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Occidental College college 1
Occupy London london 1The London encampments of the Occupy protest movement.
Office of Strategic Services of strategic services 1Precursor to the CIA.
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency of the comptroller of the currency 1Bureau within the United States Department of the Treasury that charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks - and is captured by the banksters.
Ohio State University state university 1With nearly 50,000 undergraduate students and nearly 15,000 graduate students, Ohio State is one of the largest American universities.
Operation 40 operation 40 1A CIA-run assassination squad begun with Fidel Castro in mind, but that had its fingers in a lot of pies, probably including the JFK Assassination.
Oxfam 1
Peace Corps corps 1
Philip Morris morris 1
Pike Committee pike committee 1One of the 3 important US intelligence committees during the late 1970s revealing deep state activities.
Poland 1Fast growing, revived country since World War 2. Became a very loyal US Deep State parter. The populace are by a mile the biggest supporters of NATO presence in Europe.
Propaganda Due due 1"A state within a state", the Masonic lodge most deeply involved in Operation Gladio, apparently used by the CIA to subvert the Italian state.
Ptech inc.Highly suspect US company
Reuters 1
Romania 1European country. Location of a deep state attempted coup involving Dick Cheney, NATO and a VIPedophile ring.
Russia largest nation state in the world
Rutgers University university 1The first US university to announce it would discriminate against students who had not received a COVID-19 vaccination.
SISMI foreign intelligence agency
Safari Club club 1A 'supranational deep state' - an informal international intelligence agency formed as a result of increasing pressure to expose wrongdoing by the US intelligence agencies and a consequent decision to seek alternative, more private organisations from which to operate.
Serbia 1A nation state in the Balkans.
Sibel Edmonds/State Secrets Privilege Gallery State Secrets Privilege Gallery was created by Sibel Edmonds as a way of fingering people she was prohibited from mentioning
South Korea korea 1Part of the great powers of Asia, South Korea was shaped by the US after the Korean War. Most companies in the entertainment and tech industries are owned antidemocratic by rich families that operate like governments of their own, bribing presidents and evading the law.
Southern Poverty Law Center poverty law center 1
Spain a tropical easy-going country on the southern border of Europe. Spain has had trouble running a “death squad-free” democracy since Franco retired. Spain has seen the bloodiest post Gladio 1 terror attack take place in Madrid in 2004, and was a battleground of the Ifs and GRU during the 2010s.
Special Air Service air service great britain 1
Stratesec "security company" which did unspecified security work on the World Trade Center from 1993-2001 and which numbered Marvin Bush amongst its directors.
Stratfor 1Spooky US company exposed by Wikileaks
Syracuse University university 1University in update New York. Joe Biden's alma mater
TSA security administration 1Formed just after 9-11, this agencies conditions the citizenry to undergoing invasive control measures, best understood as "security theatre". They required that travellers only use a locks which can be opened by a master key - of which they posted images.
UK kingdomThe biggest Island in Europe. It was a world power with massive influence for over 4 centuries.
UK/Army army 1The foreign enforcement arm of the UK government.
UK/FCDO foreign and commonwealth office 1
UK/FCO foreign and commonwealth office 1The UK government department dealing with foreign policy.
UK/Home Office office 1The UK governmental department that is responsible for policy issues surrounding immigration, passports, drugs, crime, the police and "counter-terrorism".
UK/Ministry of Defence of defence 1
UN/Human Rights Council nations human rights council 1
US statesThe United States is the single biggest military spender in the world, with a higher 2020 expenditure than the next ten countries combined. Its infrastructure has been described to be in disrepair since the late 1980s.
US/Congress congressThe House and Senate of the US located in Washington D.C make up US Congress. Congress in the US pass, discuss laws and have dozens of other tasks that often get mis(used) by special interest groups and their deep lobbying.
US/Customs and Border Protection immigration and customs enforcement 1
US/DOJ department of justiceAs a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal summarised "Justice is something that exists outside the borders of the United States. Never expect to find justice within the United States."
US/Democratic Party party 1
US/Department/Defense department of defenseThe action arm of the Military-industrial-congressional complex, whose functionaries are rewarded in rough proportion to their ability to stifle dissent and channel funds to arms manufacturers.
US/Department/Homeland Security of homeland securityPlanned by the same group who planned the 9/11 attacks, and carried out in their wake, the DoHS is a large department which replaced the existing domestic security, disaster planning and management functions of the US government.
US/Department/State department of stateSet up in 1789, the US State Department is the United States federal executive department responsible for international relations of the United States, equivalent to the foreign ministry of other countries.
US/Department/The Army department of the armyA department within the United States Department of Defense.
US/Department/The Treasury department of the treasuryUS GOV Department, links to Goldman Sachs
US/GAO accounting office
US/House/Select Committee/Intelligence intelligence committee
US/National Security Council security councilA forum used by the President of the United States for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials.