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Charles Courtney-Clarke (pictured in 1989) political activist in Namibia

Charles Courtney-Clarke (born 10 January 1949) is a Namibian fisheries economist and political activist who was closely involved in the transition to independence from apartheid South African rule of South West Africa (Namibia) in March 1990.[1]

He was an associate of Anton Lubowski, secretary-general of the South West Africa People's Organisation, who was assassinated by South Africa's shadowy Civil Cooperation Bureau in Windhoek, Namibia on 12 September 1989.[2]

CC-C's viewpoint

The shuffling by the police and the Prosecutor-General Hans Heyman in the handling of the murder case was reason for Justice A.J. Mohamed at the 1st Inquest into Lubowski’s murder to raise a reminder in the course of his judgement that:

"the murder of Adv Lubowski is a matter of very fundamental public importance. ..... His cold blooded murder is a very serious matter. ..... The vigorous prosecution of whoever might have been responsible for this deed is clearly..... crucial to the administration and the image of Justice in Namibia. That image and that interest might prejudicially be impaired if there ever follows a perception in the public (legitimate or otherwise), that justice was defeated by procedural complexities, by legal stratagems, by tactical manoeuvres or by any improper collusion. The general community of Namibia must be able to feel that every permissible avenue to pursue the prosecution of whoever might be the killer of Mr Lubowski was followed."

The affairs of state, police, prosecution and judiciary, are so deeply manipulated by the key economic beneficiaries to the wealth of the nation - inclusive of South Africa, England and the USA - that they've now got the masses bringing down their governments - very much to their advantage to advance the creation of their "Corporate Feudal System" - my term. Be on the right side!!!

Social media

Charles Courtney-Clarke is on Facebook, where he counts Patrick Haseldine among his many friends.[3]

See also
