Category:Wikipedia's Censorship

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This is similar to the category of examples of Category:Wikipedia's Gaps, but is reserved for Wikipedia pages which are subject to consistent efforts to purge information or interpretations. Use it if any of the following are true:
  1. Sensitive content is summarily removed from the page with minimal explanation
  2. The page history reveals persistant efforts to remove a valid point of view
  3. The page was deleted from Wikipedia (often applies to individual dissidents who are blacklisted by commercially-controlled media, with a spurious claim of 'non-notifiability')

The best way to detect censorship is to try to add the censored content back into Wikipedia yourself and see what happens...

Wikipedia-logo-Bias.png Bias Wikipedia-logo-Censorship.png Censorship Wikipedia-logo-Gaps.png Gaps Wikipedia-logo-Spin.png Spin Wikipedia-logo-Obfuscation.png Obfuscation