 Yemen airstrikes12 January 2024US
An ongoing attack on Yemen
21st Century Hasbara conference17 December 200618 December 2006
2nd Russian aid convoy13 September 2014 00:00:00Second 200+ truck convoy of humanitarian aid from Russia delivered to Lugansk
3rd interrogation of Oswald22 November 1963 19:56:00Third interrogation of Oswald in Captain Fritz's Office.
3rd set of evidence taken23 November 1963 00:35:00Oswald complains, That this is the third set of fingerprints, photographs being taken. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 49
7 SS agents still drinking22 November 1963 02:00:00Seven Secret Service agents are still drinking at “The Cellar.” bar in Fort Worth.
9 SS Agents in Cellar Door bar22 November 1963 00:00:00Pat Kirkwood’s bar the “Cellar Door” is in Fort Worth, Texas. Several of the women serving liquor to the agents are also strippers from Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club in Dallas
9-1111 September 200111 September 2001"Terrorism"
Mass murder
Suicide attacks
US/Deep state
"9-11/The 19 Hijackers"
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Zacarias Moussaoui
Walid bin Attash
Mustafa al-Hawsawi
Ramzi bin al-Shibh
Ammar al-Baluchi
A complex and spectacular set of events in New York and Washington. The US government was quick to blame Al Qaeda, though no evidence of guilt was presented and there is much suspicion about what Al Qaeda really is. In the USA 9-11 assisted the Patriot Act's roll back of civil liberties, the stepping up of domestic surveillance and the financial advancement of the military industrial complex. Abroad 9-11 helped launched wars on Iraq and Afghanistan that had been planned long before.
9-11/20th Anniversary11 September 202111 September 2021New York20 years on since 9/11 the truth is still not known. The date will be significant day in world history.
9-11/Air Defence11 September 200111 September 2001NEADS
US Military
46 mock hijack exercises were ongoing on the morning of September 11th and planes were unavailable, contributing to an unprecedented failure. Norman Mineta's testimony to the 9/11 Commission (simply ignored in their final report), implying a direct stand down order, would seem to explain the total failure of air defence around the Pentagon. Although standard operating procedure was not followed, those responsible were promoted rather than disciplined after the event.
9-11/Compensation fundA multi-million dollar fund for victims and family members affected by 9/11. As a condition of taking the money, they waived the right to take legal action about it.
9-11/Cover-upCorporate media
A lot of resources have been devoted to containing the truth about the events of September 11th, 2001. However, while it has been more or less kept from television screens, awareness about 9-11 is growing worldwide.
9-11/Drills11 September 200112 September 2001A remarkable number of terror drills occured in the US on or around the day of 9-11, including drills about the hijacking of planes and the flying them into buildings. This is agreed by many 9-11 researchers to have been an obfuscation tactic, and to have hindered response to the real attacks.
9-11/E-4B11 September 2001 09:44:0011 September 2001An E-4B was spotted over the White house and the Pentagon on 9/11. The official narrative for more than a decade was not to talk about it, although it was reported on CNN and video, photos and eye witnesses do exist. Later declassification did prove the basic fact that the plane was present.
9-11/Exposure2001This article concerns the ever increasing public exposure of the events of 9-11.
9-11/Flight 9311 September 200111 September 2001The official narrative, that the plan crashed into soft earth and buried itself, explaining the complete lack of luggage, plane or body parts, was questioned by reporters at the time, but that coverage seems not to have been repeated.
9-11/George Washington Bridge plot11 September 200111 September 2001The FBI arrested at least one van of men (two or three) which was found to contain tons of explosives. This was announced on the day, two conflicting reports, but later retracted. No alternative explanation is known to have been given.
9-11/Insider Trading6 September 200111 September 2001A mound of evidence points to insider trading. However, the 9/11 Commission decided not to investigate the matter and the SEC destroyed important records.
9-11/Legal actionA summary of the contradictory array of legal judgements around 9-11
9-11/Official narrative2001The 9-11 plot, a false flag attack staged by the US/Deep state in concert with other deep states, was blamed on "19 hijackers" who were members of Al Qaeda. The official opposition narrative states that small scale corruption within the US government prevented the successful apprehension of the gang of 19, and also lead to some relatively minor inaccuracies and inconsistencies between the different official narratives.
9-11/Pentagon11 September 200111 September 20019-11/PerpetratorsThe Pentagon was attacked on September 11th, allegedly by American Airlines Flight 77 piloted by Hani Hanjour, though many have stated that this seems unlikely. A lot of CCTV footage of what happened has been confiscated by the US government and not released.
9-11/WTC Controlled demolition11 September 200111 September 2001Bombing"9-11/The 19 Hijackers"On September 11th, 3 steel reinforced buildings from the World Trade Center suddenly collapsed at freefall speed into their own footprints, a set of events to which Wikipedia devotes only a single article, one purged of 'fringe' scientific evidence at odds with the official narrative.
9-11/WTC6A building in the World Trade Center which suffered at least one large explosion during September 11th. It housed the El Dorado Task force, which coordinated all major money laundering investigations in the U.S.
9-11/WTC7/Destruction11 September 2001 17:20:5211 September 2001 17:20:58BombingSDSCompared to the WTC Twin Towers, few people have seen video footage of the collapse of the 47-story WTC building 7, but the event was predicted and recorded by at least 3 TV networks and exactly resembles a controlled demolition. The event was subject to a news blackout by commercially controlled media for years afterwards, no mention of WTC7 was made in the 9/11 Commission's final report and Wikipedia has no separate page for this event.
9-11/WTC7/Destruction/Foreknowledge11 September 2001 10:45:0011 September 2001 17:21:00The first reference to a third tower collapsing is by Jane Standley of the BBC at around 10:45 a.m. Other references are later that afternoon.
9-99/Ryazan incident22 September 199923 September 1999BombingFSBMoscow FSB officers discovered wiring up what looked like a bomb in the basement of a building by night. Local FSB unaware. Claimed to be a terror drill but no documentation was presented. Instead documents were sealed and discussion of it prohibited in the Duma.
A New Initiative for Poland: A Future Leader in Securing the Fourth Industrial Revolution16 January 201917 January 2019Conference in Poland in January 2019 planned by the Cyber Statecraft Initiative, sponsored by the Atlantic Council and Bank Polski.
A Spreading Plague14 February 201914 February 2019Georgetown University
Center for Global Development
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Open Philanthropy
Global Affairs Canada
Tabletop simulation of a global biological warfare attack predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Included several senior pandemic planners. Held February 2019.
A World in Flux: The Future of Democracy Europe and the Middle East12 September 201713 September 2017Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia with a host of spooky participants
ABC Trial5 September 197817 November 1978An official secrets case of 1977-78 during which the UK Labour government prosecuted 3 people for holding an interview, using the Official Secrets Act 1911, a law they earlier had promised to repeal.
ATC tapes still missing8 August 2014 00:00:00Malaysia New Strait Times reports the Ukrainian ATC tapes as "still missing"
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi/Compassionate releaseCompassionate release (prostate cancer)The actual grounds for Megrahi's release may in fact be as "compassionate" as claimed; this may have been a convenient way to short cirtcuit increasing realisation that he had been falsely convicted.
Able Archer 837 November 198311 November 1983
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuseTop level sanctioned torture on US prisoners, both to gather information about the effects of torture on victims and perpetrators as well as to intimidate and sew dragon's teeth.
Achille Lauro hijacking7 October 198510 October 1985Palestine Liberation Front1985 hijacking of the Italian ocean liner MS Achille Lauro by four men representing the Palestine Liberation Front. Later revealed to in fact be an Israeli "black" propaganda operation.
Achnacarry AgreementA top secret 1928 agreement to form an oil cartel of all the major oil producers of the time
Action Counters Terrorism7 March 2017A replacement for the highly criticised Prevent "branding platform" of "counter-terrorism".
Afghanistan PapersA set of documents published by The Washington Post which constitute an official opposition narrative that the invasion of Afghanistan was a mistake.
Afghanistan/2001 Invasion7 October 200130 August 2021NATOThe war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan/2021 withdrawal29 February 202030 August 2021NATO
The end of the US–led NATO occupation of Afghanistan
Aid convoy departs Moscow12 August 2014 00:00:00A 280 truck convoy loaded with @2,000 tons of humanitarian aid supplies departs from Moscow bound for Eastern Ukraine
Aid convoy moves in22 August 2014 01:00:00All the trucks have crossed the border and are now in Ukraine.
Aid convoy moves out23 August 2014 15:00:00Last Trucks From Aid Convoy to Ukraine Return to Russia
Air Force One arrives at Washington DC22 November 1963 17:00:00Air Force One arrives at Andrews Air Force base Washington D.C., total flight time 2hrs 15min. ref. Best Evidence, p 680