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Concept.png Deep state recruitment networkRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Future leaders in deep state structures have to come from somewhere.

People working in undemocratic deep state structures have to be recruited from somewhere. These operations carefully select and evaluate promising young people. The selection is done in the open, and membership is often worn as a badge of pride. Talents are spotted, the unruly ones are vetted out, weaknesses spotted and their personal contacts established.

Through largesse from the backers - study grants, travel and accommodation, wining and dining - a bond of dependency is created in the cadets.

The system has been particularly developed since the early 1980s, when the CIA started performing more of its work in the open, but the British Rhodes Scholarship which gives future leaders a grant to study at the University of Oxford was established in 1903.

Membership in one of these networks is often highly beneficial to ones career, and is often a first step in going the grades from deep state functionary, deep state actor to deep politician.



Page nameDescription
AIJAC/Rambam ProgramsThe Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) arranges a large number of junkets "fact-finding trips" to Israel for selected journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics. Includes similar programs.
American Council on Germany/Young LeadersDeep state recruitment network
Aspen Institute/New Voices FellowshipBill Gates-funded inattentive to groom "experts and advocates" from countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to "change public opinion and shift public policy" .
British Council/Transatlantic Network 2020A deep state recruitment network organized by the British Council
Chevening ScholarshipThe stated objective of the scheme is to build a network of friends of the UK, who will be future leaders in their countries.
Common Purpose
Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network
European Leadership NetworkIsrael lobby group of nearly 300 past, present and future European leaders. Works to foster key ties between European and Israeli leaders, and empower friends of Israel across Europe.
French-American Foundation/Young LeadersYoung Leaders of the French-American Foundation
Friends of Europelobby group
Georgetown Leadership SeminarAn annual gathering of hand-picked rising leaders from around the world, who are then "exposed to the Washington foreign policy-making process through direct contact with top level policy makers and experts."
German Marshall Fund/Young StrategistsThe CIA/deep state German Marshall Fund cultivating a cadre of emerging foreign policy leaders, with focus on East Asia
Harvard/International Seminardeep state recruitment network led by Henry Kissinger in the 1950s and 1960s
JASON InstituteDutch Atlanticist recruitment and networking platform for the security apparatus.
Marshall Memorial FellowshipFellowship program created by the CIA-close German Marshall Fund, mostly of powerful mid-level operatives
McCain Institute/Next Generation Leaders program
Munich Security Conference/Young LeadersThe Young Leaders cadre selected by the Munich Security Conference
Obama Foundation FellowsObama Foundation group that "supports outstanding civic innovators — leaders who are working with their communities to create transformational change and addressing some of the world’s most pressing problems."
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New AmericansFellowship of handpicked future US leaders from immigrant background. Financed by Paul Soros, brother of deep politician George Soros.
Rhodes ScholarLinks to the 112 Rhodes Scholars listed.
Rotary International
Soros Fellows
US/Department/State/International Visitor Leadership Program"Remarkably prescient when it comes to guessing who might one day govern the planet"
WEF/Global Leaders for TomorrowDeep state recruitment network, 1992-2003. Reinvented in Young Global Leaders, after the system was modified to remove difficult participants.
WEF/Global ShapersThe World Economic Forum grooming a cadre of Young Leaders
WEF/Young Global LeadersWEF Selecting and grooming a leadership cadre ... "the most exclusive private social network in the world"
Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership ProgrammeLeadership Programme which "cultivates the leaders of tomorrow". Founded by spooky deep state actor George Weidenfeld.
Wexner Israel FellowshipLes Wexner's Young Leaders program
World Fellows ProgramAnnual 4 month training/networking project that has run out of Yale University annually since 2002.


Related Quotations

Document:1968 Bissell Meeting“There is no doubt that some covertly funded programs could be undertaken overtly, Mr. Bissell thought. Often activities have been initiated through CIA channels because they could be started more quickly and informally but do not inherently need to be secret. An example might be certain exchange of persons programs designed to identify potential political leaders and give them some exposure to the United States. It should be noted, however, that many such innocent programs are more effective if carried out by private auspices than if supported officially by the United States government. They do not need to be covert but if legitimate private entities such as the foundations do not initiate them, there may be no way to get them done except by covert support to "front" organizations.”
European Forum Alpbach“We want to develop many (Greta) Thunbergs on many topics.”Andreas Treichl
European Forum Alpbach
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