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He Will Not Divide Us“The Jewish word for "division" or "to divide" is Soros. #NoSoros #Shadilay”
Chris Hedges“The crisis that we face is not so much an economic crisis but a moral crisis. The utter cynicism on the part of very well paid media who have become in essence hedonists of power (which is what courtiers are) that the truth no longer matters, that that sacred contract that a great reporter makes between the viewer or the reader to tell them the truth is no longer relevant.”
Frederick Heinze“Heinze brought his copper fortune to New York and joined with C. W. Morse of the Ice Trust. Jointly they acquired control of Mercantile National Bank, using the assets of the Bank of North America already dominated by Morse. Heinze and Morse then acquired control of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, allied with the Trust Company of America and Lincoln Trust. They then incorporated a speculative vehicle, the United Copper Company. It was stock market games with United Copper that precipitated the 1907 crisis. Banks under control of the "money trust" called their loans to United Copper and began a run on the Heinze-Morse Mercantile National Bank. It is now generally agreed "that the 1907 panic was precipitated by the struggle to get rid of Heinze."”
Patrick Henningsen

“Anywhere you see the phrase, "the New Normal" – you should reject it. It's based on fraudulent premise that #COVID19 is somehow fundamentally much greater threat than other infectious diseases, when it's not.

Anyone pushing this should be confronted and publicly admonished.”

Hero image“His historical cultivation of relationships with gay leaders was one of the factors that made Dr. Fauci a darling of liberals during the early COVID crisis. Numerous other historical and personal factors induced liberals to accept Dr. Fauci without scrutiny. Blind faith in Saint Anthony Fauci may go down in history as the fatal flaw of contemporary liberalism and the destructive force that subverted American democracy, our constitutional government, and global leadership.”
Heroin“To understand this war and to understand the problems of heroin in particular, you need to grasp one core fact. In the words of Professor Arnold Trebach, the veteran specialist in the study of illicit drugs: "Virtually every 'fact' testified to under oath by the medical and criminological experts in 1924... was unsupported by any sound evidence." Indeed, nearly all of it is now directly and entirely contradicted by plentiful research from all over the world. The first casualty of this war was truth and yet, 77 years later, it still goes on, more vigorous than ever.”
Seymour Hersh“But one of the things we did, ostensibly to improve the conditions of prisoners, we demanded that the American soldiers operating in Afghanistan could only hold a suspected Taliban for four days, 96 hours. If not... after four days they could not be sure that this person was not a Taliban, he must be freed. Instead of just holding them and making them Taliban, you have to actually do some, some work to make the determination in the field. Tactically, in the field. So what happens of course, is after three or four days, "bang, bang" — I'm just telling you — they turn them over to the Afghans and by the time they take three steps away the shots are fired. And that's going on. It hasn't stopped. It's not just me that's complaining about it. But the stuff that goes on in the field, is still going on in the field — the secret prisons, absolutely, oh you bet they're still running secret prisons. Most of them are in North Africa, the guys running them are mostly out of Djibouto [sic]. We have stuff in Kenya (doesn't mean they're in Kenya, but they're in that area).”
Seymour Hersh“'We're going to change mosques into cathedrals. And when we get hold of all the oil, nobody' s going to give a damn.' That's an attitude that pervades, I'm here to say, a large percentage of the Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations Command and Stanley McChrystal, the one who got in trouble because of the article in Rolling Stone, and his follow-on, a Navy admiral named McRaven, Bill McRaven — all are members or at least supporters of Knights of Malta. McRaven attended, so I understand, the recent annual convention of the Knights of Malta they had in Cyprus a few months back in November. They're all believers — many of them are members of Opus Dei. They do see what they are doing — and this is not an atypical attitude among some military — it's a crusade, literally. They see themselves as the protectors of the Christians. They're protecting them from the Muslims in the 13th century. And this is their function. They have little insignias, they have coins they pass among each other, which are crusader coins, and they have insignia that reflect that, the whole notion that this is a war, it's culture war.”
Thomas Hetherington

“The DPP at the time, Sir Thomas Hetherington, agreed not to prosecute [Peter] Hayman, the late senior diplomat and MI6 officer, at a private meeting with his solicitor, Sir David Napley, who pleaded with the country’s top prosecutor to let his client off being charged with distributing obscene material through the post.

The disclosures are contained in a statement by Jeremy Naunton, a solicitor who worked on the case in the DPP’s office, for the inquiry into child sexual abuse. The statement is set to be presented to the inquiry panel next Wednesday when Naunton is due to be called to testify during the third week of hearings in its Westminster investigation."”

Bill Hicks“There are essentially only two drugs that Western civilization tolerates: caffeine from Monday to Friday to energize you enough to make you a productive member of society, and alcohol from Friday to Monday to keep you too stupid to figure out the prison that you are living in.”
Hidden History

“This book is a triumph. It examines the anatomy of the ruling class at a particular and crucial historical turning point, dissects and reveals its structure, identifies its membership, agents, dupes and placemen, and displays its putrid innards for all to see.

Although this book is about the first world war, and the tricks of its procurement, its importance and salience are current - for the same interests persist, and their methods - deceit, the formation and operation of occult networks, their embodiment in the Establishment, the subornment of states , law, parliaments and the flimsy veneer of pretend liberal `democracies', and the co-option and penetration of key elements of civic society, especially the civil service, academia and the media, as well as the military, to serve their personal ends - remain the crucial means by which money power dominates the globe today.

As I write, an attempt has just been made by the Establishment to bounce us into attacking Syria on its behalf, without even the fig-leaf of a `dodgy dossier'. On this occasion it has apparently miscalculated, and the UK Parliament, much to its evident amazement, has thwarted its intentions - for now. Be sure they'll be back. This book will tell you why - and how.

This evil clique have always owned governments, elected or not - and their armed forces - and they have always emplaced dictatorships - at home and abroad. They own banking and finance, because they ARE banking and finance. Their stock is secrecy, subterfuge, bribery, propaganda, threats, ruthlessness and violence. And this persistence is more than symbolic - their names, genes and continuing interests have penetrated both time and global societies, such that the direct descendents of those who unleashed the savagery of World War I, to serve their insatiable lust for power and wealth, perpetuate and extend these lusts and their means of satisfaction down to the present day, and across the globe - with continuous wars and ever-present human misery. Perpetual war is its hallmark, its order, its ultimate means of enrichment and its perennial principle instrument.

War is abhorred by most human beings, so the apparatus described above is used to `persuade' ordinary people to give up their sons, brothers, husbands to `King and Country' against a fiendish enemy that has to be manufactured and demonised -in this case Germany - 'the Huns', but subsequently the Commies, or Saddam or Islam - take your pick - any fiend will do. In contrast, for the money elite, war and the threat of war, are its stock in trade. War and preparation for war are hugely profitable in themselves (and are now just about the only industries left in the US and UK), but they are also the means, or behind the means, by which economic and political hegemony is maintained.

'Trade', and more importantly its Financial counterpart, are its front and `legitimate' businesses, but to ensure that it is carried out on their terms, war is the overt or covert enforcer. The latter is described, quaintly, as `statecraft'. Behaviours that in private individual life would be described as immoral, unethical, psychopathic and criminal, are excused, or celebrated in businessmen and statesmen alike, and ordinary men and women are made monsters and victims in their service.

As New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman so succinctly and revealingly put it: "The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technologies to flourish is called the US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps."

In other words, to make market capitalism work, you have to murder people.

At the point in history described in this book, empires were territorial, and in this particular embodiment, the elite were espousing the rule of the English-speaking white man. Since then things have moved on: Empires are still based on plunder and slavery, but its means are more commercial, financial and based on one-sided so-called `free- trade' -all backed up by the open or implicit threat of war, rather than territorial occupation. Drones and cruise missiles, rather than boots on the ground - although these will march if required.

The beneficiaries remain the same: the international ruling class. Behind formal `democratic' structures, there still stands, in the UK for example, a bureaucracy closely connected to the ruling class through the individuals going through the same private schools, exclusive universities workplaces and public institutions. They have imbibed the same culture and the same bonds of loyalty to the nation and state. They have their hands on the levers of power. This has not changed. This book exposes how it - `the secret elite' worked in the lead up to the first world war, and in doing so reveals its unchanging aims and methodologies.

This has been described as a `one-sided' book - but it is not an unbalanced one. It provides a necessary correction and counterbalance to nearly a century of establishment-biased propaganda posing as history, written largely by Establishment 'court' historians and apologists for the money elite -none of whose explanations ever made much sense. An assassination in Sarajevo? the invasion of 'neutral' Belgium (a country steeped in African blood)? How do these lead to world war? This book will tell you.

In its 361 pages, and massive, fully cited bibliography, it describes in detail how the money elites - at that time largely Anglo-American (but in fact, as today, standing above any state) plotted, connived, bribed, murdered and lied their way to procure an imperial war that served their greater ends. The bias of this book is to the truth that the elite did their best to hide. Its authors, a doctor and a leading teacher have used their considerable diagnostic, forensic and pedagogical skills to analyse a disease and present their findings with remarkable facility and verve - fully documented, convincingly argued, and wholly credible. It is a work of substantial scholarship, written in a highly accessible form and utterly, totally persuasive.

None of this is taught in our universities, where sociology does not discuss a ruling class, politics courses do not discuss the political influence of wealth, economics courses justify inequality using bad maths and worse psychology, and as this book clearly demonstrates, academic political and military history, particularly emerging from so-called elite universities, is largely propaganda written in the service of the same elites. With primary sources often `lost', destroyed or hidden. These authors have filled some of the gaps and tied together hitherto diverse material to provide a persuasive account of motives, means and methods of an ongoing criminal conspiracy against the ordinary people of the world.

In the words of Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns: "Facts are chiels that winna ding". This book is replete with facts that ding the very foundation of the Establishment to its rotten core.”

Hierarchy“I think one of the most important intellectual tasks today is to break through this assumption that hierarchies are natural, they're inevitable, that there's not much you can do to change them, and to reclaim that deeper spirit of an egalitarian quest for a more equal world in which in fact the dignity of all people can be achieved.”
Jane Hill“The annual [ British-American Project ] conference is an experience like no other – stimulating, challenging, always fun.”
Warren Hinckle“While the ADA-types and the Arthur Schlesinger model liberal kewpie dolls battled fascism by protecting their right flank with domestic Red-baiting and Cold War one-upmanship, the Ivy League delinquents who fled to the CIA – liberal lawyers, businessmen, academics, games-playing craftsmen – hatched a master plan of Germanic ambition that entailed nothing less than clandestine political control of the international operations of all important American professional and cultural organisations: journalists, educators, jurists, businessmen, et al. The standing CIA subsidy to the National Student Association was but one slice of a very complex pie.”
Lars Hinrichs“Without my networks I would be nothing”
John Hnatio“Do not believe for one minute the FBI’s pretty little webpage declaring what a good job they are doing in fighting government corruption. In my job, I have been reporting U.S. government criminal conduct against small businesses to the FBI for many years. In every case, the FBI has simply turned a blind eye to the corruption whenever it involves another federal agency. The harsh political reality of the matter is that investigating corruption in the government has fallen to last place on the list of the FBI’s priorities.”
Mae-Wan Ho“What makes genetic engineering biotechnology dangerous, in the first instance, is that it is an unprecedented, close alliance between two great powers that can make or break the world: science and commerce. Practically all established molecular geneticists have some direct or indirect connection with industry, which will set limits on what the scientists can and will do research on, not to mention the possibility of compromising their integrity as independent scientists. . The worst aspect of the alliance is that it is between the most reductionist science and multinational monopolistic industry at its most aggressive and exploitative. If the truth be told, it is bad science working together with big business for quick profit, aided and abetted by our governments for the banal reason that governments wish to be re-elected to remain in ‘power.’”
Ben Hodges“The Russians have zero, zero positive outcomes if they use a nuclear weapon. There's no benefit for them if they use it...The Army, the Air Force, all of our services are constantly training, preparing, maintaining a level of readiness to send the signal to the Kremlin that we are ready, that we are prepared....The apocalyptic sort of ending is not going to happen because even the Russians know that there's no positive outcome for them if they do that...The only benefit they get is from threatening to use it because they see that we are so concerned that they might do it; that we stop from doing things that Ukraine needs such as providing long-range weapons...After the British and the French provided long-range precision weapons to Ukraine, Russia did nothing. There was nothing they could do. And that's why I think it's just very unlikely.”
Peter Hoekstra“A Dutch journalist just asked new U.S. Ambassador Pete Hoekstra why he said there are “no go” areas in the Netherlands, where radical Muslims are setting cars and politicians on fire. Hoekstra denied it, and called the claim “fake news.” The report cut to a video clip of Hoekstra at a 2015 conference hosted by the David Horowitz Freedom Center saying: “The Islamic movement has now gotten to a point where they have put Europe into chaos. Chaos in the Netherlands, there are cars being burned, there are politicians that are being burned.” “And yes, there are no-go zones in the Netherlands,” he added in the clip. Then things got extremely weird. When the reporter pressed, Hoekstra denied using the term “fake news,” which he'd uttered moments before “I didn’t call that fake news,” he said. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.””
Hannes Hofbauer“The current right is green. It combines all the necessary ingredients for this: enthusiasm for war, cancel culture, geopolitical and cultural missionary zeal, affinity for the authoritarian state and a lot of created enemy images. The term fascism is inappropriate for them, because it contained the promise of a common people's body with corresponding isolation from the outside, coupled with an emphasis on racial superiority. The opposite is the case with the new right. It itself says what it stands for: cosmopolitanism and the emphasis on the superiority of its values form a toxic mixture with which internal repression and external expansion are justified.”
Charles Hoffe

“In a single dose of a Moderna vaccine, there are 40 trillion messenger RNA molecules...Three-quarters of these molecules leave the arm of the injection, circulate through the bloodstream, and end up in the tiny capillary vessels.

These little packages of the genes are absorbed into the cells around the blood vessels of the vascular endothelium. The packages open, the genes are released, your body then gets to work reading these genes and manufacturing trillions and trillions of COVID spike proteins.

Hoffe said even though there are 40 trillion mRNA genes, each gene can produce “many, many COVID spike proteins. And the purpose of the spike proteins is that your body recognizes this as a foreign protein and will make antibodies against it so that you’re then protected against COVID.”

But this antibody response comes at a heavy price, he said.

“The spike protein…becomes part of the cell wall of ….these cells that line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly. Now you have these little spiky bits sticking out,” Hoffe said.

From here, “blood platelets circulate in your vessels…to detect a damaged vessel and block that vessel to stop bleeding. So when the platelet comes through the capillary, it suddenly hits all these little COVID spikes that are jutting into the inside of the vessel. It is absolutely inevitable that a blood clot will form.”

Hoffe claimed the clots are “too small and too scattered” to show up on CT scans, angiograms, or MRIs, but are numerous enough to cause damage.

There’s some tissues in your body like intestine and liver and kidneys that can regenerate to quite a good degree. But brain and spinal cord and heart muscle and lungs do not. When they’re damaged, it’s permanent, like all these young people who are now getting myocarditis from these shots. They have permanently damaged hearts.

This is the terrifying concern. And not only is the long-term outlook very grim, but with each successive shot, the damage will add and add and add. It’s going to be cumulative.”

Holarchy“It is true that, in the organism (and in all biology), diverse processes are coordinated toward a common end. And it is also true that this is understandable only because a principle of interpenetration is universal in biology. The general rule is that we always find ourselves looking at wholes embedded within still larger wholes, and contexts overlapping other contexts. This is clearly evident when we consider the integrated unity of a physical body with all its cells, tissues, and organs. It may take some effort, but we have to learn to think in terms of this embeddedness of wholes and overlapping of contexts.”
François Hollande“I’m going to tell you who my adversary is. My real adversary has no name, no face, no party, he will never run for office and will never be elected — and still he will rule. This adversary is the world of finance.”
Hollywood“The great ideology of which we are only dimly aware of being subjected to in the West is Hollywoodism, a real complete system of values, models of behavior and thought, of how we should dress and what we should eat, etc. In short, an entire model of reality, to which we in varying degrees end up believing. And it is precisely those who are not aware of the purely faith-based nature of this who in no time at all finds himself a fundamentalist, that is, someone who blindly believes in his own models of reference without at all realizing their relativity. Like it or not, we are all Hollywood fundamentalists - we've watched too much American cinema and television in our lives not to be. Some will be more so than others, but no one escapes.”
Hollywood“Today, very little of our make-believe is drawn from children's games, storytelling, folktales, and fables, very little from dramas and dreams of our own making. Instead we have the multibillion-dollar industries of Hollywood and television to fill our minds with prefabricated images and themes.”
Hollywood“The hierarchs of Hollywoodism want to possess and control your mind, as well as that of everyone else, and this possession manifests itself whenever you think in the terms they set. And they already possess your mind, at least partly, even if you believe they don't. Every time you like to quote the Matrix in your oppositional speeches, or movies like V for Vendetta... but in this case I have bad news for you, my friend. Even the Matrix, even V for Vendetta were injected into your head by the sorcerers of Hollywoodism, they are allegories that they put into circulation, it is not your own work. And they did it for you. To help you express your dissent better. And by expressing your dissent in the exact terms they have laid out for you, you demonstrate that you are wholly part of their immaterial realm, and by doing so you make it more stable. You don't believe it? Think about it closer.”
Hollywood“For a hundred years, Hollywood has represented the Western imagination in its cinematographic products, and in doing so it builds it, homogenizes it, sets its standards. But from what moment can we begin to call this activity of structuring our tastes and customs, a real effort at manipulation? That is difficult to establish. However, there is evidence that in recent decades US cinema is increasingly overflowing with clearly intentional elements of mass manipulation, we can identify, recognize and describe them, and these manipulation techniques are the result of extraordinary knowledge of the exact methods for how the masses of people can be conditioned. The framework is therefore of a very polished science of sociological engineering, new things, things that is not taught even in the best universities - apart from possibly some military universities of which we know little or nothing.”
Hollywood/Predictive programming

“Cinema has an essential mystical ability to completely detach us from our physical environment and transport us to another, more vivid, realm of perception; a realm where everything is at once illusory, yet strangely real.

In film studies, anything that exists within the world of the film is known as diegesis. The cinema screen separates their fictional world from our ‘real’ world. But, actually, the diegesis seeps through the screen into our world, into our subconsciousness. It becomes part of our reality.

Key to cinemas’s power is that movies, in their slick, neatly packaged, self-contained way, serve to narrativize and contextualize the events, debates, and processes that constitute our frustratingly non-narrative world. Life rarely makes sense, but movies usually do, and in that we take comfort and, therein lies the problem – movies, no matter how realistic they are in the events they depict, are not real life. They are, at best, reflections of our reality, snapshots of it, simulations of it, skewed and distorted through the ideological framework of those who have made them.

Movies masquerade as the final word on a given topic. No matter what the subject, and regardless of how much that subject has already been written about and debated, once it is committed to film – once it has received the full Hollywood treatment – it is embedded firmly and forever into the popular consciousness. Imprinted on our psyche. Plunged into the deep wells of memory and imagination.”

Hollywood/Predictive programming

“Hollywood is the magician's wand (holly-holy) which has been used to cast a spell on the unsuspecting public. Things or ideas which would otherwise be seen as bizarre, vulgar, undesirable or impossible are inserted into films in the realm of fantasy. When the viewer watches these films, his/her mind is left open to suggestion and the conditioning process begins. These same movies which are designed to program the average person, can give the discerning viewer a better understanding of the workings and the plan of the world agenda. "Be-aware".

Predictive Programming - The power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome.”


“I can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem for children in this industry. It’s the big secret. I was surrounded by [pedophiles] when I was 14 years old. Literally. Didn’t even know it, until I was old enough to realize what they were and what they wanted... They were like vultures...

There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around these groups of kids. And they all had power or connections to great power in the entertainment industry... There is a lot of good people in this industry, but there is also a lot of really, really sick and corrupt people... They have gotten away with it for so long that they feel they are above the law. And that’s got to change.”

Renate Holzeisen“[...] the so-called COVID-19 vaccines, according to official approval documents of the EMA and European Commission (see, among others, on the website of medicinal human register), were not developed and approved for the prevention of infection with the virus SARS-COV-2, but are intended to act solely as prevention of a more severe course of the disease COVID-19 and were also conditionally approved solely for this purpose. It is therefore clear from the official approval documents that these substances cannot break the chain of infection, because the persons treated with them can become infected and thus infectious. Furthermore, practice proves that already fully "vaccinated" persons become infected with the virus and even have an equally high viral load as "unvaccinated" persons (see most recently CDC, among others). Thus it is clear that any COVID-19 "vaccination compulsion" - apart from the fundamental right and unconstitutionality - also factually lacks any justification. All pressure, even moral pressure (alleged act of solidarity with the next person) proves to be relevant in terms of criminal and liability law, if only on the basis of the official admission documents! Especially as a lawyer advising on corporate law, I strongly recommend every employer to refrain from a COVID-19 vaccination pressure/vaccination compulsion, because most of them are obviously not even aware of the far-reaching legal consequences associated with it.”

“Panama's chief of government, Omar Torrijos, foresaw this meltdown and understood its implications back in 1978, when I was an economic hit man (EHM). He and I were standing on the deck of a sailing yacht docked at Contadora Island, a safe haven where U.S. politicians and corporate executives enjoyed sex and drugs away from the prying eyes of the international press. Omar told me that he was not about to be corrupted by me. He said that his goal was to set his people free from "Yankee shackles," to make sure his country controlled the canal, and to help Latin America liberate itself from the very thing I represented and he referred to as "predatory capitalism."

"You know," he added, "what I'm suggesting will ultimately benefit your children too." He explained that the system I was promoting where a few exploited the many was doomed. "The same as the old Spanish Empire — it will implode." He took a drag off his Cuban cigar and exhaled the smoke slowly, like a man blowing a kiss. "Unless you and I and all our friends fight the predatory capitalists," he warned, "the global economy will go into shock." He glanced across the water and then back at me. "No permitas que te engañen," he said ("Don't allow yourself to be hoodwinked.")

Three decades later, Omar is dead, likely assassinated because he refused to succumb to our attempts to bring him around, but his words ring true. For that reason I chose one of them as the title of my latest book, Hoodwinked.”

Jacob G. Hornberger“Contrary to everything our rulers tell us, and everything that our schoolteachers are teaching the children of this nation, the biggest threat to the lives and well-being of the American people lies not with some foreign government. The biggest threat to the American people today lies with the United States government.”
Edward Mandell Housethe President is to perpetuate the slavery of Americans. By design we have been kept bankrupt and insolvent by an ancient, evil system of pledging. Central Banksters have been profiting at our expense for over 70 years.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard“One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard“This act is as horrible as killing a cancer cell. It must be done for the sake of the future of the whole. So be it: be prepared for the selection process which is now beginning. We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed… The destructive one fourth must be eliminated from the social body.””
Human rights“Ironically, in light of its long-stated commitment to upholding human rights at home and in its foreign policy, the US government today poses a threat to the universality of human rights.”
Human sacrifice“While documentation of the widespread existence of Satanic human sacrifice cults is lacking, evidence of other forms of systematic human sacrifice is available. Two examples in modern history are the Catholic Inquisition, a human sacrifice cult of a religious-theological nature, and the Third Reich, a human sacrifice cult of a military-political nature. (In calling the Inquisition and the Third Reich cults, I am using the word in a broad, informal, and unscholarly sense, to mean an organized group driven by a well-elaborated theological doctrine, which for the Nazis was Aryan racial mysticism.) The fact that the Catholic Inquisition and the Third Reich were both run by middle-class, Caucasian, educated individuals from Judaeo-Christian cultures suggests that it is psychologically possible for ordinary middle-class citizens to be perpetrating such crimes in North America today, especially given the high level of violence in contemporary Western societies.”
Human trafficking“Our priorities arc mixed up. If someone steals a car, he can be traced and caught because we have a computer system for tracing stolen cars. But children apparently aren't that important to us.”
Samuel Huntington“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.”
Douglas HurdNATO is one of the principal props which have allowed Britain to punch above its weight in the world.”
Will Hutton“Along with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Conference, this (the World Economic Forum) is one of the key meetings of the year. No policy is made here; it is all talk, some of it banal and platitudinous. But the consensus established is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide”
Hypocricy“At the same time that the US is equipping nearly half the world with deadly weapons, profiting to the tune of $36.2 billion, its leaders have also been lecturing American citizens on the dangers of gun violence and working to enact measures that would make it more difficult for Americans to acquire certain weapons.”
Hypocrisy“let me formulate a thesis. The thesis is that we are all total hypocrites on any issue relating to terrorism. Now, let me clarify the notion "we." By "we," I mean people like us — people who have enough high degree of privilege, of training, resources, access to information — for whom it is pretty easy to find out the truth about things if we want to. If we decide that that is our vocation, and in the case in question, you don't really have to dig very deep, it's all right on the surface. So when I say "we," I mean that category. And I definitely mean to include myself in "we" because I have never proposed that our leaders be subjected to the kinds of punishment that I have recommended for enemies. So that is hypocrisy. So if there are people who escape it I really don't know them and have not come across them. It's a very powerful culture. It's hard to escape its grasp. So that's thesis number one, we are all total hypocrites, in the sense of the gospels, on the matter of terrorism. The second thesis is stronger, namely, that the first thesis is so obvious that it takes real effort to miss it. In fact, I should go home right now because it is obvious [...] Well, from all of this an obvious conclusion follows: there is an operational definition of terrorism, the one that is actually used — it means terror that they carry out against us — that's terrorism, and nothing else passes through the filter.”
Norbert Häring“A fact-checking scene coordinated from the United States, paid for by the EU and supported by the federal government ensures that all media are supplied with narrative-faithful agency reports on important topics, which they disseminate, and remain true to the narrative prescribed from above in their own reports and comments. From this point of view, it also explains why the fact checks are often so openly tendentious and the arguments are borderline retarded. It's not primarily about convincing someone with these fact checks. Its main function is to announce to the media landscape what are the topics on which a narrative must be respected and what this narrative is.”
ID2020“Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?”
ID2020“Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”
ID2020“At the ID2020 Alliance summit last September [2019] in New York, it was decided that the “Rising to the Good ID Challenge” program would be launched in 2020.”
ID2020“We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people... To be clear, we’re trying – through the shut-down in the United States – to not get to one percent of the population infected. We’re well below that today, but with exponentiation, you could get past that three million [people or approximately one percent of the U.S. population being infected with COVID-19 and the vast majority recovering]. Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person... Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly. You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”
IGO“Well after Argentina went bust in 1991 it offered most of its creditors about thirty-five cents on the dollar. About ninety percent of these people accepted that but some of them didn't and they tried to sue the bank In Switzerland because that's where its headquarters, but the Swiss courts and I think also the Swiss Federal Council have said that the bank is founded by an international treaty. It is inviolable: it cannot be sued.”