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This list of publications of the David Hume Institute is compiled from the DHI website and other published sources (as noted in the references).

Hume Books

Governments and Small Business by Graham Bannock and Alan Peacock, Paul Chapman, London, 1989.

Financial Deregulation by Richard Dale, Woodhead-Faulkner, London, 1986.[1]

Hume Monographs

  • No. 1 Quasi Markets for Water Services: Reviving the Auld Alliance? John W. Sawkins and Robert McMaster, 1997[2]

Hume Papers



  • No 1 Banking Deregulation by Michael Fry. (out of print)
  • No 2 Reviewing Industrial Aid Programmes: (1) The Invergordon Smelter Case by Alex Scott and Margaret Cuthbert.
  • No 3 Sex at Work : Equal Pay and the ‘Comparable Worth’ Controversy by Peter Sloane.


  • No 4 The European Communities’ Common Fisheries Policy : A Critique by Antony W Dnes.
  • No 5 The Privatisation of Defence Supplies by Gavin Kennedy.


  • No 6 The Political Economy of Tax Evasion by David J Pyle.
  • No 7 Monopolies, Mergers and Restrictive Practices : UK Competition Policy 1948-87 by E Victor Morgan.
  • No 8 The Small Entrepreneurial Firm by Gavin C Reid and Lowell R Jacobsen.


No 9 How Should Health Services be Financed? by Allan Massie.

No 10 Strategies for Higher Education - The Alternative White Paper by John Barnes and Nicholas Barr.

No 11 Professional Liability: an Economic Analysis by Roger Bowles and Philip Jones.



Hume Papers on Public Policy

Listing from the DHI website.[4]


Vol 1 No 1 Sex Equality: Law and Economics

Vol 1 No 2 Money Laundering

Vol 1 No 3 Universities, Corporate Governance, Deregulation


Vol 2 No 1 In Search of New Constitutions

Vol 2 No 2 Scotland and the Union

Vol 2 No 3 Privacy and Property

Vol 2 No 4 Law on the Electronic Frontier


Vol 3 No 1 Managing Doctors

Vol 3 No 2 Copyright, Competition and Industrial Design

Vol 3 No 3 Deregulation and Privatization in the United States

The First Decade The First Ten Years of The David Hume Institute (sold by The David Hume Institute)

Well Temper’d Eloquence A selection from David Hume’s letters and essays (sold by The David Hume Institute)

Vol 3 No 4 Corporate Governance


Vol 4 No 1 Drug Trafficking and the Chemical Industry

Vol 4 No 2 Financing Devolution

Vol 4 No 3 Fraud on the European Budget


Vol 5 No 1 European Monetary Union and Regional Development

Vol 5 No 2 Deep Water: Fisheries Policy for the Future

Vol 5 No 3 Innovation, Incentive and Reward: Intellectual Property Law and Policy

Vol 5 No 4 The Reform of Civil Justice


Vol 6 No 1 & 2 Crime Sans frontieres

Vol 6 No 3 Heritage, The Environment and the Arts: Pricing the priceless

Vol 6 No 4 Essays, Moral, Political and Economic


Vol 7 No 1 Justice and Money

Vol 7 No 2 Divorce: Property and Pensions

Vol 7 No 3 Trust in Public Life

Vol 7 No 4 Electronic Commerce and the Law


Vol 8 No 1 Corporate Governance and the Reform of Company Law

Vol 8 No 2 Environment and Regulation

Vol 8 No 3 The Settlement of Legal Disputes

Vol 8 No 4 The Wider Impact of Housing

Hume Occasional Papers

[5] No 1 What to do about the Over-valued Dollar by Ronald McKinnon.

No 2 The Political Economy of Pension Provision by Alan Peacock and Norman Barry.

No 3 The Regularities of Regulation by George J Stigler.

No 4 How Safe is the Banking System? by Richard Dale.

No 5 Economic Issues in Merger Policy by E Victor Morgan. (out of print)

No 6 The Regulation of the Telecommunication Industry by Bryan Carsberg.


No 7 The Novelist’s View of the Market Economy by Allan Massie.

No 8 Understanding Mrs Thatcher : Conservative Economic Policy 1979-87 by David Simpson.

No 9 Adam Smith and Economic Liberalism by Andrew Skinner.

No 10 Long-term Savings in an Enterprise Economy : A Case Study of the Principles and Practice of UK Economic Policy by Jack Wiseman. (out of print)

No 11 Contemporary Problems in Commercial Litigation by David Edward, Lord Ross and Catherine Blight.

No 12 Industry, Money and Markets : A Means to Irish Unification by W Duncan Reekie.

No 13 The Future of Legal Systems The Presidential Address to The David Hume Institute, November 1989 by Thijmen Koopmans.

No 14 Mergers and Takeovers : Short and Long-term Issues by Sir Gerald Elliot.

No 15 The Takeover Boom : An International and Historical Perspective by Graham Bannock. (out of print)

No 16 The Regulation of the Water Industry by Ian Byatt. (out of print)

No 17 Corporate Takeovers and the Interests of Regions and Local Communities by Brian Ashcroft and James H Love. (out of print)

No 18 Evidence from the Association of British Insurers, The Association of Investment Trust Companies, The Office of Fair Trading, The Department of Trade and Industry and the Trades Union Congress.

No 19 Takeover Activity and Differential Returns to Shareholders of Bidding Companies by R J Limmack. (out of print)

No 20 Finance and Takeovers by D H Gowland. (out of print) .

No 21 The UK Panel on Takeovers and Mergers : An Appraisal by W A P Manser. (out of print)

No 22 Efficient Markets and the Rationale of Takeovers by Gavin C Reid. (out of print)

No 23 Corporate Takeovers - The Need for Fundamental Rethinking by Allen Sykes. (out of print)

No 24 The Stock Market and Mergers in the United Kingdom by E Victor Morgan and Ann D Morgan. (out of print)

No 25 Investment Managers and Takeovers : Information and Attitudes by E Victor Morgan and Ann D Morgan.

No 26 Taxation and Mergers Policy by John Chown.

No 27 Evidence from The Scottish Office, The Edinburgh Centre for Theology and Public Issues, and Mr D Henry.

No 28 The Building of the New Europe : National Diversity versus Continental Uniformity by J E Meade.

No 29 The Control of Mergers and Takeovers in the EC by Robert Pringle. (out of print)

No 30 How Level a Playing Field does Company Law Provide? By R J Jack.

No 31 The Nestlé Takeover of Rowntree by Evan Davis and Graham Bannock.

No 32 The Power of the Lobbyist : Regulation and Vested Interest by Michael Casey.

No 33 Takeovers and Industrial Policy : A Defence by Graham Bannock and Alan Peacock.

Corporate Takeovers and the Public Interest. The Final Report on the Inquiry into Corporate Takeovers. Sold by James Thin, 53-59 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1YS.

No 34 The Contemporary Relevance of David Hume by Robert Pringle.

No 35 The Remuneration Committee as an Instrument of Corporate Governance by Brian G M Main and James Johnston.

No 36 Asset Classes for a Changing World Papers presented at a Conference sponsored by the World Gold Council.

No 37 Foreign Investment and the Law in the Russian Federation Papers presented at a Colloquium in Moscow, 7-16 December 1991. Edited by Elspeth Reid.


No 38 Broadcasting - We are experiencing some interference The Hume Lecture 1992 by William Brown.

No 39 The Legal Problems of Economic Reform in Russia by B N Topornin.


No 40 On the Wrong Tracks: The Government’s Proposal for Franchising Passenger Rail by Antony W Dnes.

No 41 Insider Dealing : Papers presented at a seminar, Edinburgh, 27 August 1993 edited by Hector L MacQueen. (out of print)

No 42 The Rôle of Law in the Rule of Law The Presidential Address to The David Hume Institute, November 1993 by David A O Edward.


No 43 The Costs of Justice Proceedings of a Conference held on 9 May 1994 edited by Hector L MacQueen.

No 44 A Future for the Past : The Political Economy of Heritage 1994 British Academy Keynes Lecture by Alan Peacock.

No 45 A Flexible Housing System for the Global Market The Hume Lecture 1994 by Sir James Mellon.


No 46 UN Peacekeeping - Past Lessons and Future Prospects by Malcolm Rifkind

No 47 The Price of Ignorance The Hume Lecture 1995 by Sir Stewart Sutherland.

No 48 An Historical Look at the Benefits of Competition Policy Lecture by John S Bridgeman.

No 49 Paying for Devolution edited by Hector L MacQueen.

No 50 The Device of Devolution by Alan Peacock.

No 51 More or Less Competitive? A Case Study of the Scottish Economy by Professor Sir Donald MacKay.

No 52 Causation in Economic Affairs The Presidential Address to The David Hume Institute, October 1996 by Sir Samuel Brittan.

No 53 A Cool Look at the Euro by Sir Samuel Brittan.

No 54 Working with the Scottish Parliament: Judicial Aspects of Devolution by Lord Hope of Craighead.

No 55 The Start of a New Song by Vernon Bogdanor.

No 56 Report on Economic Aspects of Political Independence by David Simpson, Brian G M Main, Alan Peacock, Fabian Zuleeg.

No 57 Agenda for the Scottish Parliament by Hector MacQueen and Brian G M Main and others.

No 58 The European Union and the Nation State The Hume Lecture 2000 by Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

No 59 Are Lawyers Parasites? Presidential Address 2001 by The Rt. Hon. Lord Mackay of Clashfern

No 60 Hume on Liberty and the Market - a Twenty-First Century Perspective The Hume Lecture 2002 by Professor John Gray

No 61 Establishing Competitive Economic Advantage in the Scottish Economy by Alf Young

No 62 The Central Scotland Airport Study by Brian G M Main (University of Edinburgh), Bill Lever (University of Glasgow) and Jonathan Crook (University of Edinburgh).

No 63 The Political Economy of Sustainable Development Presidential Address 2003 Professor Sir Alan Peacock DSC, FBA, FRSE

No 64 "The Private Finance Initiative. From the Foundations Up" Professor Peter M Jackson (Leicester University Business School)

No 65 "Tilting at Windmills: The economics of wind Power" Professor David Simpson

No 66 "Regulations and politics: The need for a new dialogue" Or "A letter to John Redwood" Sir Howard Davies

No 67 "Balancing Regulation and Competition in ithe Water Business in Scotland" Sir Ian Byatt

No 68 "The European Union and the Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth" The Hume Lecture 2006 Sir Neil MacCormick

No 69 "The Scottish Public Sector: Does Size Matter?" Richard Marsh and Fabian Zuleeg

No 70 "Rethinking Central Local Government in Scotland: Back to the Future?" Jim Gallagher, Kenneth Gibb and Carl Mills, University of Glasgow

No 71 "A Wise Man Proportions His Beliefs to the Evidence: Scepticism and Competion Policy" Peter Freeman

No 72 "Financial Fitness Programme for Young Scots: A report on the need to strengthen the provision of financial education in Scottish Schools" Peter Jones

No 73 "The Economics of Climate Change Policy in Scotland" Nick Hanley

No 74 "Improving productivity in Scotland's public services" A research project by Jo Armstrong

No 75 "Is an Enlightened Society Still Possible? Hume and the Rise of Fundamentalist Religion" Presidential Address 2007 Lord Stewart Sutherland

No 76 "Improving productivity in Scotland's public services - Policy Lessons" Jo Armstrong (follow-up to research project)

No 77 "The Economics of New Immigration to Scotland" Professor Robert Wright, University of Strathclyde

No 78 "The Unfinished Agenda of Constitutional Change" The Hume Lecture 2008 Brian Taylor, Political Editor, BBC Scotland

No 79 "Reducing Carbon Emissions - the View from 2050" Jan Bebbington, Geoff Boulton, Martyn Evans, Campbell Gemmell, Nick Hanley, Patrick Harvie MSP, Professor George Hazel, Iain McMillan, Ian Marchant, Mike Northcott, Simon Pepper, Sue Roaf, Jim Skea, Richard Wakeford, David Watt, and a contribution from the Scottish Youth Parliament.

No 80 "Options for Scotland's Future - the Economic Dimension" Andrew Hughes-Hallett, Andrew Scott, Fabian Zuleeg, Lesley Sutton and Jeremy Peat


  1. DHI books, accessed 21 February 2009
  2. DHI Hume Monographs, accessed 21 February 2009
  3. DHI Hume Papers, accessed 21 February 2009
  4. DHI Hume Papers on Public Policy, accessed 21 February 2009
  5. DHI Hume Occasional Papers, accessed 21 February 2009