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Page nameBornDiedSummaryDescription
Basil Kafiris193413 June 2008EconomistGreek economist with significant US ties. One of the founders of later governing party PASOK with PM Andreas Papandreou, who became his close friend. Bilderberg/1985.
Nicholas Kaldor12 May 190830 September 1986EconomistHungarian/British economist with large influence on 1960-70 Labour governments
Sebnem Kalemli-ÖzcanEconomistTurkish Bilderberger economist who in 2021 pushed COVAX jab initiative for poor countries.
Anatole Kaletsky1 June 1952Journalist
Bilderberg economist journalist
Louka Katseli20 April 1952Economist
Central banker
Greek economist and central banker who attended the 1984 Bilderberg aged 32.
Gülten Kazgan5 June 1927Academic
Known as the "Doyen of Economics" in Turkey
Yves de Kerdrel21 September 1962Journalist
French journalist
George Kerevan28 September 1949Journalist
Scottish journalist, economist, previously Scottish National Party, then joined Alba Party
John Maynard Keynes5 June 188321 April 1946EconomistVery influential economist, Director of the Bank of England in the 1940s
Lesetja Kganyago7 October 1965Economist
Central banker
Attended multiple WEF AGMs as Governor of the South African Reserve Bank
Václav Klaus19 June 1941EconomistThe first Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. Cercle repeated visitor
Peter KoenigEconomist
Geopolitical analyst
Swiss economist and geopolitical analyst. He writes regularly for Global Research and other internet sites.
Donald Kohn7 November 1942EconomistUS central banker, then Brookings Institution.
Sixten Korkman3 February 1948Academic
Single Bilderberger Finnish economist with high profile in corporate media.
Pieter Korteweg28 December 1941EconomistDutch economist, Bilderberg Steering committee in the 1990s when he attended 7 Bilderbergs
Max Kothbauer30 March 1950Banker
Austrian economist and banker. Former Bilderberg Steering committee.
Alan Krueger17 September 196016 March 2019Academic
Alan Krueger reportedly killed himself in March 2019, in spite of having a new book due out in June.
Anne Krueger12 February 1934Economist
Paul Krugman28 February 1953EconomistUS economist
Pieter Kuin7 April 190814 August 2002EconomistUnilever multinational corporation executive who spoke on "European co-operation for the development of Southern Italy" with Paul Rykens at the 1968 Bilderberg
Jörg Kukies21 February 1968EconomistGoldman-Sachs bankster who became State Secretary and guiding hand for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Attended the 2022 Bilderberg Conference.
Jaap Kymmell19212001Banker
Dutch banker and economist who attended the 1967 Bilderberg
Horst Köhler22 February 1943EconomistManaging Director of the International Monetary Fund, then (ceremonial) President of Germany, where he had to resign after supporting gunboat diplomacy.
Lyndon LaRouche8 September 192212 February 2019Activist
Alexandre Lamfalussy26 April 19299 May 2015Economist
Central banker
BIS manager, First President of the European Monetary Institute, 4 Bilderbergs
Philip Lane27 August 1969Economist
Central banker
Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland. Since 2019 Chief Economist at the European Central Bank
Robin Leigh-Pemberton5 January 192724 November 2013Economist
Central banker
Governor of the Bank of England from 1983 to 1993.
António Nogueira Leite3 March 1962Academic
Portuguese economist
Manuela Ferreira Leite3 December 1940Politician
Attended the 2006 Bilderberg conference as non-executive administrator of the Portuguese Banco Santander Totta, and the 2009 Bilderberg as President of the Social Democratic Party (which despite its name it is a liberal-conservative party).
Orlando Letelier13 April 193221 September 1976Diplomat
A Chilean socialist politician and diplomat, assassinated in Washington D.C.
Richard Levin7 April 1947Economist"[W]e really need a vaccine widely distributed, we need to accelerate that distribution as much as possible in order to have a life begin to return to normal." Bilderberg 2016
Walter Levy21 March 191110 December 1997Spook
US spooky economist, headed the petroleum section of the Office of Strategic Services
Assar Lindbeck26 January 193028 August 2020Academic
Swedish economist who attended the 1984 Bilderberg
Staffan Burenstam Linder13 September 193122 July 2000EconomistWallenberg Sphere Swedish economist and key figure in the Moderate Party. Bilderberg/1988.
Willy Linder16 March 192215 August 2000Journalist
Swiss economist journalist and champion of neoliberalism. Attended Bilderberg/1977 where one of the subjects was North American and Western European attitudes towards the future of the mixed economies in the Western democracies.
Lawrence Lindsey18 July 1954Economist
John Lipsky19 February 1947Economist
Central banker
Single Bilderberger. Briefly acted as Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
Robert Litan16 May 1950Academic
Deep state operative
He Liu25 January 1952Politician
Harvard-educated economic liberal Chinese Vice Premier and confidant of President Xi Jinping. Attended the 2014 Bilderberg and gave a "special address" at the 2023 WEF AGM
Siro Lombardini1924October 2013EconomistItalian economist who attended the 1973 Bilderberg meeting.
Yongtu Long1943EconomistChief negotiator of China's accession to WTO in 2001. Visitor to the 2004 Bilderberg.
Ernani Rodrigues Lopes20 February 19422010Politician
Portuguese politician & economist
Francisco Luzon Lopez1 January 194817 February 2021Banker
Spanish banker who attended Bilderberg/1995 before in 1996 getting leading position in Banco Santander.
Philip Lowe1961Economist
Central banker
Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
Luis Garicano1967Academic
In March 2020, proposed a 500 billion euro "COVID-19 bazooka for jobs in Europe"
Franz Lütolf6 June 192418 January 2018Academic
Deep politician
General Manager and Member of the Executive Board of the Swiss Bank Corporation and a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Robert MacIntosh8 January 19236 October 2020Banker
Canadian, "an enormously enthusiastic banker", 1977 Bilderberg
H. Ian Maconald27 June 1929EconomistBilderberg Canadian economist
David Malpass8 March 1956EconomistWorld Bank President 2019-2023, possibly forced out due to refusal to play ball on "climate change"
Robert Marjolin27 July 191115 April 1986Politician
French economist/politician involved in the formation of the European Economic Community.