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Interest of• Jay Dyer
• Alan Watt


Related Quotations

Hollywood“The hierarchs of Hollywoodism want to possess and control your mind, as well as that of everyone else, and this possession manifests itself whenever you think in the terms they set. And they already possess your mind, at least partly, even if you believe they don't. Every time you like to quote the Matrix in your oppositional speeches, or movies like V for Vendetta... but in this case I have bad news for you, my friend. Even the Matrix, even V for Vendetta were injected into your head by the sorcerers of Hollywoodism, they are allegories that they put into circulation, it is not your own work. And they did it for you. To help you express your dissent better. And by expressing your dissent in the exact terms they have laid out for you, you demonstrate that you are wholly part of their immaterial realm, and by doing so you make it more stable. You don't believe it? Think about it closer.”Roberto Quaglia
Hollywood“For a hundred years, Hollywood has represented the Western imagination in its cinematographic products, and in doing so it builds it, homogenizes it, sets its standards. But from what moment can we begin to call this activity of structuring our tastes and customs, a real effort at manipulation? That is difficult to establish. However, there is evidence that in recent decades US cinema is increasingly overflowing with clearly intentional elements of mass manipulation, we can identify, recognize and describe them, and these manipulation techniques are the result of extraordinary knowledge of the exact methods for how the masses of people can be conditioned. The framework is therefore of a very polished science of sociological engineering, new things, things that is not taught even in the best universities - apart from possibly some military universities of which we know little or nothing.”Roberto Quaglia
Nick Redfern“[...] has anybody heard of thought-forms? The concept of a thought-form, it is actually a Tibetan, Buddhist term in it's originality. But the idea is that if enough people, like in sort of a hive mind set, if enough people focus on something and think about something, obsessively and on and on, it can create a real world paranormal version of something that began just as a piece of fiction. [...] And if you got 100s of thousands of people all thinking about it, all obsessing about it, the theory is, then suddenly what exists in the human imagination then strides out of the imagination into the real world - and the stronger it gets, the more self aware it becomes [...]”Nick Redfern18 October 2018


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